Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Hello! Been looking into this game lately.

I finally decided to make an account after looking into this game for awhile, and I have to say; Kudos to the team behind it. The MMO market has become saturated with games that try to be "more of the same" in order to sell or who make big promises but never release any gameplay footage before vanishing so it's refreshing to see an MMO that not only promises something new but actually delivers on it. Best of luck to everyone behind the game!


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    Hello BoostedBleau if you need some information about the game look at this <a href="" target="_blank">document</a>. Join on discord for asking questions and if you didn't watch any videos you can do that <a href="" target="_blank">here.</a> Yea developers really have good ideas on this game I hope they can manage to do it properly. We are here to help.
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    A dwarf from the land of the mountains! Your shield is always welcome!

    For more info from first hand, check the <a href="" target="_blank">Developers Q&A video</a>.

    Also, if you want to have more explanation about the game mechanics, I recommend <a href="" target="_blank">this node video</a>.

    Also, don't forget to join to the Discord channel:
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    <makes some tea for the round> and if you so wish too, have some relaxing tea in the meantime
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