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Mounted Combat(Cavalry)

So I've heard that the devs are going to have animal husbandry in the game, however, I haven't seen any posts or discussions on mounted combat. I mean, come on! With limited access to fast travel and flying mounts(Very Rare and only Scientific Metros) the only form of transport we have heard of is walking, caravans, and mounts. Now here comes the game theorizing, if travel is mostly going to be slow and the fastest way to move will most likely be mounts for the land, then maximizing speed using mounts and breeding them for your guildies will be a huge advantage. The more efficient a gatherer can gather and transport, raiders can get to raids, and explorers to explore, the more exp/gold/ and resources you will gain, and thus the guild profits.

Secondly. So, ever since the new battlefield and LotR Conquest I've always really liked mounted combat on horses, and so, as I'm not sure if the devs have stated specifically that there will be mounted combat, but if there was how would it work? Would I be using class skills while mounted? What can dismount be involuntarily? And, the most important, CAN I MAKE A 100+ CALVARY CHARGE IN WARS XD!!! Cavalry would be extremely fun at least to me in wars, you could use cavalry to flank, to disrupt supply lines, re-position quickly and the best part, seeing the fear of the enemy guild as one hundred sword/spear wielding riders rush out of the forest. Omg, just imagine the audio alone, hundreds of horse hoofs, probably need a good war horn blow, and boom crash into the enemy cutting them down in swathes. For those who play LoL I'm just imagining Kled style full blown assault xD. Anyway, what are your guy's thoughts? Do you think even regular mounts will be rare or common enough to get to make such things happen? I heard the devs talking about aging for mounts too, so how long will they last? Will age affect speed? Agh, too many questions, but honestly, should mounted combat be a thing and how big should it be?


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    Hi! Good news for you! Dragons are pretty hard to get but there might be other mounts with combat abilities.

    <img src="" alt="" />
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    Yeah I heard about the dragons, you really need to read my posts man. Like it was in the first part. Maybe it's the blocks"? Next time I'll be more specific instead of saying"With limited access to fast travel and flying mounts(Very Rare and only Scientific Metros)" I'll say limited dragons, but like, I kept room since they might add different mounts for flying. At least to me, adding some variety for metro owners so they all are not flying dragons, or at least the exact same dragon, would be a probable good thing. And mounted combat adds to PvP which is a catalyst in this game, and most other mmos to my knowledge don't use this much, so adding it in launch or later could add to the popularity? It would be hella fun k lol. But hey, I've already talked about it so maybe someone else will add on?
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    [quote quote=12736]I heard the devs talking about aging for mounts too, so how long will they last? Will age affect speed? Agh, too many questions, but honestly, should mounted combat be a thing and how big should it be?

    For now as known information only age (time) affects the duration of a dragon mount whose dropped from a certain Epic World Boss by meaning 'over time it will age and die', and about mounted combat is still known.

    [quote quote=13919] I’ll say limited dragons, but like, I kept room since they might add different mounts for flying.[/quote]
    If everyone could have a flying mount, they just could add fast travelling to them. This is why you might have heard about another kind of mounts that are considered as gliders.
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    I like the fact that pure flying mounts will be available only for kings/mayors, that's a huge rewards and maybe even a player who wasn't interested in politics or in guilds, now might think about it.
    I also love your idea of a war-band rushing towards another one with mounts and spears, but imagine how much power a large scale battle will require.
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    In the last Podcast the devs stated, that there will be mounted combat, but your available skills are limited to that of your mount. You will have specific mount skills and you can't use your class skills anymore. But they didn't specify which kind of skills your mount will have.
    Maybe some kicking if your mount is a horse or something like that.
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