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Topic, translation


I would like to know if the game will be translated into other languages, for my part in French. If so, is it possible to create a French-speaking category in the forum? When the fundraising campaign, you will propose packs when?

In any case there are many to follow this game, we find it really well done on the artistic & technical direction.


  • Hi Spartan117 i hope this helps not about french directly, but hopefully answers your question :)

    <a href="" target="_blank">Answered Here</a>
    Q: Could you tell us in which languages the game will be translated? Have you contemplated Spanish?
    A: Localisation and translations really depend on the demand for our game in those regional markets. I can say that it is an expensive process, but one that we are wanting to do if the demand is there. The best thing you can do to see this happen, is to help build our community in those markets.

    As for the fundraising campaign we are still waiting for more details on that :)
  • thank you for the answer !
    But if it means that you have to buy a contributing pack to the project and then tell us that it will stay in English, it is not very encouraging for us.
    We will follow all this, subscribe to beta / alpha but for the investment in this project the vast majority of francophones will prefer to wait to be sure for the location in FR.
    The dubbing is not important, it is mainly the written translation that matters most to us ^^

    In another question, the game was announced only in December 2016 but how long has development started?
  • [quote quote=2327]
    But if it means that you have to buy a contributing pack to the project and then tell us that it will stay in English, it is not very encouraging for us.

    i think it more means it depends on how many people from that region are going to be playing.

    if its only a small amount of people, that wouldn't really justify covering the cost of the translation work. the more people interested in playing the game the better ;)

    as for the development time im not 100% sure on that , my best guess after seeing the video's etc at the announcement, it seems they have spent a while on it so maybe a year?
  • Ok merci pour le retour !
    J'espère qu'on va vite en savoir plus, on est de plus en plus nombreux à être intéressé par ce projet. Si on voit que le jeu passe en Fr j'achèterai avec plaisir un pack sur ce projet !
  • hahaha had to google translate that one :P, heres hoping that you get it in FR, i know there's already a few french speaking people here so finger's crossed :)
  • Yep Google translate =)
    Me too i hope for french version ^^
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