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Can you trade with Corrupted?

Hi Team
Really excited about the game. After going through The Lazy Peon video i got a question. If I'm a corrupted player then i allow my fellow guildmate or friend to kill me to take my loot and get back from them later (or) can i drop loot and they can pick it up? If yes then its not really a punishment. Unless I'm wrong.


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    JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Well once you are killed and purge your corruption you are no longer corrupt.

    So yes someone could scoop your loot for you and give it back.

    Remember though, you are going to suffer a 400% death penalty for dying while corrupted. That's going to be the deterrant.

    If you want to know more about corruption:

    And then come back with whatever deeper questions you have.
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
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    darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Jahlon wrote: »
    Well once you are killed and purge your corruption you are no longer corrupt.

    So yes someone could scoop your loot for you and give it back.

    Remember though, you are going to suffer a 400% death penalty for dying while corrupted. That's going to be the deterrant.

    If you want to know more about corruption:

    And then come back with whatever deeper questions you have.
    This is why I love the fact this game is being made by someone who actually plays games. almost every exploit has been thought of and the systems are being built to combat them. The few that do make it in we the players will have plenty of time to find them and report them before launch.
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Loosing what you are wearing is not a derterrant to a max level who can kill low levels while wearing nothing at all to loose.
    Also the whole idea that open pvp won't be an issue because you can just not fight back and they will get corruption is outweighed by the fact you get double penalty for not fighting back. So yes you are left with the choice of being spawn camped and griefed ...or you can take double penalty so the greefer gets some corruption they can work off or get rid of. I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable. It's clearly going to be an open world pvp with plenty of greefers since taking double penalty and having to not even try, giving them free kills as your only way to trigger the deterent, is not much of a deterrant to the attacker.
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    JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Loosing everything you are wearing is not a derterrant to a max level who can kill low levels while wearing nothing at all to loose.

    It is

    #1 they won't be able to kill low level wearing nothing
    #2 they will be getting a MASSIVE corruption penalty for killing low levels
    #3 they take 400% negative xp as compared to a normal death when they are corrupted
    #4 if they are stacking that much corruption it may take 5, 6, 7, 10 deaths to clear all that corruption
    #5 they may be funcitioning as a level 48, 47 even lower if they have that much negative XP

    #6 and most importantly that deep in corruption they can be killed by low levels
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    This game isn't really being made for PvE only players.

    It is for people that prefer PvE all the way over to people that prefer PvP, but it is not for PvE only players, nor PvP only players.
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    noaani wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    This game isn't really being made for PvE only players.

    It is for people that prefer PvE all the way over to people that prefer PvP, but it is not for PvE only players, nor PvP only players.

    I didn't say it was being made for pve only players. Almost any game that attempts open world with functional restrictions is going for all 3 groups. PvE, PVP, and those who like both. I was pointing out that one of those 3 groups is not going to think this system strong enough to do any good.
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    i understand death penalty and the difference between non-combatant vs combatant vs corrupted. can someone tell me, if my skills/attacks can do damage to others. I mean
    1. I'm non-combatant but by mistake my skill/attack has hit a combatant?
    2. I'm a combatant but my skill/attack has hit a non-combatant/combatant that i did not intend to hit?
    hope my question is not stupid :wink:
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    CaerylCaeryl Member
    i understand death penalty and the difference between non-combatant vs combatant vs corrupted. can someone tell me, if my skills/attacks can do damage to others. I mean
    1. I'm non-combatant but by mistake my skill/attack has hit a combatant?
    2. I'm a combatant but my skill/attack has hit a non-combatant/combatant that i did not intend to hit?
    hope my question is not stupid :wink:

    If you hit a combatant or non-combatant with a targeted ability, you’re flagged as a combatant. If you hit a corrupted while a non-combatant, you do not flag as a combatant.

    You can’t flag as a combatant from AoE.

    You only become corrupted by killing a non-combatant, hitting them is ok.

    Hasn’t been announced whether healing a combatant or corrupted will flag you as a combatant, but I assume it will.

    Hasn’t been announced how long a combatant state will last, but won’t be until-death like corruption is.
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    You can’t flag as a combatant from AoE.

    So if you are a high level player and you cast an aoe near a low level player, can it kill said low level player without flagging the high level player as a corrupted/combatant?
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    In Similar way
    I'm non-combatant and killed a corrupted and now i became combatant. Is there a mechanism in game that allows me to change back to non-combatant? if yes is there any set time frame? Because, lets say there is a bounty, and players near that bounty might all try to get that. In the process everyone becomes combatant. So now they can attack each other even though they did not intend to. Or my understanding about how this works is completely wrong
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Aardvark wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    This game isn't really being made for PvE only players.

