Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Forced pvp caused by war
The town I am a citizen of went to war when I was offline. When I came back the war was on and there where multiple lvl 25s camping my hometown. I consequently died before my game had even rendered all the way costing me a living blue rarity bear material, I planned on making into a beast of burden. This death both felt cheap as it will cost me xp and time but also unfair as I had no way of knowing there was a war until I was already dead. i feel there needs to be an opt in feature for wars or at the very least spawn protection for a few mins on log in to give time to offload mats or leave a conflict zone if that's your preference. As it stands, I'm now stuck not playing since my home spawn point and closest spawn are the same and it is being camped so I'm stuck waiting for the war to end this was a massive turn away for my desire to play which was my plan for this evening for myself and my brother.
you can also opt out by dropping citizen ship too and join back up when timer done
That a handful of players can camp inside towns and kill anyone logging in is just a terrible situation, and hopefully just a bug or oversight about to be fixed.
This is bs option.
A main perk of citizensjip is extra storage. What happens to that storage and everything in it?
Node wars shouldn't be able to take place within town.
Griefing is not a violation of TOS. This is to be expected in a Node/Guild War.
The expected response is to have other people come help you. Unless the most powerful people on the server are the ones doing it then log off.
This IS the intended result. Level 25 players killing level 12 players is OWPvP.
The issue is node wars and any war in genaral right now completely favors the attacks. Walk into town with your attacking force go go to storage and crafting benches and market place hit the declare war button spam aoe instantly wiping one side due to they dont have any warnings what sp ever or time to prepare where attacks do, now go to the respawn point and perma kill them over and over again due to it being the closest spawn location and most likely there home point aswell cause logicaly you would have the home point set to your citizened node and they dont have any option to spawn anywhere else.
Wars are not wars there bloodbaths in there current form and it 100% favors attacking sides in every situation atm. Some easy fixes to this issue
1 - Have a warnig timer when a war is declared there a 15-30 minute grace period for defenders to also group up and prepare a defence so there actualy a fight
2- Allow people to always have 2 respawn locations to use if there closest stone is also there home node location the closest option should now be the 2nd closest stone so they can spawn at there home node or there 2nd closest node the rezz options should never both be the same spawn to allow options to no be spawn camped and allow a side to regroup.
3- log in protection timer (im not sure if this is in place yet but you need to be invunerable from pvp for 30 seconds or so when loading in so u have the option to actualy load into game before dieing/option to nope out if u happe n to log into a node war and have shit in your inventory due to crafting the day before still
this is steven response is to drop citizen if u dont wanna be appart of a node war. Also if u drop citizen the citizen the bank tab just disapears it not gone when u rejoin citizenship after the timer the items are still there from your second tab btw if you were not aware. it does lock u out of that tab though for 30 hours due to CD for rejoining but all items will still remain when u rejoin again.
Lets say this is the intended end state of PvP. What happens when a "Group" of players ( i won't use guild here) get so powerful they can wipe any node out without any real resistance? People will generally flock to the winning side, only making this group larger and more powerful. Sure you can have streamer vs streamer wars, which might be fun, but probably won't be. Most PvP servers in MMOs end up extremely unbalanced. For either side this won't be fun. If there's no real fight to be had then whats the point in fighting, just the rewards, so don't build out Nodes unless you're with a large Group. Just use their Nodes. Literally Ignore all the Node stuff, that's a big bit of the game. So it's a "Go Big or Go Home" mentality? I hope you're wrong but if not the game isn't going to keep any PvE focused players. Too much hinges on PvP and PvP is made for LARGE groups. and ALL the Largest Groups are ran by streams. So it's a game designed for streamers. IF that's the case I'd rather smash balls in a waffle iron than play it.
And pay a ton of extra taxes when you rejoin after that. Not a great option IMO
I don't think leaving guild/citizenship should be treated as a yo-yo - a cheap way of avoiding interacting with the game's systems/mechanics.
I don't disagree with you just so you know.
Heres what the response will be.
