Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What are you hoping to do when AOC launches?

Just share your plans below!
It can be as simple as grinding, or as complex as a market system!

Can't wait to hear your ideas!


  • Literally get max level asap in both crafting and combat whilst enjoying the games environment and quests. Following that, become the best strategist for the raids ect and become a major assistant to my guild in helping manage the trade and castle
  • Good ideas there!
    I see you're sticking to Shiroe's character quite well!
  • Gonna grind the way to max lvl as fast as I can, and then go help my guildmates and also level up my craftin so I can get a good start with the economy.
  • I believe that the economy in-game will reflect the community this game will acquire. I hope that we have loyal players coming in swarms in the near future! The economy that reacts to players is sure to bring about a twist or two.
  • [quote quote=7845]
    I see you’re sticking to Shiroe’s character quite well!


    Indeed, in my guild to be there is also Nyanta so all is good XD
  • I saw him awhile ago as well. Glad to see such devoted roles. Keep it up!
  • I like to take my time in a game and appreciate the world slowly. That said, the one thing that's worth rushing for when the game launches is a house purchase in an early node. (At least as far as I know.) Those are going to be in limited supply and be quite prestigious once the node levels up to a metropolis.
  • Ideally I would grind to cap and start on crafting. However, I know I'll end up experimenting with different classes to get a feel for what they all bring to the table and most likely determine whether DPSing or healing is more fun in this MMO. It seems quite similar to BDO (minus the infuriating RNG), and if the combat is anything like that then DPS will be a thousand times more fun than healing.
  • Great point! I never thought of that! Thanks!
  • Max combat, mining and crafting levels, then I will start to explore the world
  • I'm gonna try to progress fast and to find a good node that will be my main hub. Then, do some crafting, narrative quests, and bounty hunting!
  • The most important thing to remember is to get a couple of days off work :P
  • I'll most likely make 2-3 characters of different classes (assuming we'll be able to) right off the bat so I can learn how they work and how the game mechanics work through comparison and contrast... then I'll do as much research into how the combinations work as I can because by then some "tryhard" will have a guide up. After that I'll be able to help guildies, lowbies and newbies with their classes =D

    If that leaves down time I'll spend it exploring as always. Seems like there will be a lot to find in this game, so I'm <em>really</em> looking forward to it
  • Fully immerse myself in the game's lore and environment. Hardcore Questing/PVE content. Will also invest in PvP as a Tank main. Might delve a little into crafting but will otherwise leave the high tier crafting to other people.
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