Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Artisan skill and other stuff

I've spend the better part of the day doing artisan stuff and here are some thing I would like :
1. Artisan skill that help you find resources
2. Ability to craft basic tool of every level, everywhere;
3. Reconsidering the banking system
Here are my point
Artisan skill that help you find resources
Simply, it would be nice if you could unlock some way to make gathering easier. The world is vast and there's not a lot of difference in-between the different type of resource. Most rock look like most rock, most stone look like most stone, etc.. Having the ability to see some resource better would be nice. This could also bring some feeling of progression.
Ability to craft basic tool of every level, everywhere;
Maybe this can stop to apply at a certain point, but I feel like at least for apprentice - being able to craft tool everywhere would be nice. It is a quality of life improvement at that point.
Reconsidering the banking system
I've read the post about the banking system that is currently in workshop and I think it needs a rework. From what I could understand the banking system as design has two goal :
1. Make material as dependent as possible of the warehouse system;
By doing so, the player keep material inside the warehouse of the node and thus create an incentive for node war to happen.
2. Increase player interaction with other ingame system (player-base, or game-base);
Limit the amount of autonomy a player has. Also reduce the probability of seeing alt-exploit
But it does also create a negative experience such as :
1. People need to move their resource themself in order for them to be accessible elsewhere on the map;
2. People need to own home in order to trade material with their alt;
3. People can send gear by mail, but no material;
Overall, it does remember me a law professor told me about designing system which is : "Do not allow something to be done in multiple steps if it is not permitted to be done in a single step". In simple term, If you don't want my gear to leave my warehouse, make it lock tight. Don't just make it hard for me to. Also, on the other hand, if you want me to do it - just make it simple and stop adding condition.
Currently I feel like the system are design to make it hard for a player.
(small edit)
As far as I'm concern, I would be ok with a tax for material and gear being transfer from one warehouse to another. Something like 18% of the material are to be given to the node warchest (10% locally, 8% recipient). Same when I move it by mail. Same when I move it to an alt. That way the war chest of each nodes stay interesting the more I use it. It also help create more incentive for node war around the world.
Also add the capacity to create tax on the different crafting station. That way someone who's crafting gear automatically help build the war chest. That may be increase by the mayor in order to help achieve building. The split would automatically be (30% war chest, 70% node).
That way the more interesting node always have a double incentive. The tax system could also be something that non-citizen do have to pay more then local one.
Take care guys,
I've spend the better part of the day doing artisan stuff and here are some thing I would like :
1. Artisan skill that help you find resources
2. Ability to craft basic tool of every level, everywhere;
3. Reconsidering the banking system
Here are my point
Artisan skill that help you find resources
Simply, it would be nice if you could unlock some way to make gathering easier. The world is vast and there's not a lot of difference in-between the different type of resource. Most rock look like most rock, most stone look like most stone, etc.. Having the ability to see some resource better would be nice. This could also bring some feeling of progression.
Ability to craft basic tool of every level, everywhere;
Maybe this can stop to apply at a certain point, but I feel like at least for apprentice - being able to craft tool everywhere would be nice. It is a quality of life improvement at that point.
Reconsidering the banking system
I've read the post about the banking system that is currently in workshop and I think it needs a rework. From what I could understand the banking system as design has two goal :
1. Make material as dependent as possible of the warehouse system;
By doing so, the player keep material inside the warehouse of the node and thus create an incentive for node war to happen.
2. Increase player interaction with other ingame system (player-base, or game-base);
Limit the amount of autonomy a player has. Also reduce the probability of seeing alt-exploit
But it does also create a negative experience such as :
1. People need to move their resource themself in order for them to be accessible elsewhere on the map;
2. People need to own home in order to trade material with their alt;
3. People can send gear by mail, but no material;
Overall, it does remember me a law professor told me about designing system which is : "Do not allow something to be done in multiple steps if it is not permitted to be done in a single step". In simple term, If you don't want my gear to leave my warehouse, make it lock tight. Don't just make it hard for me to. Also, on the other hand, if you want me to do it - just make it simple and stop adding condition.
Currently I feel like the system are design to make it hard for a player.
(small edit)
As far as I'm concern, I would be ok with a tax for material and gear being transfer from one warehouse to another. Something like 18% of the material are to be given to the node warchest (10% locally, 8% recipient). Same when I move it by mail. Same when I move it to an alt. That way the war chest of each nodes stay interesting the more I use it. It also help create more incentive for node war around the world.
Also add the capacity to create tax on the different crafting station. That way someone who's crafting gear automatically help build the war chest. That may be increase by the mayor in order to help achieve building. The split would automatically be (30% war chest, 70% node).
That way the more interesting node always have a double incentive. The tax system could also be something that non-citizen do have to pay more then local one.
Take care guys,