Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Open World PVP

OMG!!! OpEn WoRlD PvP WiLi RuIn GaMe. PlS cHaNgE iNtRePiD
Honestly, is it even a forums without a pvp argument. I just had to make this. I hope it doesn't turn into an actual argument thread though.
Honestly, is it even a forums without a pvp argument. I just had to make this. I hope it doesn't turn into an actual argument thread though.
Where there is light, there is shadow. I am the shadow without the light. The shadow of nothingness. The VoidShadow
let me throw some salt into this topic.................... Guy aint losing Shiiiiii , unless he red bruh and if he re bruh he stupiiiddddd
It would have anyway no point in delaying the inevitable c:
The Last Jedi wasn't THAT bad.
you are right it was 99% bad ^^
The star destroyer being cut in half was awesome, rest was shit. Oh Lukes entrance was ok aswell c:
Pretty much exactly this. Also on the subject of PvP..Get rekt?
― Frank Herbert
welcome to ashes where there are no save zones ^^
haha removing pvp from the game or even making separate servers has a 0% chance of happening, they would probably sooner remove the entire APOC c:
1. why would it?
2. they have said many many times that they will not change it
3. ashes has also been shown as a PvX game so everyone should know this by now
I mean its not like MMORPGs are called Massively multiplayer online role-playing game for no reason
Now I guess this would be the perfect opportunity to take the stereotypical stance of a super hardcore PvE care bear.
please stop I want to bash you just for pointing all this out
Now listen here, pal. I am a hardcore raiding PvE carebear and here is my stance on those things!
1. Most of my friends are PvP players.
2. Exactly!
3. Not really... I like to see players in their PvP armor and always think: "Man I whish i was good at PvP!"
4. Holy shit there are probably more PvP players then raiders at this point! xD
5. Depends: Good PvE or mediocre PvE
6. Combat systems have to be unbalanced, there will always be people babyraging about rogue stealth capabilities and why mages can burst so hard.
7. Exactly!
8. Meh, I and most other people are just pants at PvP, leading to most people saying that PvP sucks, while we all watch professional matches and whish we were able to do that xD
Also only thing i liked about last jedi was luke playing around with kylo at the end
That scene was so bad xD