Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[FEEDBACK] Guild Leveling

So can we talk about the Guild Leveling system for a minute? Guild progression being locked behind caravans and 5765 gold worth of glint for Guild Seals for ONE LEVEL is absolutely insane. I think there needs to be a better way or more avenues in place to accumulate experience for the entirety the guild. Asking 1 person to shill out 5 gold (in glint no less) for a commodity crate doesn't seem practical or fair of me to ask of someone. If everyone in the guild could ALL pool together their glint, the financial blow would be severely lessened. OR maybe for those individuals that prefer not to run caravans there could be a system in place that a small portion of experience earned while in a group with fellow guild mates could be contributed toward guild experience? I'm sure there are plenty of ways this system could be improved upon but the product we have in our hands right now needs some definitive tweaking. 5.7 Million experience if adequately portioned out in a fair way for an entire guild would not be difficult to attain in any way shape or form but currently, there are WAY too many systems locked behind glint.
Going back to the topic about EXP reduction/dampening per player in a guild means that Zergs will still be able to complete these things easier because of the amount of players that they have who are gaining exp from the sources available. This would allow guilds with smaller amounts of players to have increased exp rates so that they can actually feel like they are making progress. The systems within this game so far that i have seen are leading me to believe that the devs only have 1 thing on their mind which is ZERG GUILDS. Zerg guilds are your entire player base and use need to think long and hard about actually making these systems work for everyone. Needing nearly 6k gold if you have 15 members is ridiculous compared to it split with say 50 or even 300 players. Please actually use your braincells and dont just write off everyone but Zerg guilds cause the way this exp guild system is layed out is exactly what use are doing. Also please make glint tradable + add guild banks to enable players to donate to the guild so GMS and officers can actually run these caravans more often for EXP. Without glint being able to be donated and used as a whole by the GM this system gives 0 enjoyment or actual progress for anyone but Zerg Guilds.
Cheers the Angry Australian
Agreed 100000000% with your entire post. It's ridiculous. so much so, that most people I talk to are like 'why even bother?'.
Even bigger guilds are like 'naw, next implementation pls!'
I'm glad even the larger guilds are refuting the current system in place.
I think Dingo makes a solid point about the experience dampening per member. Allowing guilds to level up more organically makes more sense to me. Locking guild progression behind the most important currency in the game is a huge oversight in my opinion.
it's one bad design choice after another...
Seems like it designed to load one caravan with loads of packs and run them as a guild however u cant trade glint or the cargo or load it into somone elses caravan so this method doesnt work either
Yeah this system kinda had me scratching my head. I'm not sure they thought this one entirely through.