Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Crafting Signature

Hey Guys,
I have not seen this topic anywhere yet (maybe I overlooked it), but I would like to ask for signatures on the crafted Items, either in the form of the crafters name or in the form of a sign that is individual for each crafter (name would be easier I think).

The reason for this is that I played a game like this before and I was crafting quit a bit of beginners equipment and selling it over the market board (which is somewhat anonymous), In that game non-endgame equipment was mostly used to create some kind of orbs that were used to upgrade end game equipment.
So most crafted gear was not really used because the gear itself was usefull.
That made crafting somewhat monotone and it was a bit of an "just for the money" thing. But one day when I was leveling one of my low level classes I checked out our Tanks equipment, she was just leveling her Marauder and when I looked at her Weapon my name was standing ther (I mean what are the chances for that?), that made me really Happy and Satisfiet because suddenly my work was not just some orb trash but actually really usefull for someone.

I just think this kind of "event" where you group up with someone and suddenly see that this person is using an Item you crafted is really cool and I would like if that could happen in this game.

Thanks for reading,


  • great idea i appreciate the signature a lot maybe if someone is famous his weapons sell for more hehe or less if he is hated :-)
  • That sounds like a neat little addition to what we hopefully get as a crafting system. A little detail to further immortilize your name as a crafter. Imagine you got your name stuck on a full group of skilled pvpers, you could use that as marketing for yourself "personal supplier for xxx"
    Haha, I would love to see that.
  • I have to admit this is one of the best ideas I've recently seen here. As Steven said: "If everyone's a master crafter then no one is" so there will probably be some kind of crafters hierarchy and this would definitely help making name in the game's crafting scene.
  • I cant remember what games I've played that did this but I always liked it. It was nice if your friend you something and it had their name on it, or you know it was cool when people are walking around with your crafted name on things as well.
  • I had another post earlier with this idea of better crafters actually being able to make a name for themselves. I would like if their gear even became recognizable. I was thinking back in the day in wow I would make my own crest and wear it around. Why couldn't I make gear with my own unique crest and color scheme? Also the higher you level the better gear you can make. Maybe only a few players actually make it to the top level. A guild in the game might be recognizable by their unique silver, maroon, and black gear for instance with a hawk on the shield for example. Why have guilds simply be differentiated by the nameplate when you could offer a system that lets us simply tell by the way they are dressed? There is a lot of possibilities to work with here and I hope they are listening. Some toon named Ulfhbert made my boar head sword that is slaying foes on the battlefield. Now that would be a cool thing to say!
  • They do this in EQ2.
  • We know having your mark or name on the gear you create will be a thing and that you can choose the gears color scheme. Unfortunately other than that we don't know if you can engrave your name or something of the like quite yet.
  • [quote quote=7080]We know having your mark or name on the gear you create will be a thing and that you can choose the gears color scheme. Unfortunately other than that we don’t know if you can engrave your name or something of the like quite yet.

    Adding a mark or image of some sort can be replicate by others with ease, but the developers could simply add the crafter's name (which is unique).

  • Oh that is cool. I didn't know they would have gear like that. Way to go!
  • Yes, a Maker's Mark is some that should definitely be included as well as perhaps a quality rating, like "Exquisite Cheesecake made by Grandmaster Chef XXXX". So if the item is perfect it would have the highest rating such as "Exquisite" and if it has a ton of imperfections, it would be "poor".

  • DAoC had this, just the players name though.
  • I'm sure a simple "Crated by:" in the item's tooltip will suffice. I don't think it is a new concept, but it is a good addition to the game, if implemented.
  • I like it yes we need this!
  • love the way you think mate. or say being the master smith that focuses on light weapons or heavy weapons the same for armour
  • I need this too!
  • The Litrpg book "World of Valdira" had the naming you guys mentioned, but for the way how a masterpiece was crafted the main character had to go through a long and extensive quest line, training under different smiths before finally training under a master smith before he could create amazing armor. The cool thing about this is if they made professions like a separate class you could focus on instead of a hobby, it would add a lot more value to crafters who were masters in their craft for the reason that only a large amount of time dedication and focus on profession quest lines or activities would allow them to make top gear. Some people have already mentioned about specific places blacksmiths or other crafters had to adventure to or travel in order to learn and grow their profession.
  • [quote quote=10667]The Litrpg book “World of Valdira” had the naming you guys mentioned, but for the way how a masterpiece was crafted the main character had to go through a long and extensive quest line, training under different smiths before finally training under a master smith before he could create amazing armor. The cool thing about this is if they made professions like a separate class you could focus on instead of a hobby, it would add a lot more value to crafters who were masters in their craft for the reason that only a large amount of time dedication and focus on profession quest lines or activities would allow them to make top gear. Some people have already mentioned about specific places blacksmiths or other crafters had to adventure to or travel in order to learn and grow their profession.


    i like this crafting should be a completely different play style. not something you poor x hours into it you can now make the best armour which takes 150 ingots... something customizable would be cool
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