Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What are we testing now?

We are in an Alpha 2 and this means we need to help DEV to test stuff out and help them see how the game runs. We try handing them all kinds of suggestions, positive and negative feedback and hope they use it to make the game far so good.

But what do we test now?

MY first suggestion is to upgrade the xp and cash we earn with a kill massively. Why you want to bore alpha 2 players who help testing with endless grinding is pointless.

Questing is be honest. Its the same system New World got and they got flamed. After first month almost 80% of the players left that game and never return. AoC is heading same direction doing this.
people only want to repeat the same quest a few times before they decide watching grass grow is more fun. I hope they add waaaay more and different quests.

Grinding is tested to the max. Every one needs to do it...and i guess they see that it works.The only down side is that even now some spots are so heavy crowded people fight over who gets to kill what mob.

Grief system works...and what i hear one side enjoys it...stealing from your fellow players is something they like. The rest hate it. Stealing in pvp i could understand...but in pve and high levels who steal from lower levels cause its easy money is bad.
They could put in a timer...lets say 5 minutes that you can get your stuff back or so...but then the idiots start to camp corpses to over and over kill the lower players. THIS is why most games dont do this. Its bad for the game and normal players will say bye bye pretty soon.

PvP not seen at all. Caravans i see and join never get attacked. Everyone ignores it. The one time we got attacked it was by the one guild that does pvp.
No keep attacks. No town attacks. Nothing. The only thing we see are the loot stealing players who attack much lower level players to farm them. 25 years of pvp and this is what we see. I hope it gets better.

Players who are new to pvp get no option to learn how it works.Make some battlegrounds where they can learn it. make it level restricted so lets say first one lvl 10 to 15...second 16 to 20 etc.
Have the different types of pvp the end game will have in it so by the time they reach it they know how it works. This also ad another dimension to the game.

Crafting is fun....but could be a lot better. Its way to complicated and if you not familiar with any off it i wish you good luck.
Also some connections are odd.
If you train a wolf or so you have to chop lumber to Fuel ?????? the beast so you ca ride him...well 50% of the time . You might get a pointless mount for most who is for the caravans. bye bye cash, times and the wood you chopped.

Bosses that are never up. For weeks now i try to kill Ted...well Ted is always on vacation. IF you are lucky and he is here and someone kills him..better delete the quest cause he will not return. Same with many other bosses.

Drag mobs trough other players to get them killed. Works like a charm. We see players do this to wipe a group...then steal the loot off their corpses and take over the spot...but mostly run off before getting caught.
Grief in ultimo style and your not marked pvp before you kill the entire the time they are back after the took off with all the loot.
This can easy be fixed if its not suppose to do it.

So AoC tell us what you aim for next...what you want us to test and what is going to change.


  • CawwCaww Member, Alpha Two
    our patience?
  • Its_MeIts_Me Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 11
    You are testing anything available in game.

    If your character has issues with movement or combat, report it. If you see a tree in the middle of the road, report it. If you see mobs not attacks after engaged, report it. If you see a node that cannot be gathered. report it. If you see terrain that is not complete, report it. If you find a quest that does not work, report it. If you find an issue crafting, report it. If you see an issue with pvp, flagging or corruption, report it.

    I could go on with a thousand examples, but it really is not needed as your post is not structured in a way that you want guidance, it is more of a complaining post.

    As a tester, I have things to report constantly in this alpha so the fact that you have to ask concerns me a bit.
  • Its-me thats stuff i also report...
    but alpha is also about testing the rest off the game.

    Bug reporting doesnt stop in alpha or beta later goes on always...and i do that.

    But maybe they want to test large scale battles
    maybe they want to test multiple group battles in pve
    Lower, mid and high level dungeons on different ways
    Damage balance between classes tested by players in large raids...50 to 100+ battles
    Damage testing in all types of pvp settings
    If you make crafting in testing easy you have more players testing it and you find more bugs and other issues.

    Testing is more then just bugs...its testing a game before they hope to get over 1 million players.

  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 11
    Roanator wrote: »
    MY first suggestion is to upgrade the xp and cash we earn with a kill massively. Why you want to bore alpha 2 players who help testing with endless grinding is pointless.

    Grinding levels is playing the game … not testing game systems.

    If you paid for an Alpha Key or Pre-order Pack just to grind to the level cap (and then claim there’s nothing to do) … you probably wasted your money.
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Roanator wrote: »
    MY first suggestion is to upgrade the xp and cash we earn with a kill massively. Why you want to bore alpha 2 players who help testing with endless grinding is pointless.

