PAX East Demo Experience and Dev Appreciation

So before I get into my impressions from the PAX East Demo I just wanted to shout out to Mr. Chris Atkins who was the dev that ran us through the dungeon. If you see this man I hope your throat is feeling better so you can talk again. I am the bald dude who was playing the tank on Sunday who was over-exaggerating trying to pan the camera because the pan speed was abysmal XD. I would also like to shout out to Samantha Page for taking the time to talk to myself and some of my group about the game and answer some of the questions we had. You were a great sounding board for ideas and you really helped to get them hooked.


Honestly is was pretty solid for a pre-alpha build. Most of the problems that I had were on the UI front. The camera pan speed was abysmal. We were lacking any kind of combo rhythm indicator, so much so that I didn't even know it was a system until Samantha mentioned it after we were done. The hotbar abilities need some sort of range indicator on them, like graying themselves out when they are out of range or something. I hit my charge so many times trying to get it to go off only to have it tell me that I was out of range. I also noticed that the GCD visually refreshed the cooldowns on all of the abilities and then the ones that were on cooldown went back to their normal counters. This ended up being really confusing and I found myself trying to hit abilities when the GCD came off only to have them be on cooldown. 

The only thing that really bugged me that wasn't UI was how floaty the jumps were. Other than that it seems like they have a really solid base here, which is honestly surprising considering how early they are in their development cycle. 

I of course had a huge problem with the default hotkey setup they had us using but they is easily remedied when we get to set our own clients up. I felt so lost without my 12 button mouse, it was so awkward having ti hit number keys with my left hand. Who does that anymore?


  • Also as a side note I totally just saw myself in "The Future of MMORPGs" video that they just put out. Completely wasn't expecting that.
  • Sounds like a great time, and your a lucky duck to be in that video.
    Positive impressions are always a + :mrgreen:
    How did you like playing as a tank during the demo btw? 

  • zazukeys said:
    Sounds like a great time, and your a lucky duck to be in that video.
    Positive impressions are always a + :mrgreen:
    How did you like playing as a tank during the demo btw? 

    I've been tanking in various MMO's for years so it was pretty natural. They give you a pretty comprehensive toolset even by lvl 10. I'm excited to see how the 2ndary classes modify those abilities and what other ones we receive. I really felt I was missing some form of AoE threat gen. It was really tough to deal with more than 2 or 3 targets with tab and the setup they gave us, plus I couldn't rotate my camera. 
  • @Fluffinater
    Well I hope it is easier to rotate your camera in the next build :tongue:
    Maybeeee some of the augments in the future will allow for big boss threat gen vs big aoe threat gen. :mrgreen:
  • There was a similar thread about the camera. Steven said that on some of the setups if people scrolled the middle mouse button down it set it to 0. It is something they will look at correcting to make sure it doesn't happen in the future.
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