Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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SWTOR Datacrons

I would like to see what you guys think about having something like SWTOR Datacrons. I was a big fan...

1) It's something to the players something to do when there isn't anything else to do.
2) Giving a slight stat boost per datacron can be a subtle way to reward those who take the time to search and find them.

Anyway, I hope there is something like Datacrons in Ashes.


  • Datacrons are a neat addition you usually find in single player rpgs, I've mixed feelings about them in an mmo as once discovered its easy to re-discover and makes it a chore if its on a new character. There's obvious ways to mitigate that, but for some it'll be as much as a chore as it is a bonus activity. The concept of it though I find fun and in a game of this scale finding something in the wilderness that as a procedurally generated element with a temporary bonus I think would be quite alright.
  • As Deus mentioned, I think in an MMO these kinds of "discoveries" are pretty shallow, because either they're static and not discoveries at all, or they are random and don't feel fulfilling. I also don't think these types of things should result in any player power increases.

    I'd like to see a new spin on this kind of thing for MMOs... where mysteries you stumble upon provide clues to a piece of an artifact. Maybe there are 50 pieces to eventually uncover, and each finder turns them into a central body in the game world to receive notoriety.

    Once (whenever, and maybe even never!) all of the mysteries are discovered and artifacts turned in and reported, the entire server gets rewarded somehow...

    I think mysteries are sorely lacking in our genres and the more we can bring them back, as well as engage the entirety of the player base, they better off we are!
  • I Loved the Datacron thing in SWTOR, they would have to be static, and you could only find them once and it would have to flag your character in some way for it to work correctly. I do like this Idea and I think that Easter eggs like this could be a great asset to the game.
  • Yeah, I think they are good to have for sure. It gives you some other things to work on at your own pace when you don't feel like questing or whatever. The rewards have to make them worth doing though. Stat increases are cool to me because if you put in the work, it can be a differentiation between you and someone else with your same class & build. But if not stat increases, then perhaps rare drops or something. Regardless, there is something fun about doing the jumping puzzles and stuff like that which were usually associated with them. GW2 also has jumping puzzles which I always enjoyed.
  • For the love of god no.
    I would rather see collections that RIFT has that gives rewards for completing them.
  • Well Datacrons went thru some evolution in SWG.

    First iteration - Static spots thru out Each Faction side. Even amount of Empire, and Republic. One time various stat bonus. Must be found by every Character to get them.

    Mid Iteration - (I think it was like this before they switched to Mastery) Static spots, Account discovery, various stat bonus.

    Current Iteration - Static spots thruout Galaxy. Each Datacron needs to be discovered by a character on your account, all give the same stat bonus.

    I think a fitting way to do these would be to make the spawn locations dynamic and rare.
  • This reminds me.

    Please don't add jumping puzzles if your game engine doesn't have extremely tight and responsive movement. Looking at you, certain SWTOR datacrons.
  • As someone who got every single f*ing datacron with 16 characters I strongly disagree! When you played competitively it was mandatory to get these and it was a pain in the ass. It's fun with one character if you do not have to do it though. If you need to do this to get to your full potential this is just annoying.
  • I'm always up for collectables in games - I particularly loved the idea of badges in the long gone City of Heroes which gave, with the accumulation of several other badges and sets, different temp powers. Basically a purpose to collect all the shinys with that juicy reward at the end.

    The more collectables the merrier. The danger is having a requirement to collect for those who don't care for it.
  • [quote quote=712]As Deus mentioned, I think in an MMO these kinds of “discoveries” are pretty shallow, because either they’re static and not discoveries at all, or they are random and don’t feel fulfilling. I also don’t think these types of things should result in any player power increases.

    I’d like to see a new spin on this kind of thing for MMOs… where mysteries you stumble upon provide clues to a piece of an artifact. Maybe there are 50 pieces to eventually uncover, and each finder turns them into a central body in the game world to receive notoriety.

    Once (whenever, and maybe even never!) all of the mysteries are discovered and artifacts turned in and reported, the entire server gets rewarded somehow…

    I think mysteries are sorely lacking in our genres and the more we can bring them back, as well as engage the entirety of the player base, they better off we are!


    I feel you so much, random mystery is lacking greatly in the genre. The main reason to seems that developers are afraid that if they make something thats only obtainable for certain people, other people will be angry about it. But the way I see it, if you walk around reading every single lore book and notices something odd, piece together the clues and find the hidden treasure/reward, then its all yours :) It doesnt have to anything overpowered either, I just want incentive for everyone to explorer/read and talk to everyone/thing :)

    Also about the Datacrons thing, its basicly like the skycrystals in ESO, and that quite quickly became a chore. If they are randomized to some degree, like talking to a mysterious man gives you a clue and then you find it, then it would be fine in my opinion. As long as you can't just go lookup a map of the location, then its fine :)
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