1. Giving a warning period would allow you to set up your side to in an unfair way.
2. People would use this to fast travel.
3. Pretty sure this is in the game already. But if not it's something likely to be abused by someone and removed.
I basically agree with everything. Not just that but most PvPers will be lost as well. the game isn't a PvX game it's an OWPvP game. It just calls itself a PvX game because it will pull more people in and is technically true.
I'm okay with killing in town. But the guards need to be on that person. And the person/s need to be "Wanted" by that node until some form of justice is served. As it is now you just gank loot and run. Trade your gear then die. Even if trading is turned off, just gank afk people in town with trash gear. Nothing like coming back after taking a duece see your corpse. and your mats gone because you were processing...
Some system to make that node hostile to that person/s for an X time or until they clear some condition.
This would still allow town killing, which would be a challenge for same someone from Node A to go to Node B and kill players there. I'd enjoy that either way, as the killer or the victim. Time to kill is to low in most cases, and people can ID the victims class just by selecting them. But a rogue getting hired by a player to go kill another player because someone was ganked while gathering mats would awesome. You can still do this, but the challenge of killing someone in town is basically zero.
For all the focus on PvP it does seem to be designed for gankers and griefers. With the time sink of gathering processing, gear grinding, level grinding. the risk is more so on the 'peaceful' players than the griefers. I doubt the system as it is will make it to launch, but I'm still concerned they won't 'fix' it enough to hold enough PvE focused players to entertain the PvP players for very long. It's a sinking ship, but at least it's not out to sea.
Are there even any pure PvP MMORPGs that can be considered successful? I wonder what 'success' would be for Intrepid. I wonder if anyone has done the math on that.
Idk how to tell you this but this will definitely go live like this. This is exactly what the Wiki describes. They don't care if people are getting griefed.
To do what you suggest that would require consequences for engaging in guild wars, which the games says explicitly it's not going to do.
They want to do something different. So why not let people kill people while walking up to a crafting bench. Best way to maximize chances of stealing someone else's time.
Because that's terrible for the economy. If crafters cannot craft without getting harassed constantly (which that promotes) then there will be no economy in a player-driven economy.
We just need guards to do their jobs and actually guard the people who are attempting to craft and get attacked first (while the crafters are not flagged).
I agree that it's terribly stupid, but the more you find out about this game the more your are going to find that is their take on just about every system.
A node is basically a civilized town so how can you have a war over it and suggest the war cannot take place within it? Just wait until wars where buildings can be demolished.....
I doubt there will ever be (nor should there be) an opt-in for war. If you do not want to be involved in a node war, do not join a node. If you do not want to be involved in a guild war, do not join a guild.
War in the most basic principle should not be based on leniency for anyone, even someone just logging in or someone that has an inventory full of materials that wants to get it into storage. You can minimize risk by logging off in a more secure location or by messaging someone before logging in.
With that said, I do think there should be a period of time between when war is declared and when war begins. I do not have any specific timer in mind but I do not feel that any type of war should be immediate. Steven has stated that this (timer) is intended and just has not been implemented yet so hopefully we will see it soon.
IMO town centers should be damage immune zones. As it stands now the level of griefing that is possible (and does/will happen in town centers) is much too high, even outside of any war. Especially when there is no risk/reward, rhyme or reason for it to be possible to happen (low/mid levels being griefed have no way to defend themselves and will just die outright and lose materials to a grief, even if they have ten lvl 25 guildies right next to them).
Again if you are given a 15 minute warning then you can do things like call for help from other guilds, gather up non-guild members, or fortify positions in other ways. Which they don't want.
Albion Online's model is pretty good. No town pvp though. Town pvp is just licensed griefing imo. Ganking afk players in town will devolve into players logging out of the game constantly rather than hanging out. Puts more load on the launcher/login funnel, will make the game feel less alive, and the obvious player complaints.
Node wars are ok for it but it can't be constant griefing.
You can minimize this risk by simply not logging out in your node or finding a more secure place than the center of town such as upstairs in one of the buildings or another lower traffic area.