Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Yatty's Ideal PvX

Lets be honest. PvP Right now can feel very oppresive.
This will be leviated once the map is larger, there is more content and more players.
I think that the Leading POI's (highest level/newest) should be autoflag/In lawless for the leading guilds to be constantly competing for it. While the more relaxed players who wont be there anyways have free rains over the "Older" POI's.
This will speed up the ones behind as they wont have to contest while the leading group will be slowing down as they are fighting eachother for contesting the new stuff.
This will be leviated once the map is larger, there is more content and more players.
I think that the Leading POI's (highest level/newest) should be autoflag/In lawless for the leading guilds to be constantly competing for it. While the more relaxed players who wont be there anyways have free rains over the "Older" POI's.
This will speed up the ones behind as they wont have to contest while the leading group will be slowing down as they are fighting eachother for contesting the new stuff.
caravan pvp wise I think as a citizen of a node all the citizens of your node should be auto flagged for defence of your caravan as soon as you enter your node region of residence. Imo this would promote actually working together as a node and also making attacks on caravans earlier in routes to reduce the impack of players feel like tey wasted their time on long caravan trips.
as for the POI pvp situation. currently the flagging system is flawed and I think thats due to not having the entire corruption system in the game. Currently as it stands there is 0 reason to go corrupted what so ever in the game. just let the person kill you so they go corrupted or they just won't bother.
when corruption has the tiers implemented players will be able to fight for spots by going corrupted with the only risk of being hunted by the bounty system instead of straight up gear loss.
the current system is bad and introduces corruption baiting and mob griefing tactics to move players. I don't agree with players who made the choice to use these methods but I can see why they felt the need to in some instances.
alot of the flagging systems need work, open world and caravans
Instead, it might be fun for such a dominant guild to require increasing effort to maintain control of an area over time. There would need to be a trade-off for that cost though, like improved drop rates/quality over time maybe?
For a pvx game to succeed they need to plan out mechanics that are fun for one dimensional pvp players as well as one dimensional pve players. The pvx portion always lands between those two dynamics in my view.
It sounds as if you want to restrict access to the highest level and newest leading POIs for the PVE players which does not sound like something that fits with Steven's vision of a true PVX game.
The current corruption system can be improved in a couple ways to increase players willing to flag up more in the open world.
The first is to eliminate corruption for killing mounts as people are using mounts to increase the chance of corrupting someone. Add a turnoff in settings for damaging mounts.
The second is to add a better timer for someone unflagging. Many players (2 I personally know in one day alone), have gone red during a fight where the person toggled off their PVP flag during the fight and someone mid-cast or swing killed them. The timer for this needs to be longer and if a player is engaged and hits alt/F during a fight, he/she should not go to non-combatant status until a 30 seconds or more AFTER combat stops. The timer is too short and needs to reset while engaged in combat.
As far as forcing out PVE or weaker/lower level players from a resource you want, flag up and take the penalty for doing so or outsmart/skill/dps those that are unwilling to flag.
A bit selfish that you want to auto flag everyone, including PVE players, to protect your caravan. 🤣 Why should citizens of a node be forced to defend someone's personal caravan?
Caravans are an opt-in pvp event for a reason and the people that choose to run them should be accountable for making sure they are defended. And by defending, I am not referring to forcing and enslaving people of their node that are not interested in doing caravans to do the defending for them.