Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Yesterday I tried the marketplace the first time.
Friends warned me not to do it…but I did. And it was shocking.
We have these type of games now for round 25 years…this game is in dev for years and they shown this to the testers.
I know…I know…it’s not the real thing for sure…but then it’s even worse….give us the thing you want tested…and please remove this.
What we could have in my opinion should be something like this….
1) Player markets in each town…starting in Lion. Don’t let players drive for 20 minutes to reach one.
2) Each player should be able to add and take stuff to the market at the marketplace they visit.
Now for the fun….
Taking stuff off the market in a town you are not citizen off for at least 48 hours, means you pay a tax of 10% that goes to the town and player if the players is living in that town. Town gets 4% player 6%.
Taking stuff of the market the market in a town other then the one where the players who placed it on it lives gives another 10% extra tax…same way off splitting unless you do it from your own town the. The full 10% goes to the player.
This way people don’t have to drive in the little time they have to get stuff…and players who do want to travel get a discount.
Placing items on the market in your own time cost nothing when you are a citizen for at least 5 days.
Before that it cost 5% going to that town.
People with own house get to put stuff on the market always for free.
Put items on the market and let people search by item name, how rare it is or price range or so.
I know some hate it….but many people don’t have the play time to search the market for hours because search options don’t work. They want to play…fight mobs and players…not the marketmanager.
Ashes of creation take down this market system fast and replace it with one that’s equal or better then we seen in the last 25 years.
Not one that’s the worst ever seen in a alpha or live game.
Friends warned me not to do it…but I did. And it was shocking.
We have these type of games now for round 25 years…this game is in dev for years and they shown this to the testers.
I know…I know…it’s not the real thing for sure…but then it’s even worse….give us the thing you want tested…and please remove this.
What we could have in my opinion should be something like this….
1) Player markets in each town…starting in Lion. Don’t let players drive for 20 minutes to reach one.
2) Each player should be able to add and take stuff to the market at the marketplace they visit.
Now for the fun….
Taking stuff off the market in a town you are not citizen off for at least 48 hours, means you pay a tax of 10% that goes to the town and player if the players is living in that town. Town gets 4% player 6%.
Taking stuff of the market the market in a town other then the one where the players who placed it on it lives gives another 10% extra tax…same way off splitting unless you do it from your own town the. The full 10% goes to the player.
This way people don’t have to drive in the little time they have to get stuff…and players who do want to travel get a discount.
Placing items on the market in your own time cost nothing when you are a citizen for at least 5 days.
Before that it cost 5% going to that town.
People with own house get to put stuff on the market always for free.
Put items on the market and let people search by item name, how rare it is or price range or so.
I know some hate it….but many people don’t have the play time to search the market for hours because search options don’t work. They want to play…fight mobs and players…not the marketmanager.
Ashes of creation take down this market system fast and replace it with one that’s equal or better then we seen in the last 25 years.
Not one that’s the worst ever seen in a alpha or live game.
Get rid of all the fees, taxes, time gates, and weird rules. Then, just add a tiny 0.25% listing fee (same for buy orders and sell orders). Once that’s done, let each local market have a tax set by the mayor. But if I list my items while the tax is 1%, it should stay 1% until my order expires or gets filled. That way, I’m protected if the mayor decides to jack the tax from 1% to 100%.
Entire A1 was place holder so you have. Valid point here, I know that it's an alpha, however I would expect at least some of the systems to be in a state that is not place holder, even if that comes with bugs and no polish, seems like they are just throwing something together to provide content but will just hurt us in the long run
First this game is nothing like Vanillia WoW. You could easily do quite a few things on your own in that game so long as you took the time to learn what you needed to know.
Second you are right, those systems are meant to FORCE people to act the way the devs want them to act which is a very bad way to get people to play your game. That exact attitude is what will cause people to abandon the game very quickly. Its not 1999 it's 2025, there are more then 2 options when it comes to MMOs. People wont like that they can't spend their time as they please.
It should be easy, plenty of well working systems out there.
I would love to se an auction house 12h/24h, would fit perfect for this game. Combined with local markets, for daily used items, like food, potions etc.
Move the market to a market square, so ppl can meet up and sell their stuff with local/say chat.
For example, I want to sell cupcakes next to the Carph emberspring.
This would be a non-AFK ability, deploying a cart.
Other than the obvious, quick sells, no taxes - what could be added to make this style of gameplay possible?
Non-AFK selling already exists. Just trade items and gold
The node-specific market is by design. It's goes hand in hand with node-specific storage, no fast travel, etc. It is to keep global control/disruption of the economy from happening, and also to make trade and shipping of goods via caravans necessary. This should come more into play when biome specific crafting resources are implemented. I see that making leveling crafting become even harder, so that'll be interesting.
An example of that: right now to level tailoring through tier 2 you need bluebell thread and willow boards. What if a lot of bluebell was found in one biome, but that biome had no willow. And the biome with willow has no bluebell? A huge amount of common bluebell and willow would have to move between biomes (aka nodes) to level all of the tailors.