Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

In Game Voice

Im curious about what communication will be like in game. Nothing is more bland than a chat box sittting in the corner it really dosent do anything for emersion or connecting with other players. I was wondering if there would be any kind of proximity voice chat. I have always thought it would be neat to walk through a town and actually talk to other players. Could be a neat feature for an mmo thats tryimg to take it to the next level.


  • nice ! found you : P

    was about to make a post about this but thought i should scroll down a bit.

    I can see so many benefits with having a ingame voice like , Roleplay . ehh trying to sweet talk a corrupt player in not killing you with a really tasty cookie ?
    Walking down the row of soldiers as a general with some inspiring speech just before grounding a entire city .
    People should be able to disable it in towns but it would be awesome if instead of npc's always yelling the same line over and over again . well that shouldnt be disabled but it would give some life to the town hearing the players shouting there wares: D

    You and your friend hiding from a group of corrupt players and than suddenly your friend burst into a laugh fit because you forgot to repair a big hole at the back of our pants botton. well i guess thats the end of hideing and it is time of running
  • I agree, in a game that is meant to be so immersive, typing away in a box really takes away from character. It can also be a pain to talk to people if there are spammers, bots or high activity. Thats why a in game voice chat would be a cool idea. I think something similar to rust voice mechanics would be an awesome idea. Openly being able to talk to other characters in the world is something not a lot of mmos do. As rust works, the closer people are to you the louder/clearer they are to listen to. I can imagine in game talking would be a problem in citys/high pop areas so maybe this thresh-hold can be cranked up a bit in relevant areas or maybe a system in place to stop abuse of voice chat.

    Anyway, i would dig for this, 1+ to having this in a mmo
  • This has always been one of my most wanted things for mmo's, the ability to just walk around a city and hear people talk. I've played Wow, FFXIV, SWOR etc. but I have always found the silence of heavily player crowded spaces being silence except the occasional npc yelling something random. But this will raise the question of how will this work in heavily crowded spaces, and a option to toggle "global voice chat" is a must since I do have many friends that enjoy a bit of silence.
  • There's a reason why proximity based voice chat hasn't been implemented into a game thus far, and that's because it would be annoying as hell. Just look at any game and see the amount of spam and rubbish people say in the chat boxes. Now imagine that same spam being blasted into your ears by screaming 12 year olds every time you entered a busy area. If there is anything that would break my immersion, it would be that. I can pretty much guarantee that if they didn't implement such a system, anyone worth talking to will have that muted and will instead use third party programs like Discord, Vent or TS to talk to people they actually want to talk to.
  • [quote quote=7921]Im curious about what communication will be like in game. Nothing is more bland than a chat box sittting in the corner it really dosent do anything for emersion or connecting with other players. I was wondering if there would be any kind of proximity voice chat. I have always thought it would be neat to walk through a town and actually talk to other players. Could be a neat feature for an mmo thats tryimg to take it to the next level.


    HELL to the NAH.

    You want this to turn into another Overwatch or CS:GO?

    The amount of flaming/rage/bullying would be insane.
  • [quote quote=11948]There’s a reason why proximity based voice chat hasn’t been implemented into a game thus far, and that’s because it would be annoying as hell. Just look at any game and see the amount of spam and rubbish people say in the chat boxes. Now imagine that same spam being blasted into your ears by screaming 12 year olds every time you entered a busy area. If there is anything that would break my immersion, it would be that. I can pretty much guarantee that if they didn’t implement such a system, anyone worth talking to will have that muted and will instead use third party programs like Discord, Vent or TS to talk to people they actually want to talk to.


    Foul language , gold selling, pre-voice-change teenagers would all indeed be annoying. I'd agree maybe to a pop-up box joining a party etc asking if you'd like to join a chat, making it easier to cooperate, or setting up own chats for guild etc inside the game, but hearing everyone in a mmorpg (even only people close to you), is in my eyes, a horrible idea.
  • There is no need for in game Voice. If people want to talk to each other they can get a Teamspeak server and talk to each other.
  • But instead of just saying it wont work look at the options that can be made, if thats an issue, features could be added in order to prevent discomfort and ease the abuse. A toggle off or on button in high populated areas? Or a rating system? When you go into a city (irl lol)(if you do lol) ist always busy and there is a lot of background noise anyway, maybe the non direct chats could be filtered into the background as if you would hear people talking in public? Perhaps a certain level of character or commitment in order to use voice chat might reduce the people trying to troll as the option will be given those who are dedicated and serious. As for flaming, this is not a e-sports game and i dont understand how you would be flamed in this sort of game. In a dungeon or raid perhaps? well unless you suck at leading raids/sieges/dungeons you will do the wise thing and set priority speakers. I do understand that there are other means of communication however having proximity voice chat along with a few requirements and controllable options and tweaks; would really make the open-world game feel more alive and social with verbal interaction, one thing that lacks in most mmos and really kills the atmosphere. You dont play a MASSIVE MULTIPLAY game to not have interaction with people. I believe getting the voice chat to work would be the next step in a social aspects for mmos. No doubt it would be a bit of a task to get it working without trolls, spammers and the rest but i think with a little work it can be possible as pleasurable experience.
  • Hi,

    I heard they are trying to integrate discord but don't take it as 100%
  • [quote quote=11948]There’s a reason why proximity based voice chat hasn’t been implemented into a game thus far, and that’s because it would be annoying as hell. Just look at any game and see the amount of spam and rubbish people say in the chat boxes. Now imagine that same spam being blasted into your ears by screaming 12 year olds every time you entered a busy area. If there is anything that would break my immersion, it would be that. I can pretty much guarantee that if they didn’t implement such a system, anyone worth talking to will have that muted and will instead use third party programs like Discord, Vent or TS to talk to people they actually want to talk to.


    oh so true.... that was a good laugh!
  • [quote quote=12180]Hi,

    I heard they are trying to integrate discord but don’t take it as 100%


    Yes . I think is a good idea the Discord integration. Not just in game voice provided by the app, but it can be fully customized.

    It is important that the interface and its settings allow the player to specify and determine who can talk to him, etc. I think it is fundamental that the parties have this implementation, including indicating the language, the age of the participants.
  • In game voice has its pros and con's as it should. Don't be surprised if it doesn't become a thing, the discord implementation on the other hand could be a pretty neat idea just as 'kntzen' just said.

    Although adding in game voice chat in my opinion could work but there would have to be strict limitation and rules in order to speak.

    For example, in order to speak in a city you might have to be a certain level, there probably would have to be some sort of proximity limits such as rust, where further away from each other you are the quieter your voice becomes. A thing such as an invitation to speak would be quite cool, what I mean by that is: if a player wants to speak to you they'd invite you to speak to them and if you accept their invite then you could communicate via voice chat perhaps. A thing like global voice chat probably wouldn't work, your have to stick to text as there would be too much voice spam, but local that could just work, but again under strict limitations etc.

    So who knows, let's wait and see:)
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