Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I expressed my opinion. I did mention in my post that perhaps people prefer an environment where they are not reminded of reality. This should show that I understand that reasoning.
From the responses I gathered that people prefer a narrative that is idealistic, presented from a happy lightinf, instead of one in which the wrongs are not sugarcoated. A heavier setting, in which the good would eventually win, however being against greater adversities would make the conclusion more thunderous and rewarding.
People we too quick to get angry at me even though I didnt say anything rude.
I am not surprised at the responses prefering a fantasy word in which equality is GRANTED for our fellow people, but I am surprised by the anger and ill disposition of a few. Very surprised at the way they responded.
Oh, yeah, I can definitely see your reasoning behind your thoughts. For sure a valid viewpoint, though I must admit it's one that I only enjoy in a single player environment. I really dig dark and gritty environments there...I simply don't want to spend a lot of time on a lot of games like that. Just one or two here or there.
As for people's reactions in this thread, these types of topics are very... Stimulating to many people, to both the positive and negative extremes. Also, it is difficult to get a specific "feeling" of response across via text, as opposed to body language and tonal inflection of voice while speaking.
I would honestly not worry too much about there being anger in some responses. While I do not know everyone in this thread, those that have had interactions with me are not aiming anger at you, of this I am fairly certain. I am familiar with their personalities and general approach to social interactions, and I am positive they are simply relating their ideas. Even if in a passionate manner.
I don't want to "put words into some else's mouth/post," so to say, but...
Of those I know, you're in the company of good people here and I'm sure they bore no ill intent towards you. I urge you to read through the responses again, but with a neutral voice in your mind.
I'm pretty onboard with your points, here. I can take it or leave it. That said, I've always been good with "leaving my sense of disbelief at the door" when watching movies. That kinda carries over into video game narratives, too. Unless it's smacking me in the face to teach me a lesson, I'm ok with allowing every game's separate lore and storytelling to come across and bring me into it's own unique environment, as was hinted at by @Ravudha and @BadPotato .
I'm also getting quite the chuckle out of your idea to combine GoT and LotR universes... Very good and very bad things could come out of that, lol
Racism is touchy in literature. The best I can say is "Don't do it, and if you do it, don't use real world references. If you use representation, be sure that representation isn't easily associated with stereotypes because it tends to translate poorly".
For example, if you have robots in a world, and you have a racism theme against robots, people tend to perceive that and apply it to insert-race-here automatically. Which only encourages their racism.
Basically, what you put into literature has a suggestive effect on the viewers mindset. It's not obvious, but the more exposure to it, the more they adopt it.
Sexism and racism should be approached in games VERY carefully. Which would explain why few creators even touch the subjects anymore. At least, not intentionally.
I have mental health issues and that has altered some of my work environments, some of my peers perception and attitude towards me, and in some cases they way my friends act around me in certain situations.
I have a friend with a more complex issue than mine who works hard to keep it from non-family/friends (where I openly share).
If he is palying the game why would he have to watch a character be treated differently due to a mental health issue if he himself has never been treated as such?
Why would I want to play a fantasy game and interact with a character facing similar issues that I do? Especially on days where everyone seems to be kind of asshats about it?
If this were going to be an atmospheric, adult slice of life, drama I would 100% expect that level of reality. In the expected fantasy environment where we shouldn't assume people care about sexual orientation or your species (no auto-enemies based on race) why would developers interject that?
You can't claim it's about "not faking" those things don't exist if they don't exist. Also, the whole game/environment/races/etc. are in fact fake. Hence fantasy game.
I missed the forums...
its nice to see you back ^^