Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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House/Business Design and decoration

Will we be able to drop anything in private homes for decorating purposes? I hate in most current mmos you are limited to decorations you can have in your home or business.


  • I haven't seen anything yet about Guild Halls, but please, add Guild Halls. It would be awesome to have decorations for past victories hanging in a giant building built by your guild, as well as place to hang in while waiting on a raid/dungeon/war with friends instead of just milling about in the main market. Also, will we be able to craft decorations or find decorations in raids or dungeons? Not going to lie, putting up epic raid loot and content styled furnishings from the game right into player housing would kill for, literally(In the game though, xD I'm not crazy, I've got a doctor's note lol)
  • LMAO, I don't have a doctors note but can you imagine the different designs people would come up with if they could drop anything in the guild hall... make it look like a bar or an aquarium ... ect. If you could loot people you kill and sometimes get a copy of the paper doll and then mount it on your wall... omg that would be amazing!
  • after reading my last post maybe I do need a doctors note! LOL
  • I'm hoping that there will be a crafting profession that makes house items, similar to EQ2.
  • [quote quote=7630]I’m hoping that there will be a crafting profession that makes house items, similar to EQ2.

    That would be awesome as well. i'll take all of the above in my shopping cart please!
  • I just hope there is a "rent it" system...would love to be a landlord //bring me the moolah
  • [quote quote=7795]I just hope there is a “rent it” system…would love to be a landlord //bring me the moolah


  • I'm not sure about if they are going to do a rent system or not, since they have said how there is a limited amount of housing estates available in a node capital, so it might be more selling and buying real estate then renting it as the only disadvantages to not having a house in the main city as of now is that your just not as close to the center of the city. The devs said how people can also build freeholds(houses/buildings in a nodes area of influence), so I don't know how you could make people want to rent houses if they could just either buy one, or create a freehold just outside a city and carry their goods in. Like you would have to make renting a house give enough benefits to people for the cost of renting to be worth it. On top of that, there would probably have to be some type of controls or people could just get kicked out of their rented houses or other forms of the in-game landlords screwing with people who are renting.

    Would be a cool system to add, just I don't know how the devs could make it work and be viable, like people won't be staying in their houses the entire game like irl, so the only times would be getting/storing stuff, decorating, and maybe hanging in it for a little while with friends. The point is to adventure, with housing being something you own that you can come back too after the adventure.
  • I think the freehold and housing estates in the cities were going to be limited and then the leader of the town would have an option to let people get smaller instanced houses in the towns so that they can be citizens, if I understood it correctly that would probably be like renting option.
  • I think gGilgrion was talking about himself as a landowner kind of side or main job. The leaders of the cities should of course have a part in housing and prices, as the devs have already said how they can change tax rates and such. I am not sure on the instanced housing as I haven't seen anything about it, I thought it was mostly going to be the permanent limited ones in city, and then freeholds, might've missed it as that was all in the nodes part 2 and I watched it like a week ago.

    But still, maybe it is just me, but I would hate for an individual player to be able to charge prices independent to the rest of the city. And this kind of goes back to my point. Is renting worth it? What is the value of houses in city compared to freeholds where you can have specific building you may need for professions. Rn I can only think of time as a plus, and storage, and aesthetics too, although I would personally rather have a freehold that I can customize the buildings around it to help my guild, then change the inside of my house that's instanced, aesthetics are cool and all, but if I have to pay a rent for it when I could be using buildings that have trade value I would rather use the second one.

    Finally though, this is to Gilgrion, all you got do is become a world leader xD. Honestly, 5 metropolises in world at the beginning of 10,000? Jeez it's going to be really exclusive to get the benefits but hey, if you ever wanted to become a Tyrant or Ruler now's the time to start! lol
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