    It is for people that prefer PvE all the way over to people that prefer PvP, but it is not for PvE only players, nor PvP only players.

    I didn't say it was being made for pve only players. Almost any game that attempts open world with functional restrictions is going for all 3 groups. PvE, PVP, and those who like both. I was pointing out that one of those 3 groups is not going to think this system strong enough to do any good.
    Ashes is not aiming at the first two groups, only the third.

    If all you want to do is PvE, Ashes is not the game for you.
    If all you want to do is PvP, Ashes is not the game for you.

    In Ashes, you will have to do both, so you had best be prepared to do both.

    As such, the comment you made
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    doesn't apply in Ashes because there should not be any PvE only players.
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    noaani wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    This game isn't really being made for PvE only players.

    It is for people that prefer PvE all the way over to people that prefer PvP, but it is not for PvE only players, nor PvP only players.

    I didn't say it was being made for pve only players. Almost any game that attempts open world with functional restrictions is going for all 3 groups. PvE, PVP, and those who like both. I was pointing out that one of those 3 groups is not going to think this system strong enough to do any good.
    Ashes is not aiming at the first two groups, only the third.

    If all you want to do is PvE, Ashes is not the game for you.
    If all you want to do is PvP, Ashes is not the game for you.

    In Ashes, you will have to do both, so you had best be prepared to do both.

    As such, the comment you made
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    doesn't apply in Ashes because there should not be any PvE only players.

    Well I hope they get 100% of that player base then as you just said its not for 95% of MMO players. That doesn't leave all that many left as most who like both like the pvp on demand arena style not open world screwing with their PVE. You are going to be hard pressed to find millions of people who want both and open world unrestricted pvp all 3 where the open world pvp even costs a % of your stuff.
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Jahlon wrote: »
    Well once you are killed and purge your corruption you are no longer corrupt.

    So yes someone could scoop your loot for you and give it back.

    Remember though, you are going to suffer a 400% death penalty for dying while corrupted. That's going to be the deterrant.

    If you want to know more about corruption:

    And then come back with whatever deeper questions you have.

    The only way you get corruption is if the person you attack agrees to give themself double penalty by refusing to even try to win right? If so this is no deterent
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Aardvark wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    This game isn't really being made for PvE only players.

    It is for people that prefer PvE all the way over to people that prefer PvP, but it is not for PvE only players, nor PvP only players.

    I didn't say it was being made for pve only players. Almost any game that attempts open world with functional restrictions is going for all 3 groups. PvE, PVP, and those who like both. I was pointing out that one of those 3 groups is not going to think this system strong enough to do any good.
    Ashes is not aiming at the first two groups, only the third.

    If all you want to do is PvE, Ashes is not the game for you.
    If all you want to do is PvP, Ashes is not the game for you.

    In Ashes, you will have to do both, so you had best be prepared to do both.

    As such, the comment you made
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I don't think pve only players are going to find this system acceptable.
    doesn't apply in Ashes because there should not be any PvE only players.

    Well I hope they get 100% of that player base then as you just said its not for 95% of MMO players. That doesn't leave all that many left as most who like both like the pvp on demand arena style not open world screwing with their PVE. You are going to be hard pressed to find millions of people who want both and open world unrestricted pvp all 3 where the open world pvp even costs a % of your stuff.

    Ashes isn't necessarily after millions of players. if it gets them, cool, but it isn't the goal.

    It isn't trying to be a WoW killer, an ESO killer or a FFXIC killer.

    Ashes is - at it's core - the MMO that Steven wants to play. If the game that is released is a game that he wants to play, then the game is a success according to the only person that is able to say whether the game is a success or not.

    The rest of us are just along for the ride.

    The notion that Ashes is Pvx as opposed to PvE or PvP is core to the game.

    All items that players use will be acquired via PvE - there literally isn't any way to guarantee yourself equipment via PvP. However, all items that are acquired via PvE need materials to be transported via the caravan system, so all people only wanting to PvE will find themselves needing to PvP in order to protect their caravans.

    Open PvP that involves the corruption system will very much be the exception in Ashes, rather than the rule. Many players will spent their entire time in Ashes never having gained corruption, nor having been attacked in a way where the opposing person could gain corruption. However, even without this happening, players will still need to PvP.
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