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Hello everyone.

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited February 2018 in The Newly Arrived
hello everyone! I’ve been a avid AoC Lurker since April of 2017, been here since before the Kickstarter. I’m only recently trying to get more involved within the community and get to meet more of everyone. 

A bit about me, I’m 19 Years old, I grew up spending most my life playing video games and MMORPGs, they started to becoming a dying genre as most of the new MMORPG’s were becoming pay to win, which completely ruined many good games. After seeing the vision of this game, and the immense amount of support. I can not wait for this game to come out. As I’m sure most of you can’t either. I’ve been on a Vol. Fire Department for almost 3 Years now, and I love it. I’d love to hear some of your thoughts on AoC aswell. Maybe how you found out about it, or how you are excited for it.


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