Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Guild houses: Blacksmith Guild - Traders' House - Alchemistae Societas Guild

Running WildRunning Wild Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
The reason I even thought of this is because the entire Hungarian community fell apart during the 3 month testing phase. There are simply no 8 players to play content with at the same time, from production to other content. There will be a lot of solo casual players in the game later on, who will not be able to play an active role in guilds due to their lifestyle or other reasons and will therefore find themselves in a very difficult situation. I know, you can post on chat to find a team, but let's face it, most of the equipment that can be produced is already unavailable to casual players. There is a lot of fun with crafting, it's just that 70% of players don't have access to it because there is no one to beat because you need large functioning guilds to do it. Not to mention that if someone only has 1 hour a day, they are unlikely to form guilds. I could write many other examples, the point is that casual players are worth keeping and serving with content.

Considering the use of guilds in Elder Scrolls games, it might be worth considering the creation of built-in guilds. It would add an extra layer to the world, helping players who don't necessarily want to or can participate in large, player-created guilds. It could help casual players to progress with replayable quests available on tables or with more elaborate storylines, and it could also help them to access items and bonuses that casual players will not have access to.

Character progression:
Help solo players with extra quests for xp, unique active/passive abilities per guild.
Story depth: guilds can get stories, can have lore built around them.
Access to new content: Help with manufacturing e.g., linking machine manufacturing to levels, adding materials.
Status and reputation: advancement in the guild hierarchy gives your character rank and prestige, as well as tags.

Technical placement in the game:
The Nodes could fit in any of the houses, as there are plenty of empty ones, but it might also be worth considering having some types of houses separate from the Nodes. It could also be done as an addition to the current system, as the technology to accommodate the production lines is already there. You could develop the Journeyman production line into a guild and then you would get the extra content. From level 3 Node to increasingly large sites.

In terms of their function, I don't mean the classic Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild variations. Rather, based on the professions involved in manufacturing. Example:
Blacksmith guild: Help with making weapons and armor, processing raw materials, foraging quests, passive/active bonuses, ranks, titles and extra gear. Related trades (Mining, Metalworking, Stonemasonry, Armor Smithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Weapon Smithing)
Traders' House: Help with processing raw materials, foraging quests, passive/active bonuses, ranks, titles and extra equipment.
Alchemistae Societas Guild: help with processing raw materials, foraging quests, passive/active bonuses, ranks, titles and extra equipment.Related professions (Herbalism, Alchemy, Arcane Engineering, Scribe)

I hope I've managed to pique your interest in this topic. If you have any opinions or ideas please write them down.
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