In game idea

Hi, First post here. i had an idea today on the discord server and was asked to post it here. What would you guys think to this:
"have a job system within the game, let players play the role of "courier" and deliver the items for payment (the item is just labelled package to prevent theft of goods")
cost of delivery goes to the player delivering the goods, minus an expense or whatever, to be determined by package size/distance travelled or through dangerous zones cost extra
how you would implement this i have 0 clue, im just an ideas guy"

what do you guys think, is this an idea that could work? does this have some merrit? How would you like to see something like this implemented?

Thank you for you time, and im greally looking forward to this game :)


  • Will there be an internal mail system?
    This link may help you:

  • sarkadosarkado Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I hate to be the one to burst the bubble, but I think your idea is called "Caravans".

    I know your idea expands beyond that, but that would also be covered by purchasing items directly from a seller from what ever town or city you are located in.
  • Caravans can be attacked and raided, but the player courier isn't going to lose the package. For smaller items, it may be safer/more cost-effective to hire a courier.
    This link may help you:

  • i was meaning more for player to player purchases, like buying an item from a player in a different area and then transporting it via another player, rather than a larger scale transfer like the caravans.
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I think this is something that the player base might do on its own, if a shop needs certain stock of ______ then they can post it on the noticeboard with a reward for other players who supply it.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • I appreciate the OPs enthusiasm. Unfortunately, this will not be a design mechanic.

    Firstly, items are not lootable (dropped), so there is no risk, to carry an item to be delivered. You only drop items, if corrupted. So, only gatherables and processed goods are lootable, which leads to caravans.

    Secondly, there is no issue, if you want to commission a "courier" to fetch your items. That's called Player Agency. Something all MMORPGs are designed for, and no game mechanic needed. You get ripped off, that's a life lesson.

    I played a courier in EQ. Spawn campers would need a coin exchanger. Since I could teleport, I would load up copper, port to the bank and exchange it for gold. Run back, load up, port back. Made a good amount, doing this. But, EQ had a weight system. Is this what we want?

    If you really want to be a courier. I suggest you talk to an NPC. I am sure s/he will have a quest to deliver or fetch something, for a reward.
  • Multiple ppl (myself included) have already suggested an eve-online-ish courier contract system for caravans (delivering gatherables only), and we do know there will be a bulletin board and jobs-posted-by-players system in game.

    But at this point we don't know if one can contract entire caravans as jobs.

    Courier for other general items though, as others have mentioned already, probably aren't worth implementing since regular items don't drop (unlike gatherables in caravans) unless you're corrupted, you don't get flagged for pvp while transporting it, and generates nearly no content (other then a player-transaction between the courier & the client)
  • If you'd rather carry on levelling instead of running halfway across the map, you might want to pay someone else to run it for you?
    This link may help you:

  • Sov54Sov54 Member
    edited October 2020
    Kneczhevo wrote: »
    I appreciate the OPs enthusiasm. Unfortunately, this will not be a design mechanic.

    Firstly, items are not lootable (dropped), so there is no risk, to carry an item to be delivered. You only drop items, if corrupted. So, only gatherables and processed goods are lootable, which leads to caravans.

    Secondly, there is no issue, if you want to commission a "courier" to fetch your items. That's called Player Agency. Something all MMORPGs are designed for, and no game mechanic needed. You get ripped off, that's a life lesson.

    You only drop gear if corrupted*

    If I got it right, not corrupted players will drop mats when killed.

    And to OP: Players will make good gold traveling from a place with X resources to another place without them and sell them there. I'm pretty sure you can offer yourself and your group of PvPers to transport that safely for gold, but normally it would be more profitable to just load your own stuff and sell it.

    No need for mechanics of package protection, just risk vs reward, wich is 100 times more interesting than a safe fetching quest.
  • As people have mentioned, this can easily be left as a player controlled system where you request an item and someone brings it to you for the cost of the item plus fee for travel time. The only place that I could see an in-game mechanic for such service be useful is with the economic node's integrated auction house. It's been stated if you buy something on the auction house that was posted in another node you have to travel to pick it up. It would be nice to be able to authorize other players to pick up your item so that you could allow such player initiated and controlled courier activities to apply to the auction house purchases as well.

    On a side note it could be nice to be able to give select trusted guildies/friends access to your storage in nodes/freeholds, but this may be overstepping as I believe that is supposed to be a specific advantage of the marriage system.
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