Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Enchanting in AoC

KusaijshiKusaijshi Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Good evening all.
I have some ajustments too enchantment to make it better (in my Opinion)

1. Buing scrolls from the Vendor should be much more expansive then crafting them even in white. in my opinion evn the scribe should be making the cheapest white enchantment scrolls. everyone just buys them from the show and the scribe is more or less useless in this "field".

2. Enchanting gear give to much damage and to les Devense. Enchanting a gear piece should give like +3 or +5 Armor/Magic resist instead of 1.

3.Scaling needs to be adjusted. Enchanting a level 50 gear should give more then enchanting a Level 10 gear. so for example.
+1 on Level 10 gear gives +1 main stat (STR,DEX,INT,WIS,CON,MEN) +2 side stat (Power Rating, Crit rating etc,) and +5 Armor and magic resi
+1 on Level 20 Gear gives +1,5 Main stat + 4 side stat +8 Armor
+1 on Level 50 gear give +5 main stat +15 side +40 armor

All numbers need to be adjusted over the time but something like this should be a upgrade for the game experience i think


  • SmileGurneySmileGurney Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 19
    Enchanting level 10 gear should allow you to breach the gap between level 10 and level 20 gear. Atm enchanting level 10 gear allows you to exceed level 20 gear power, by a massive "margin". We are back to the issue with rarity gear from Phase 1 where you could 1 or 2 shot people. This isn't an MMO atm.

    If I wanted to 1 shot or 2 shot people I would go back to Counter Strike, but at least there that action requires some player ability. Oh wait, I'm already there, bb Ashes until Intrepid wakes up some time in March and patches this abomination of a design.

    Do the math, apply diminishing returns, apply soft and hard caps to the base stats. Reiterate, OFTEN.
    My lungs taste the air of Time,
    Blown past falling sands…
  • KusaijshiKusaijshi Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    im fine with heroic 10er gear + 10 better than green 20er +0 gear.
    But in a duel with both players having 10er gear +10 its just who shots first because the DMG midigation is to low. Damage scales 10 times better then defense. armor and magic resist scaling needs to be higher when + gear :D
  • ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In my opinion, they need to fix the ttk with ways that are not around gear, gear should play an aspect, maybe 25%, but nerfing gear again will just make pve unbearable.

    I hope they have something cooking for the rogue release to balance all classes, but they need to add more health, more defensive stats, more class defensives, they really need to take a look at how classes are playing right now, the strongest PvP class is a class designed for team support running around one shotting people

    I would love to see a 30 second ttk in PvP based around skill and outplay not just whose gear is better, it's wild they don't have a dueling function when this alpha is to test systems and that would be the best source of data
  • SmileGurneySmileGurney Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 20
    Kusaijshi wrote: »
    im fine with heroic 10er gear + 10 better than green 20er +0 gear.
    But in a duel with both players having 10er gear +10 its just who shots first because the DMG midigation is to low. Damage scales 10 times better then defense. armor and magic resist scaling needs to be higher when + gear :D
    I'm not. I'm fine with gaining few percent advantage on the top of rarity gear, but its too easy to stack stats atm. Diminishing returns if such exist, do f...all.

    The power gap is way too large, and Time To Kill is way too short. Power gains are so large there is no way to talk about stat balance in pvp on 1v1 or group level.

    Due to issues with other systems, caravans being money printers for some, this will just fuel a growing power gap between the dominating guilds and the rest. I want a game which pvp caters to the whole community, and not few percent of the playerbase. Unless we are aiming to have a dead game few months after the launch.

    Also systems like enchanting are a massive time and money sink. The game doesn't need more "must-have" hamster wheels hidden in other hamster wheels.

    My lungs taste the air of Time,
    Blown past falling sands…
  • KusaijshiKusaijshi Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    I think that ashes is the wrong game for you then. Steven often said that not everyone will have everything and if you get the gear you will delete the Casuals.
    There are even artefakt Weaphons later with better stats than legendary and not Everyone will be able to get one. and the gap will not be 2% or so.
    And the money things are good and there will be even more with gear repair cost recources too later :D .
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The only way to make a broken game seem playable is to break the game further. No balance to begin with. No balance at the end. Combat yet no actual combat system.
  • CyjaxCyjax Member, Alpha Two
    Agree with others that enchant stacking on gear has led to 1-2 shot PvP meta and just feels terrible. I think the enchanting system needs a complete rework and could stand to benefit from taking a close look at what the folks over at UO Outlands did with enchanting and the birth of the Arcane enchantment system. One of the big gripes I have about ashes right now is that the grind to be minimally PvP viable is just not possible for your average casual gamer.

    Proposed Design Changes:
    1) De-couple enchanting from having an effect on players who become PvP flagged. The grind for gear is heavy enough as is, we don't need some horrible BDO style RNG stat grind tossed on top just to be PvP viable.
    2) Re-design enchanting so it is not just grind to + stats on gear, instead take some inspiration from D&D and have the enchants give you some PvE specific power that can be incrementally raised. A simple example would be applying a poison effect to your weapon that can be raised up in efficacy. I'll drop a link to UO Outlands Arcane system for yall to review, they designed something very special there I think modern indy mmo's could really benefit taking inspiration from.
    3) Consider adding some cosmetic only enchants as a carrot for PvPers to chase after.

  • XeegXeeg Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 21
    Cyjax wrote: »
    One of the big gripes I have about ashes right now is that the grind to be minimally PvP viable is just not possible for your average casual gamer.

    This is exactly the problem that Guild Wars 1 was offering a solution to back in the day.
  • EndowedEndowed Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Yet another system that does wrong by Tanks.
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