Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Mount Permadeath Love it or Hate it?

Would love to hear what the community has to say about this topic, as so far it seems very divided.

What does the community say?
Thanks in advance Verrans!
The current system is a placeholder.
Perhaps the greater the mount's stats, the more fragile it is when it comes to death. Perhaps fancier mounts cost resources to revive, and cost more resources per death, so like, if you have the best mount in the game, but it has died 3 times, sure you CAN revive it if you're really attached to it, but you may be looking at a cost for that which is far greater than paying someone for a new one.
I think it's important to recognize that people may be super attached to a mount, as the way it was acquired might be very special to them, it might be a gift, or they worked super hard to obtain it, and will want the ability to keep it even if it's more expensive than obtaining a new one. I think that either way, Animal Husbandry should produce what is required to achieve this.
I like the idea of a mount sink - for that whole hunter / animal husbandry economy. However, once you have that favorite mount (I think most of us have had that moment at some point) the idea of it being killed forever - or having to refarm a rare mount - would be a benefit-less shitty experience.
I like the idea of having x number of lives with a cost to replenish that numerator - and the numerator can also be an attribute (like speed or HP) that can vary w/quality, rarity, breeding, etc.
Also, it becomes annoying and less fun and then no one leaves town
Like, just on the basic level, the more people buy the best mounts in the game, the less work that people running Animal Husbandry have to do. Everyone is going to want good mounts, and they'll get them sooner or later! Once that happens, then there's not really any reason for anyone to keep doing Animal Husbandry. While it's unlikely they would ever actually fully run out of work, I imagine after some time, people will see that as not worth pursuing, if there's hardly anyone left who needs a mount. Making there be a way to lose mounts, or otherwise making mounts require some amount of upkeep relating to death, would keep that profession in work, and provide some desirable risk to fielding them, and that's a good thing!
Beyond that, there's not any thought that will ever go into what you bring into a conflict. Everyone will just want whatever is perceived as the best thing! But if there is some elevated risk to go with fielding something like that especially in PVP situations, where people are more likely to target them. It would give people a reason to keep other, tougher mounts around, and give more value to more kinds of mounts that are better in different situations. You might not want to bring the fastest mount to war! But something with a lot of health and armor, that might be too tanky to take down quickly, and so, would be valuable in that kind of scenario, especially if it has like 'more lives' than other, less resilient mounts.
The last benefit to mount death is especially something I think about relating to flying mounts. They are an extremely powerful intelligence force multiplier! And while you do have to worry about the 10 minute respawn timer for them, I really feel like, especially if it's possible to get them in some way other than being a mayor in the future, it seems like that should absolutely be something you should be able to remove from the field in a more permanent way. I imagine having a caravan run, and settling a couple small teams among the trees high up in the mountains to watch the sky for flyers who might come too close, and trying to shoot them down before they discover your caravan. If there is no real risk other than a 10 minute wait, then your mount getting shot at isn't much of a deterrent. I think most people would just try to barrel through to see what is being guarded. Sure they may die, but that's not too bad usually. If there is the risk of LOSING your mount though, I think most people would be a lot more likely to turn around at such a blockade, and tbh, that's ultimately what I would WANT to happen. It's a deterrent. If there's no real risk of loss, then it's not much of a deterrent. Ideally, then that person tells their team about our blockade, they send people in to take us out, or send their people in blind to see if they can find what we're guarding, but either way, I'd want there to be good counterplay and risk involved especially for such a valuable resources as amazing mounts, double for flying mounts~!
Unsure what the answer is. X-number of lives before it's gone for good? Adding Mount items that are created by the Hunting/Husbandry lines and leaving the mounts alive? Making the Husbandry process cheaper so that you can rattle off more mounts to replace the quick perma-death ones? I dunno.
1st death - 10 mins respawn
2nd death -- 30 mins
3rd etc etc -
(This way you can still wait or just buy another mount)
Also i think it would be cool the more you use your mount that it could level up? (not like to 100) but like lvls 1-5
I dunno just spit ideas
My opinion on this remains the same. If you want to make us Animal Husbandry people have more to do, make the mounts lose stats as they 'age', and if you really want a 'risk' involved, then have the injury from being attacked/'killed' accelerate it.
There's simply zero need to randomly have players 'lose a mount they trained and have some attachment to, permanently', and the Artisan Profession doesn't have this as a requirement. I still need a new mount when my 'old faithful' ages to the point of retirement. It doesn't need to vanish.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
Different rarity on mounts that have slightly different speed or health points or other stats is enough for tamers to have something to do.
I think that is a good middle ground.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
Maybe over time we will come to find that perma-death could end up being a bit extreme of a punishment, but I think im fine with a tuned version of that or some other kind of sink that is affected by proficiency in other systems, of which affects your ability to have/keep "perfect creatures" produced by animal husbandry, which could potentially take form in other ways as instead.
Anyone else remember HorseMurder? Or was it HorseKiller? from early A2? lol.
Blown past falling sands…
So it is being forced over the Players ? This makes it sound like you should never whip out your favourite Mount. Because at the latest due to People suddenly attacking You - you will lose your Mount, right ? They will kill it.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
the purpose mount of stimulating mount economy once people have their mount there no reason to buy more realy this would keep the economy rolling on the mount side of things i will say they shouldnt perma die after 1 death though probaly a couple give them 100 life force and they loose 10 per death or something and it be fine mount are pretty easy come atm (with a couple exception like the boss dropped ones you could give these more lifeforce though so they last longer)so no reason they cant be somewhat easy go too
One of the game's promises is that breeders will be able to crossbreed different draft mounts to try and obtain ones with rare traits. This already makes acquiring a unique mount a challenge in itself. So what's the point of putting in all that effort if mounts have an expiration date and eventually get discarded? Moreover, many players enjoy collecting mounts, and Ashes of Creation is designed to be rich in this aspect.
To maintain the importance of the breeder profession, why not introduce a special item crafted exclusively by breeders, available at each skill tier (novice, apprentice, etc.), that allows mounts to regain their vitality? This way, mounts wouldn't just be disposable consumables, and breeders would still play a key role in the game's economy by selling these regeneration items.
This would allow players to keep their unique mounts, whether they have exceptional stats or are rare boss drops. On the other hand, if mounts are treated purely as consumables, players will simply seek the best cost-effective option, leading to a standardized and industrialized production of just a few types of mounts instead of fostering a diverse and engaging system.
So you have to buy them again.