Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[Multiple Character Creation Bugs/Feedback]
The following were found testing the character creator with female characters of multiple races.
- Title: Locating Eyebrow Color Difficult.
|Description:| Eyebrow color is listed under an advanced tab for beards, labelled "Beard Color" making it unintuitive to find on female models. (Even on characters who do not have beards, like non-dwarf female)
|Reproduction Steps:| Create a kaelar female/ Change the hair color under Hairstyle > Hair Base Color/ Attempt to match the eyebrows to the haircolor now, but notice there is no tab that offers that option/ Now, make and Empyrean female/ Change the hair color under Hairstyle > Hair base color/ Notice how the eyebrows do not match the hair / Go to the Facial Hair tab / Uncheck "Use Hair Color"/ Change the color in the now available "Beard Color" tab/ Notice that the eyebrow color can be edited this way, but it is not available for every race.
|Expectation| All races can select their own preferred eyebrow color, and it won't be listed under beards (especially for women) - Title: The sculpt feature on the body no longer functions
|Description:| Going to the sculpt tab does not bring up any editable overlay for bodyparts.
|Reproduction Steps:| Go to the sculpt tab of the empyrean female / Click around the bodyparts like chest, arm, leg / Notice sometimes the name on the left will change, but there are no editable options present nor are there any UI icons or overlays on the character.
|Expectation| The sculpt tab will provide a white-ish overlay of the body part you currently have selected and the section can be pulled and edited with the mouse hovered over the character, or the left side will provide sliders to edit the body part that way. - Title:The sculpt feature on faces makes it very difficult to select the eyes for sculpting
|Description:| Trying to sculpt the eye frequently selects the Brow and Cheeks panel instead.
|Reproduction Steps:| Go to the sculpt tab of the empyrean female / zoom into the face / try to select the eye / notice you are frequently selecting the Brow and Cheeks editors instead.
|Expectation:| Clicking the eye area in the sculpt tab will give you the editor for the eye. - Title: You can make a character taller, but not shorter
|Description:| The Height scale in the Body Shape editor, ranges 0-50 does not change anything. The character remains at the same height until you scale to over 50.
|Reproduction Steps:| Go to the sculpt tab of the vaelune female / Go to the Body Shape Editor tab / Drag the slider back and forth/ Notice the height locks to the same scale for ranges below 50
|Expectation:| Height ranges 1-49 will make the character smaller than height range 50 - Title: Selection difficulties with multiple large tattoos
|Description:| The current selected tattoo cannot be locked into, making it hard to select which tattoo you are editing when you have multiple large tattoos placed on the model
|Reproduction Steps:| Place three tattoos on a kaelar female model/ scale each tattoo so it is large on the character / Try to click and edit the scale of a specific tattoo with the widget in the character side / Notice instead of scaling you are frequently selecting the other tattoos and moving their location on the model.
|Expectation:| Using the character-side tattoo widget to scale is a viable option, even with multiple large tattoos present. - Title: Ø Tattoo remover is not functional.
|Description:| Placing a tattoos and then removing it with the Ø symbol, leaves the tattoos visible and present on the character instead of removing them.
|Reproduction Steps:| Go to the character creator for the vaelune female / drag and drop three tattoos onto the character of different shapes/options (each unique) / "remove" all three tattoos with the Ø symbol under the markings tab / Notice how the tattoos remain on the body
|Expectation:| the Ø symbol means none/remove and upon clicking it with a certain tattoo slot selected, the related tattoo will be removed. - Title: Thigh tattoo placement not viable.
|Description:| Dragging and dropping a tattoo on the Kaelar, Empyrean, or Vek female's thigh does not place the tattoo. (It works on Dunir and Vaelune.)
|Reproduction Steps:| Go to the Empyrean female creator / Go to the tattoo(markings) tab / Attempt to drag and drop a tattoo on the empyrean's thigh / Notice how nothing appears, but the tattoo slot is now taken, but the tattoo itself cannot be moved seen or edited on the character/ Now go to the Dunir female creator/ Go to the tattoo (markings) tab/ Drag and drop a tattoo onto the Dunir's thigh / Notice how the tattoo functions as you would expect.
|Expectation:| Placing a thigh tattoo on the Kaelar, Empyrean, or Vek functions the same as placing a thigh tattoo on a Dunir. - Title: Second leg tattoo not scaling.
|Description:| Placing two of the female vaelune's thin, vertical pointed tattoo's on opposite leg, locks out the second tattoo from being edited.
|Reproduction Steps:| Go to the Vaelune Female/ Go the the tattoo tab / Place a tattoo (the vertical tattoo with the pointed ends) on the Vaelune female's thigh / Use the character side widge to scale the tattoo up until it covers most of the leg / Attempt to place a matching tattoo (shape and size) on the opposite side / Note how the second tattoo cannot be scaled.
|Expectation:| All tattoos can be scaled to the user's preference.