Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Changes to the way you choose sides on Caravans
The way that you engage with the caravan system right now feels really bad.
We need to get close to any caravan we try to attack and press attack. Bugs aside (like having to leave your party/raid to join a caravan as an attacker/defender), this creates a weird gameplay scenario where you declare as an attacker in the middle of their defender party. This also makes sneaking in and ambushing caravans impossible. If you increase the radius of the event, you end up notifying everyone in the area, even the ppl who didn't spot the caravan, that there is a caravan in the vicinity. This is also a bad thing and is not a good solution. This issue also creates a break in the gameplay flow. Instead of naturally spotting an enemy caravan and simply engaging in PVP, you need to stop, click on attack, then position yourself back or engage with the defenses in a weird positioning. It feels bad and gamey and unimmersive.
Another issue with the way it works: We were fighting a big convoy of caravans the other day. There were like ~60 caravans going for miles of road and we attacked the convoy. We didn't pick attack on every caravan because how could we. So what ended up happening is some ppl fighting some defenders while others couldn't because they didn't pick attack on that specific caravan. The same thing goes for defenders, they couldn't defend because they didn't pick defend on every single caravan. It's just a bad implementation atm.
- You need to walk around and press attack/defend on every caravan before being able to participate in the system (this is super bad for attackers and ppl who want to start defending mid pvp)
- You don't know whose caravan it is, and even worse you can't identify which caravan is connected to which event window
- There is no way to ambush/sneak attack caravans/defenders because you need to get close and click attack before engaging.
- The whole implementation feels gamey and unintuitive and creates a break in the flow of gameplay
We need to get close to any caravan we try to attack and press attack. Bugs aside (like having to leave your party/raid to join a caravan as an attacker/defender), this creates a weird gameplay scenario where you declare as an attacker in the middle of their defender party. This also makes sneaking in and ambushing caravans impossible. If you increase the radius of the event, you end up notifying everyone in the area, even the ppl who didn't spot the caravan, that there is a caravan in the vicinity. This is also a bad thing and is not a good solution. This issue also creates a break in the gameplay flow. Instead of naturally spotting an enemy caravan and simply engaging in PVP, you need to stop, click on attack, then position yourself back or engage with the defenses in a weird positioning. It feels bad and gamey and unimmersive.
Another issue with the way it works: We were fighting a big convoy of caravans the other day. There were like ~60 caravans going for miles of road and we attacked the convoy. We didn't pick attack on every caravan because how could we. So what ended up happening is some ppl fighting some defenders while others couldn't because they didn't pick attack on that specific caravan. The same thing goes for defenders, they couldn't defend because they didn't pick defend on every single caravan. It's just a bad implementation atm.
- Allow us to create a caravan convoy. When a group decides to run multiple caravans, they should be able to designate a group of caravans as a convoy, and that would make it so you only need to be a defender/attacker for the one convoy and not for all the caravans individually.
- Allow us to be flagged as a defender/attacker by simply interacting with the players/caravans. Attacking a defender/caravan should flag you as an attacker. Supporting a caravan/defender would flag you as a defender and attacking a caravan/attacker would flag you as an attacker. You should also be able to become a caravan/convoy defender in other ways like right-clicking a caravan/player or a name in the party/raid UI. This way you can easily and quickly engage with the system without having to break the flow of gameplay by going through an UI element while still having other options when necessary.
- Caravans should also have an event radius. Once you leave that radius for more than X minutes you are no longer considered an attacker/defender. You could also make it so that when players come back to the event radius they become automatically flagged as their previous flag that they had in that particular event.