Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Dual Target System

It may be too late in the development to implement something like this, but I hope the devs consider implementing the dual target systems seen in Warhammer Online.

For anyone not familiar with the system, unlike most tab-target games that have a single target and all spells/abilities lock onto them, Warhammer had an offensive target and defensive target. This allowed all offensive abilities to attack the primary target, while any defensive spells (buff/heals/etc) to apply to your defensive target. In general it helped with healers and support classes being able to maintain targeting on enemies, but its true value was that it allowed spells to split between both. For example a spell like "Blinding Heal" could heal my defensive target as well as blind my offensive target. A spell like "Enraging Taunt" would taunt my offensive target and cast a damage buff on my defensive target. If no defensive target is selected the abilities go to myself.

This type of system is invaluable for hybrid classes that are trying to mix DPS and support because it allows them to do both simultaneously. Although I haven't seen Ashes' classes, max level and in action I feel like the foundation of the system is entirely built to create hybrid classes, which historically struggled in games balanced around a trinity. I worry that the best tank will be tank/tank, or healer cleric/cleric and I think a dual targeting system can be helpful in bridging the gap for hybrids, because it allows them to focus on their core role, while outputting support (or damage) as a byproduct. It also leaves room for more skilled decision making on when to cast certain abilities and who to target with them.


  • LeiloniLeiloni Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2020
    As a healer I much prefer standard targeting systems. Dual targeting systems just get confusing. Even more so when you're changing targets frequently.
  • XenotorXenotor Member, Alpha Two
    I liked the Dual target system in Warhammer and always hated the single target system of WoW.
    "just need to heal the guy then attack with blind spell" Super annoying to have to re target my offensive target just be course i want to heal someone.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    They can just use the same hing as WoW did since a long time: Target's Target.
  • In many MMOs you can set a target lock which places a target info panel on your UI that persists even when you select a different target, and is both clickable and accessable through a keybind allowing you to re-target the previously locked target. There is also usually a feature which allows you to see and select the target of your target, and a feature which allows you to quickly target specific party members with keybinds.

    Standard MMO design features already exist to provide something similar to the functionality you are suggesting in a way that is much more intuitive.
  • The value I'm speaking up for isn't just an extra target focus that you can bind to make it easier to keep important targets focused. It is a system that allows spells/abilities your character has to affect two different targets simultaneously. An example from Warhammer is the warrior priest can attack an enemy with a Divine Strike which "crushes your enemy, dealing X damage to them. The divine power of Sigmar heals your defensive target and any allies within 10 feet of them for 100% of the damage that was dealt."
  • So your more or so advocating for spells that do multiple things......
  • Daedrik45 wrote: »
    So your more or so advocating for spells that do multiple things......

    Yes, but in a specific way. Ashes already has spells that do two things, I.E. the cleric spell that pulses heals and damage in an area. The problem with handling multi-use spells with AOEs is they are usually heavily diluted in strength to balance their ability to hit infinite targets (or they are target capped which make them unreliable), and they focus to heavily on positioning, which can lead to problematic gameplay like the "pirate ship meta" that exists in GW2.

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