Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

[NA] Teamsters - Artisan/Economic Guild

Our name is inspired by the labor union that organized craftsmen and horse-drawn freight in the U.S. We will use Artisanship and Economics (casual, semi-hardcore, PvE) to enable top-tier PvP (Arena, Hardcore).
Artisan/Economic Guild Goals:
#1: PvE/PvP/Arena/Hardcore
#2: Top Gatherers on the server.
#3: Top Processors & Crafters on the server.
#4: Run the most Caravans
#5: Economic focus.
#6: Arena sub-Guild.

#1: PvE/PvP/Arena/Hardcore
Steven has stated that 50% of player power comes from gear and 50% from level progression. By excelling in Artisanship and building economic strength, we’ll secure the best gear, ensuring success in PvE, especially past level 40 where progression will be exceedingly difficult. This gear advantage translates directly into PvP dominance, both on the battlefield and in the Arena. Our strategy supports players focused on the Artisanship/Economic game, hardcore PvP, or both.

#2: Top Gatherers.
1. This is our #1 goal since Gatherers are what leads to the ability to craft the best gear.
2. Producing Gatherer tools, gear, pylons, elixirs, & scrolls will be our top priority.
3. We’ll focus on maximizing Gathering/Artisan buffs. See #5 below.

#3: Top Processors & Crafters. We will achieve this through Teamster fairness and reliability.
1. Teamsters will establish a reputation for unmatched reliability and availability by covering all processing and crafting stations during prime hours. 2-hour shifts will run from 2 hours before to 2 hours after prime time. Processors/Crafterers must commit to 5 shifts per week, with missed shifts reassigned. Early joiners have priority in choosing Artisan classes and shift schedules.
2. Teamsters will provide a consistent, fair, and transparent fee structure, making us the preferred choice for all players on the server.

#4: Run the Most Caravans. We’ll establish the server norm: Teamster caravans are never attacked.
1. Elite Protection Force: A priority-geared Teamster force (See #6 Arena sub-guild below.) will defend our caravans and target any enemy guilds that attack us.
2. Economic Leverage: Our Artisan fee structure will make others reliant on our services, discouraging attacks.
- Tier 3: Free services for guild members; access to guild bank/storage.
- Tier 2: Reduced fees for allied guilds that protect our caravans.
- Tier 1: Standard fees for neutral players/guilds that don’t attack our caravans.
- Tier 0: No services for those who attack our caravans.
3. Combining military strength and economic leverage will make Teamster caravans untouchable.

#5: Total Economic Focus.
1. Economic Node Mayorship: Mayoral commissions, buildings, and mechanics will prioritize Artisan, caravan, and economic benefits.
2. Guild Hall: Every mechanic will be chosen for Artisan, caravan, and economic benefits.
3. New Mechanics: Any new mechanics by Intrepid will be selected to enhance Artisan, caravan, and economic advantages.

#6: Arena sub-Guild.
To grow our guild, we’ll prioritize equipping Arena players with top-tier gear after Artisan gear. A secondary guild, like “Teamsters Arena,” will be created to maximize PvP buffs. Dominating the Arena will help attract more players to our guild.

1. First Joiners get priority to choose their Processing/Crafting classes and shifts. We’ll keep an accurate list of join order.
2. This is our first post to recruit. 50 early joiners help shape guild policies and fill leadership roles.

Email: Put "I want to be a Teamster" in subject line. List the two Artisan classes you want to achieve Grandmaster in. If you're interested in leadership or guild development, mention that as well. Looking for leaders for each Artisan class, caravan runs, 8-man and 20-man Arena teams, and other positions you think of. Once we hit 50 interested players, we’ll open a Discord channel.
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