Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Top 10

One of my guildies ran the most recent feedback on discord through ChatGPT to determine the top 10. Here are the results:
Top 10 Bugs
Inventory Bugs
Many players reported inventory not updating visually until relogging or mounting.
Items moved between inventory and bank or loot not appearing until the game is restarted.
Some described "ghost items" that occupy space but can't be interacted with.
Caravan Bugs
Players are teleported to Carphin randomly while driving caravans, causing them to lose time and resources.
Caravans disappear after transitioning from water to land or when the driver disconnects.
Bugs allowing caravans to become untargetable or indestructible after events end.
Out-of-Event Healing/Buffing
Healers and buffers abuse mechanics by healing or reviving caravan defenders without being flagged.
This creates unfair advantages, as attackers cannot retaliate without corruption penalties.
Resource Node Issues
Nodes like rare trees and minerals spawn in fixed locations with predictable rarity, leading to camping.
Certain nodes are inaccessible due to being stuck in terrain or having invalid interaction points.
Server Stability and Rubberbanding
Players experience rubberbanding near server worker transitions, especially on bridges or after mounting.
Large PvP events (e.g., 40v40) cause severe lag and erratic movement of players and mobs.
Rarity System Bugs
Higher-rarity hunting carcasses and materials (e.g., heroic+) are almost impossible to obtain.
Gathering gear bonuses (like increased rarity) are perceived as ineffective, creating frustration.
Guild and Raid System Issues
Issues with raid formations where invites break or frames don’t update.
Mapping tools don’t sync for parties/raids, making coordination challenging.
Desync and Mount Teleportation
Players dismounting after long rides are teleported back to where they started.
This often happens near server transitions or boundaries.
Crafting Rarity Not Working as Intended
Bonuses like crafting rarity buffs from tools or nodes do not apply properly.
Crafting progression is slowed as a result, creating a bottleneck for artisan activities.
Event Joining/Leaving Issues
Caravan events require players to leave their raid/party to choose attacker/defender, causing frustration.
Some players remain flagged for events even after leaving, leading to unintended PvP situations.
Top 10 Feedback Topics
Caravan System Rework
Attackers in caravan events face little to no risk compared to defenders, leading to an imbalance.
Players suggested caravan attackers should face penalties, such as temporary hostility with NPCs.
Crowbar mechanics are seen as exploitable and should require longer cast times to balance risk.
Resource Node Design
Static node locations and rarity lead to camping and hoarding by a small group of players.
Players requested dynamic spawns and randomized rarities for better balance and fairness.
Fixed timers for respawns harm the economy by allowing a small group to control high-tier resources.
PvP Mechanics and Corruption
PvP Mechanics and Corruption
Corruption penalties are too punishing, discouraging open-world PvP.
Some suggested scaling penalties based on the victim’s level or allowing small-scale PvP without corruption.
Corruption baiting through mechanics like flagging in combat is a significant concern.
Hunting and Gathering Rarity Overhaul
Hunting and Gathering Rarity Overhaul
Hunting rarity feels disproportionately harder compared to other gathering professions.
Heroic+ materials are so rare they are nearly unobtainable, even with maxed bonuses.
Suggestions included improving the effectiveness of rarity bonuses and adding more hunting nodes.
Guild and Group Functionality
Guild and Group Functionality
Guild size limits are too low for an MMORPG, making coordination difficult.
Players want tools like mass invites, raid leader controls, and guild storage options.
Many also suggested adding more roles and permissions for guild leadership.
Time to Kill (TTK) and PvP Balancing
Offensive stats (e.g., Strength, Intelligence) scale much better than defensive ones, leading to short TTK.
Melee classes like Fighters are heavily disadvantaged in large-scale PvP compared to ranged classes.
Suggested solutions include balancing PvP-only damage modifiers or adjusting stat scaling.
Death Penalties and XP Debt
XP debt punishes tanks and new players the most, making the game feel grindy and demoralizing.
Players recommended reducing the debt amount or tying it to the level of challenge.
Many suggested renaming XP debt to a less negative term (e.g., “Revival Penalty”).
Artisan and Crafting Improvements
Crafting feels unrewarding due to high material costs and low experience gain.
Some professions (e.g., Animal Husbandry) are seen as prohibitively expensive to level.
Players requested increased crafting experience and lower material costs to make crafting viable.
Static Resource Issues in Economy
Fixed spawn locations and timers allow resource camping, harming new or casual players.
This leads to economic inequality and discourages participation in crafting professions.
Server Performance and QoL Enhancements
Players want improvements to server stability, particularly during large PvP events.
