Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
A proposal: Guild feudalism
There has always been a problem with the vast differences in strenght between large and small guilds and thus problems with events like node wars and sieges, where small guilds couldnt really participate in.
Of course there are guild alliances which give small guilds a form of protection, but maybe this system could be extended to something like guild patronage, where small guilds could become somewhat subordinate to large guilds and assist them in wars and sieges and therefore recieve protection, land or assistance in return,
For example a huge guild gets attacked by another one, their liege guilds would aid them in combat. On the other hand if one of the small guilds was attacked by another guild the "overlord-guild" would protect them.
To become a liege guild you could have to pay a weekly fee and swear loyalty or something like that :D I guess most of you know how feudalism worked in the holy roman empire. In return you get administration of a node and you are protected from other guilds, espacially large ones who could defeat you easily, this way even small guilds could control larger nodes and gain influence.
Of course small guilds, who are both vassals of the same guld should still be able to fight against to extend their influence and maybe overcome their "overlord-guild" one day.
Thank you for reading and I am very excited to hear your thoughts.
Of course there are guild alliances which give small guilds a form of protection, but maybe this system could be extended to something like guild patronage, where small guilds could become somewhat subordinate to large guilds and assist them in wars and sieges and therefore recieve protection, land or assistance in return,
For example a huge guild gets attacked by another one, their liege guilds would aid them in combat. On the other hand if one of the small guilds was attacked by another guild the "overlord-guild" would protect them.
To become a liege guild you could have to pay a weekly fee and swear loyalty or something like that :D I guess most of you know how feudalism worked in the holy roman empire. In return you get administration of a node and you are protected from other guilds, espacially large ones who could defeat you easily, this way even small guilds could control larger nodes and gain influence.
Of course small guilds, who are both vassals of the same guld should still be able to fight against to extend their influence and maybe overcome their "overlord-guild" one day.
Thank you for reading and I am very excited to hear your thoughts.
Hope this answer some of your questions haha.
@R_Cully I have watched the Q & A and while they mention content for small guilds, it seems that contents differ between the size of a guild, so there would still be content small guilds couldnt participate in, so i would like to enable a small guild, which is subordinate to a large guild, to take part in the major activities performed by their superior guild.
@T-Elf I think that most people will join a guild and most guilds will feel more appendant to one side of the fighting forces. When even large groups could just jump straight into a war without any sign beforehand, wouldnt it be hard for the attacking side to anticipate who they will fight against and if they could even win?
My point with this proposal was not only the inclusion of small guilds in larger events but beyond that the form of bonds that surpass mere alliances through official contracts between larger and smaller guilds, maybe even to a point that changing factions form, which consist of a contract between multiple smaller guilds with one large guild. Maybe these factons could have a council consisting of representatives of each guild who plan the activities around the node and assign different tasks to different guilds who are part of this faction, althogh this is shifting more and more into roleplay than game design :D
Thank you guys for the clarification!
@R_Cully I have watched the Q & A and while they mention content for small guilds, it seems that contents differ between the size of a guild, so there would still be content small guilds couldnt participate in, so i would like to enable a small guild, which is subordinate to a large guild, to take part in the major activities performed by their superior guild. Furthermore the problems about large guildes camping trade routs could be solved through this.
@T-Elf I think that most people will join a guild and most guilds will feel more appendant to one side of the fighting forces. When even large groups could just jump straight into a war without any sign beforehand, wouldnt it be hard for the attacking side to anticipate who they will fight against and if they could even win?
My point with this proposal was not only the inclusion of small guilds in larger events but beyond that the form of bonds that surpass mere alliances through official contracts between larger and smaller guilds, maybe even to a point that changing factions form, which consist of a contract between multiple smaller guilds with one large guild. Maybe these factons could have a council consisting of representatives of each guild who plan the activities around the node and assign different tasks to different guilds who are part of this faction, althogh this is shifting more and more into roleplay than game design :D