Ashes of Creation Hunger Game!



  • Shit, I'm too late. But my bet is on Steven.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2017
    Brave Warriors of Ashes, and the viewers  on forum, place your bets since the rumble is about to start!
    Here is the list of current participants, so if you want something changed, please do it now.
    You have time until the next full hour from this post to change things.

    If you agree with the current setup, here's a small list of things you better to know.
    1. The game is Free-for-All, but anything can happen. Truces happen and break all the time, so don't expect any long-lasting relationships in this game.
    2. I will update this thread with new picture of current event every 10-15 minutes, and write small "explanation story" of what happened.
    3. You can comment anything you want, but please keep the content inside of the forum code of conduct.
    4. I will update the first post with this image of everyone who is alive, and who is dead.
    5. In the game you will see only first names (except Fooshy)
    6. "There can be only one!" -Demoman, TF2

    Good luck, and have fun (while you can).

  • Brane, Destroyer of Kingdo!
  • Brane, Destroyer of Kingdo!
    The full name didn't fit so the game cut it off from that part
  • Kandy said:
    Brane, Destroyer of Kingdo!
    The full name didn't fit so the game cut it off from that part
    I know, I just thought it was fun xD
  • And the Game has started!
    Updates from the game will follow soon after i have cropped & edited all the pictures.

  • my bet on doggo
  • my bet on the sith
  • First day on Verra, and lots of things has happened already!

    Fiastos says it's time to leave and leaves.
    Dee picks up sports right away.
    John and Sam run in the opposing directions, maybe in the fear of Dee's bat.

    Olec also says it's time to leave.
    Audio, who seems to be disliked in the community, is Killed by Snow, Foo Shyy And Proxy.
    Doggo picks up sports also.
    Celia picks up sports too, but this only includes running.

    Tugo and Lysander start to plan something, maybe it's for Alpha 0.
    Deus finds throwing knives.
    Tey runs awau from the starting area.
    Fia, as scary as she is, scares Mr. Duck away from the Starting Area.
    Freshcuts also runs away from the Starting Area.

    Malgus, who is too lazy to find his own weapons, steal Elder's weapon.
    Kandy and Brane start to plot something in the corner.
    Jak runs away from the Starting Area.

    That's the end of the Bloodbath, next event comes in 10-15 minutes.
  • yes go malgus and doggo
  • #TeamUnicornDistrict!
  • Dude, you stole my mace? i didn't even know i had one :') 
  • Kandy we are going to find those sandals in A0!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2017
    New day, new shenanigans.

    Looks like Kandy wasn't that good partner since Brane questions her sanity already.
    Tey wants to keep himself warm and searches for firewood.
    Fiastos and Olec are looking for that sweet PvP.
    FloP and Deus group up, but now split up to find resources.

    Mr. Duck, Doggo, Lysander, Snow and Celia team up and also go for that sweet PvP.
    Proxy is casual and fishes.
    Malgus sees smoke in the horizontal but doesn't go for it.
    Elder practices him woodwork skill, and makes a spear.

    Kandy decides that he has had enough of John, and kills him.
    Freshcuts and Sam go also for that sweet PvP.
    Tugo, Dee, Fia Jak and raid Foo Shyy's camp while she is PvE'ing.
  • this is exciting and really acurate I love world pvp!

  • Aha love it ^^
  • Rest in peace:
    Audio Senpai
    John Druitt

    (also ignore that broken picture)

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2017
    Well, at least I have a weapon again. I'll be coming back for that mace.  ;)
  • Proxy has always been fishy
  • First night lands, what will it bring?

    no comment
    Freshcuts says "NO" when Malgus, Snow and Fiastos try to come to his firecamp.
    Lysander hums quietly.
    Elder and Dee decide to take care of each other for the night.

    Branes body says "Nope, that's enough" and she passes out.
    Tey, Kandy, Sam and Celia tell spooky scary skeleton stories to each other.
    Fia misses her home already.
    Jak also passes out from exhaustion.

    Doggo is intelligent dog and sets up camp for the night.
    Olec, Deus, Tugo and Foo Shyy sleep in shifts. (looks like Fooshy forgave Tugo already for raiding her camp).
    FloP is having nightmares about not having A0 key.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2017
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited December 2017
    Nobody died at the night, good or bad thing, who knows.

    Mr. Duck practices his woodwork and makes a spear.
    Olec thinks he is invisible in the bushes.
    Elder' Jak and Deus go search PvP since new day has awoken.

    Tey and Snow decide to do a truce for one day.
    Malgus thinks he is Obi-wan Kenobi.
    Brane is not doing well since she begs Lysander to kill her. Lysander is light-hearted man, and won't do that.

    Celia, Sam and Kandy go for that sweet PvP. Maybe they'll find others.
    With good load of fish, Proxy travels to higher ground.
    Since Fiastos has bow, she decides to practise her archery.
    Dee hasn't drunk anything in few days, and receives clean water from unknown sponsor.

    FloP also gets water from unknown sponsor.
    Foo Shyy doesn't want new haircut and runs away from Freshcuts.
    Fia also travels to higher grounds.
  • thanks for making me practice archery. I love my bow but the arrows are meh :D. irl of course
  • So what I'm taking from this story is that Freshcuts is really scary and we should all run away from them on sight.
  • Wow, I did not expect my encounter with Brane would be so morbid. I would never kill such a cute dog.
  • LumberJak said:
    So what I'm taking from this story is that Freshcuts is really scary and we should all run away from them on sight.
    Glad he's on my side  :D
  • The last day was peaceful, but what will happen at this night?

    Olec tries to start a fire but somehow can't.
    Brane isn't doing well and decide to seek better feeling for holding Malgus' hand.
    Kandy, as a killer, runs into Celia, and they decide to truce for the night.
    Doggo is lonely and howls the whole night.

    Freshcuts is fresh as his hair cuts and doesn't need any sleep.
    Proxy fends Deus, Jak and FloP away from his fire.
    Fiastos meets Elder in PvP but doesn't kill him.
    Mr. Duck, Tey and Lysander decide to go #off_topic, and discuss other games and what will happen in the morning.

    Tugo, Fia, Snow, Foo Shyy and Dee decide to team up and sleep in shifts.
    Sam in god-level solo PvP player and sets up camp in Wildy.
  • @Fiastos Thanks  :D  
  • Alright, who has Tugo not been friends with at this point?
  • ofc, Sam is the best player out there  :) 
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