Quality-of-life changes requested include inventory sorting, auction house filters, and better map markers.
Top 10 Bugs
Inventory Bugs
Many players reported inventory not updating visually until relogging or mounting.
Items moved between inventory and bank or loot not appearing until the game is restarted.
Some described "ghost items" that occupy space but can't be interacted with.
Caravan Bugs
Players are teleported to Carphin randomly while driving caravans, causing them to lose time and resources.
Caravans disappear after transitioning from water to land or when the driver disconnects.
Bugs allowing caravans to become untargetable or indestructible after events end.
Out-of-Event Healing/Buffing
Healers and buffers abuse mechanics by healing or reviving caravan defenders without being flagged.
This creates unfair advantages, as attackers cannot retaliate without corruption penalties.
Resource Node Issues
Nodes like rare trees and minerals spawn in fixed locations with predictable rarity, leading to camping.
Certain nodes are inaccessible due to being stuck in terrain or having invalid interaction points.
Server Stability and Rubberbanding
Players experience rubberbanding near server worker transitions, especially on bridges or after mounting.
Large PvP events (e.g., 40v40) cause severe lag and erratic movement of players and mobs.
Rarity System Bugs
Higher-rarity hunting carcasses and materials (e.g., heroic+) are almost impossible to obtain.
Gathering gear bonuses (like increased rarity) are perceived as ineffective, creating frustration.
Guild and Raid System Issues
Issues with raid formations where invites break or frames don’t update.
Mapping tools don’t sync for parties/raids, making coordination challenging.
Desync and Mount Teleportation
Players dismounting after long rides are teleported back to where they started.
This often happens near server transitions or boundaries.
Crafting Rarity Not Working as Intended
Bonuses like crafting rarity buffs from tools or nodes do not apply properly.
Crafting progression is slowed as a result, creating a bottleneck for artisan activities.
Event Joining/Leaving Issues
Caravan events require players to leave their raid/party to choose attacker/defender, causing frustration.
Some players remain flagged for events even after leaving, leading to unintended PvP situations.
Top 10 Feedback Topics
Caravan System Rework
Attackers in caravan events face little to no risk compared to defenders, leading to an imbalance.
Players suggested caravan attackers should face penalties, such as temporary hostility with NPCs.
Crowbar mechanics are seen as exploitable and should require longer cast times to balance risk.
Resource Node Design
Static node locations and rarity lead to camping and hoarding by a small group of players.
Players requested dynamic spawns and randomized rarities for better balance and fairness.
Fixed timers for respawns harm the economy by allowing a small group to control high-tier resources.
PvP Mechanics and Corruption
PvP Mechanics and Corruption
Corruption penalties are too punishing, discouraging open-world PvP.
Some suggested scaling penalties based on the victim’s level or allowing small-scale PvP without corruption.
Corruption baiting through mechanics like flagging in combat is a significant concern.
Hunting and Gathering Rarity Overhaul
Hunting and Gathering Rarity Overhaul
Hunting rarity feels disproportionately harder compared to other gathering professions.
Heroic+ materials are so rare they are nearly unobtainable, even with maxed bonuses.
Suggestions included improving the effectiveness of rarity bonuses and adding more hunting nodes.
Guild and Group Functionality
Guild and Group Functionality
Guild size limits are too low for an MMORPG, making coordination difficult.
Players want tools like mass invites, raid leader controls, and guild storage options.
Many also suggested adding more roles and permissions for guild leadership.
Time to Kill (TTK) and PvP Balancing
Offensive stats (e.g., Strength, Intelligence) scale much better than defensive ones, leading to short TTK.
Melee classes like Fighters are heavily disadvantaged in large-scale PvP compared to ranged classes.
Suggested solutions include balancing PvP-only damage modifiers or adjusting stat scaling.
Death Penalties and XP Debt
XP debt punishes tanks and new players the most, making the game feel grindy and demoralizing.
Players recommended reducing the debt amount or tying it to the level of challenge.
Many suggested renaming XP debt to a less negative term (e.g., “Revival Penalty”).
Artisan and Crafting Improvements
Crafting feels unrewarding due to high material costs and low experience gain.
Some professions (e.g., Animal Husbandry) are seen as prohibitively expensive to level.
Players requested increased crafting experience and lower material costs to make crafting viable.
Static Resource Issues in Economy
Fixed spawn locations and timers allow resource camping, harming new or casual players.
This leads to economic inequality and discourages participation in crafting professions.
Server Performance and QoL Enhancements
Players want improvements to server stability, particularly during large PvP events.
Quality-of-life changes requested include inventory sorting, auction house filters, and better map markers.

Blown past falling sands…