    Grinding levels is playing the game … not testing game systems.

    If you paid for an Alpha Key or Pre-order Pack just to grind to the level cap (and then claim there’s nothing to do) … you probably wasted your money.

    That's the problem though, if you want to test the other systems you HAVE to grind levels first. Want to test your class abilities for bugs? You have to level up. Want to test the crafting system? You have to grind for mats and gold which is the same grind you do to level up. Want to test things like node wars or caravans? You have to level up the nodes which involves grinding.

    As it stands, everything in the game revolves around grinding mobs, either to level up your character, level up the node or get materials to test the other parts of the game.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    Its_Me wrote: »
    If you see a tree in the middle of the road, report it.

    * groans in Annoyance over exactly that happening * . :sweat_smile:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • lukedawukelukedawuke Member, Alpha Two
    treasure maps
  • AirborneBerserkerAirborneBerserker Member, Alpha Two
    My wife's patience.
  • VolgarisVolgaris Member, Alpha Two
    Roanator wrote: »
    We are in an Alpha 2 and this means we need to help DEV to test stuff out and help them see how the game runs. We try handing them all kinds of suggestions, positive and negative feedback and hope they use it to make the game far so good.

    But what do we test now?

    MY first suggestion is to upgrade the xp and cash we earn with a kill massively. Why you want to bore alpha 2 players who help testing with endless grinding is pointless.

    Questing is be honest. Its the same system New World got and they got flamed. After first month almost 80% of the players left that game and never return. AoC is heading same direction doing this.
    people only want to repeat the same quest a few times before they decide watching grass grow is more fun. I hope they add waaaay more and different quests.

    Grinding is tested to the max. Every one needs to do it...and i guess they see that it works.The only down side is that even now some spots are so heavy crowded people fight over who gets to kill what mob.

    Grief system works...and what i hear one side enjoys it...stealing from your fellow players is something they like. The rest hate it. Stealing in pvp i could understand...but in pve and high levels who steal from lower levels cause its easy money is bad.
    They could put in a timer...lets say 5 minutes that you can get your stuff back or so...but then the idiots start to camp corpses to over and over kill the lower players. THIS is why most games dont do this. Its bad for the game and normal players will say bye bye pretty soon.

    PvP not seen at all. Caravans i see and join never get attacked. Everyone ignores it. The one time we got attacked it was by the one guild that does pvp.
    No keep attacks. No town attacks. Nothing. The only thing we see are the loot stealing players who attack much lower level players to farm them. 25 years of pvp and this is what we see. I hope it gets better.

    Players who are new to pvp get no option to learn how it works.Make some battlegrounds where they can learn it. make it level restricted so lets say first one lvl 10 to 15...second 16 to 20 etc.
    Have the different types of pvp the end game will have in it so by the time they reach it they know how it works. This also ad another dimension to the game.

    Crafting is fun....but could be a lot better. Its way to complicated and if you not familiar with any off it i wish you good luck.
    Also some connections are odd.
    If you train a wolf or so you have to chop lumber to Fuel ?????? the beast so you ca ride him...well 50% of the time . You might get a pointless mount for most who is for the caravans. bye bye cash, times and the wood you chopped.

    Bosses that are never up. For weeks now i try to kill Ted...well Ted is always on vacation. IF you are lucky and he is here and someone kills him..better delete the quest cause he will not return. Same with many other bosses.

    Drag mobs trough other players to get them killed. Works like a charm. We see players do this to wipe a group...then steal the loot off their corpses and take over the spot...but mostly run off before getting caught.
    Grief in ultimo style and your not marked pvp before you kill the entire the time they are back after the took off with all the loot.
    This can easy be fixed if its not suppose to do it.

    So AoC tell us what you aim for next...what you want us to test and what is going to change.

    Testing how much BS you'll put up with before you stop "playing" in a test environment. This is valuable data, it'll show them how much tolerance you have, so they'll know what they can get away with in the future.

    I jest... i hope... but who knows... that's why i stopped. Nothing else to test. Phase 2 is basically the same as Phase 1. Maybe Phase 3 will bring some worth while changes. I will be checking out the rogue when it's out. Until then I'll be playing games that are actually playable. Actual test is real work, and we ain't getting paid, we paid to do it, so if you stop having fun and/or run out things to actually test, just put it on pause.

    Great question and great points!
  • DeanStomDeanStom Member, Alpha Two
    They oprob made u grind so they can test how long it takes and combat systems
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