Apocalypse Play of the Week Submissions

edited October 2019 in Community Creations
Glorious Apocalypse players - grab your tomes, sharpen your swords, and get ready to show off your magic & might! Each week, we want to see your top Apocalypse video clips to feature as our #PlayoftheWeek.

Do you have a masterful multi-kill to show off? Survive by the skin of your teeth in some creative way? Share your top video clips below, and you may be featured in an upcoming #PlayoftheWeek on our official Facebook & Twitter!

When you share your content in this thread, you are confirming the following things:
  • You are the original creator of the content provided (or have permission from the original creator - you should note who the original creator is in your post).
  • You give Intrepid Studios permission to share your content on other platforms (such as Facebook or Twitter for #PlayoftheWeek).
We recommend also including at least a brief description of your creation when you post it. We like to credit your work when we share it, so if you want us to give you a shoutout, please include your name and/or social media handles in your post!


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