Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

The Nodes System? Seems like there might be a flaw... O.o

Maybe someone can help me with this, but what happens when nodes are fully developed and more and more players start coming in? (NOT ENOUGH NODES!) The new players will be entering areas with fully developed Nodes. There isn't an infinite amount of nodes so it seems to me that a lot of players are going to get the short end of the stick in the future after the game is released :( It's like in WOW when my friends were level 70, and I was just starting -.- BUT WORSE


  • Nodes will constantly be built up and destroyed, and only so many nodes can be activated at a time you will most likely see people purposefully aiming to destroy certain nodes so they can build up a specific kind of node that they want.

    Not only that there will be world events that will contribute to a nodes develing, such as what was said in an interview, someone disturbs a dragon nest causing the brood mother to attack the nearby towns. If player are able to defeat the dragon the node will progress, but if the dragon is victorious the node will delevel.

    Only way you will see nodes never changing is if you can get an entire server of people to be at peace and stop every outside world event, which in my opinion is unlikely.
  • Yeah like Humble Puffin said the world will be constantly changing, so for newer players they will always have something they can contribute to the story of the world :)
  • And as with most mmos I'm sure there will be new lands added in the future giving newer player the opportunity to someday see a wold without already developed nodes.

    My questions with the node system and new players is will max level nodes still provide quests for brand new players and alts? Will there still be specific zones geared towards high level player no matter what the node level is? If their are high level areas will low level areas be able to build up their nodes once most players have reached "end game"? These are a few issues I could see possibly becoming game breakers with the node system
  • If they do split nodes up by level I think one great way to go about it would be instead of only allowing a specific number of nodes to be developed make it so only a specific number of nodes within a level bracket could be developed at one time to be sure players of all levels can find things to do
  • yeah as released the game will develope ofc and bring new content and areas to go to

    as well as you can destroy and rebuild nodes and i am pretty sure that the seasons will effect the nodes as well maybe its better to have node a fully build up in summer then in winter but we will see about this
  • Believe in devs, they will make it right for every player and node system will be really nice if you ask me, can't wait for more information about this.
  • Even if that happened, what excatly would be the flaw? Nodes influence the world quite a bit, but that doesn't mean it's required to be part of the nodeprogression to enjoy the game.
  • The devs also talked about the world being able to destroy nodes so like a monster attack. Right now I believe the PvE attacks are based off activity in a node. So if activity drops there may be a monster attack on that node
  • In worst case scenario, if every node is developed in every server, and there is an overall peace & prosperity out there, I am sure that the devs will open a new server instance of the game.
  • You all are forgetting that when a node grows into a village it will start absorbing the neighboring ZOIs and freezing the development of surrounding nodes so their will always be lower lvl nodes for new players to go to. You also forget questing and combat is not the onyl way to progress through the game and I mean in actually feasible way.
  • [quote quote=6723]In worst case scenario, if every node is developed in every server, and there is an overall peace & prosperity out there, I am sure that the devs will open a new server instance of the game.


    This I hope will never happen. Luckily the system makes it possible to create a little chaos inside the order. Also there's always a possibility the devs will open new servers where the node development would be slower and their devolution would be easier. Or just create an open world wide event where almost everything will be destroyed and the world needs to be re-assembled.
  • In addition, the interview Isarii had with Steven that was posted today had this to say about developed/undeveloped areas of the world. Hopefully it helps alleviate the concerns you are having, Alphakey:

    It’s occurred to me that the node system could be leading to a thematically odd situation, where the most developed portions of Ashes of Creation – its largest and most established cities – are also going to be its most dangerous areas, while the undeveloped wilds fill in more as what you’d expect from a starter experience. Am I understanding this correctly? What does the progression structure through Ashes’ world look like?

    Steven Sharif:
    You’re basically correct, but keep in mind that our populations are mixed. We don’t have a strictly level 25 zone. Instead, that zone might have some level 10 creatures near the road, some level 20 creatures deep in the forest, and some level 30 creatures up the mountain. These ratios will change based on the Nodes that inform them, becoming generally more dangerous as the Node grows. All this civilization attracts the attention of Things-That-Should-Not-Be. This does not mean that wilderness areas are safe, by any means. Some may be safe-er, but all will have dangers that even the most experienced traveler needs to watch out for. We’re also playing with the idea of Nodes having relationships with Nodes that haven’t reached level 1 (a sort of anti-Node relationship), but we’ll talk about that sometime down the road.

    The progression structure is really up to the players. We’re going to have starting areas that are relatively static compared to the rest of the world, in order for new players to get their feet wet and get used to our systems, but after that, we see players going in any number of directions. The bravest will pioneer the wilds and bring back stories of what they’ve seen. Some will build, some will kill, some will put down roots and raise animals. There are a number of paths to progress, and something for every type of player.
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