Hello Adventurers I Am ArisingSun

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edited July 2018 in The Newly Arrived


Hi all pleasure to meet you all I am ArisingSuns and Soon to be Leader of Men Summer Backer! I have decided to introduce myself to you all and hope to be a big part of this community creating many adventures and stories to tell in the local tavern over a Dwarven ale and a party game! 

A little about me:
I am a twitch streamer and have been for a few years now.I have played GW2, AA, WOW, RS and BDO. But what intrigued me the most about AoC is the amazing node system that gives players the power over the world. Sent Chills down my spine. I hope the same happened to some of you as well.

Fave food: Steak, Pizza, Tacos

When this game comes out I am going to stream this game nonestop! so come and join me and hear my battlecries at twitch.tv/ArisingSuns

have any questions about me just ask!


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