Dev Discussion Request for Early Guild Development

skafftarussskafftaruss Member, Phoenix Initiative, Hero of the People, Kickstarter, Alpha One
edited February 2020 in General Discussion
For those of us forming guilds – I request Intrepid generate a Developer’s Discussion on Early Guild Development. Please don’t go ‘off the rails’ on this thread forwarding the notion that such a topic is way too early or it has to be played in Beta before we know what it is. The operative word is forming guilds. To elaborate, fresh new guilds forming alongside Ashes of Creation (AOC) & tailored to AOC. On Twitch I heard ‘biomes’ might dictate what kind of building structures are constructed. This makes sense as one wouldn’t want to make a thatched hut in a frozen tundra. Here’s a couple questions:

To complete some guild quest tasks – do the members need to work by grouping in the same area? Hence, is a guild probably starting out at the same portal. Is it advantageous to be a race based on the location of that portal? Hence, are Kaivek Orcs more adapted to a biome? Further, do certain biomes lend themselves to a racial theme and deity story line? Perhaps AOC is a blank canvas and such assumptions are bunk. Therefore, a Nikua can build a thatched hut empire on the frozen tundra? OK - a thatched brush & grass hut empire.

Here’s my concern. Since some may be forming small skills-based guilds, we might want to be up front with potential members. As example: Stipulate during Beta, our biome is X, our racial tendency is Y, our guild will focus on trade skill Z. Please be kind and post any constructive and positive comments below. It is an exciting time to be a part of AOC. Maybe there will be a Dev Discussion …. Maybe not (it’s way too early). Have fun!


  • To complete some guild quest tasks – do the members need to work by grouping in the same area? Hence, is a guild probably starting out at the same portal.

    I think that there will be different types of things you can do for a guild, a task could be doable solo, or in a little group, I think that quests are more long-term accomplishment that requires more things to do, more resources and time. Depending on what we try to achieve, we could be limited. What I wonder is, are those tasks & quests given by a guild npc, or is it available in the "guild menu". If yes being at the same place as guild's member could be necessary.
    Is it advantageous to be a race based on the location of that portal? Hence, are Kaivek Orcs more adapted to a biome? Further, do certain biomes lend themselves to a racial theme and deity story line? Perhaps AOC is a blank canvas and such assumptions are bunk. Therefore, a Nikua can build a thatched hut empire on the frozen tundra? OK - a thatched brush & grass hut empire.

    I heard that races give different stats, it would be logical if there is some sort of "race's strength" and so a specific place where they excels. So maybe doing a "limited race guild" could have its advantages. But like all things, being specialized is nice, but being versatile could be also interesting. The more I think about it, the more questions come. Regarding the buildings you make, I think that by logic you can't make a lumber camp in a desert, but regarding on how the races influences the building in a node, I guess we will be able to see thatched hut like you say in a frozen place xD

    I guess that some guild's leaders already have and will be discussing such things as places they aim to build their guild, node etc... But I am also pretty sure that conflicts will arise from the very beginning. If I remember correctly, the server will hold 10K players, that's a lot of things to organize, even for such a huge map. I really doubt that players in the very start of the release will start killing each other for a place they all aim for, it would be some sort of racing for the most contribution to get important roles within a node to dictate the path it takes. I guess the guild with the highest numbers will “take control” of the node. But since how we can interact with a node and its progression is obscure, maybe there are ways to ensure that some things are given to all “parties”, instead of having one group completely dominating a node.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Look at Skaff making a totally coherent and even “good” thread. :)

    I agree completely, I’d like to see this info too.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    (it’s way too early)
    I agree with this statement.

    I totally agree that potential guild leaders need to know what information they need to pass on to their potential guild members in advance of the game launching.

    However, since the game is realistically 24 months or more from release, any such information released now is almost guaranteed to change in some manner.

    What you should be focusing on in terms of forming a guild for AoC now is setting up a general notion of what the guild is - wether that is deciding to focus on a specific part of the in game world, focusing on a specific profession, focusing on a specific what ever else you may want to focus on.

    Other than having a very general notion of what your guild is, all potential guild leaders need to be doing right now is focusing on being someone that others want to have as guild leaders.

    Most players won't join a guild because of the abstract notion attached to it - most players join a guild because of the leadership of that guild.
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'm still stunned that I agree

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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