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Early access: Why preorders should get it?

JeanPhilippeQCJeanPhilippeQC Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Not that i'm childlish and want to play earlier but i want to bring 2 reasons why early access should be granted to pre orders. At the moment only crowdfunding will get it.

1: It's a good way to reward for pre-ordering. I think that's a good way to make the waiting worth for. How many days? It's could be one day for the 75$ and 150$ pack , two for the others pack and two for crowdfunding.

2: The most obvious reason is possible servers issues. Most MMORPGS had servers problems or heavy lags at release because players massively tried to log in. WoW as an exemple: they had a 2 days down at very early days then got a 2 weeks downtime. Recently Blizzard had added 9.0.1 and log in was painful and very laggy .

Making peoples log in on a few days period should, in my opinion, help to have a smooth launch. Developers should let's peoples join massively only if they can trust they servers and avoid lags and downtimes because of a mass of players trying to play in same time.


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    2: The most obvious reason is possible servers issues. Most MMORPGS had servers problems or heavy lags at release because players massively tried to log in. WoW as an exemple: they had a 2 days down at very early days then got a 2 weeks downtime. Recently Blizzard had added 9.0.1 and log in was painful and very laggy

    Steven said exactly that. The reason for head starts is to see if there are bugs in the launch mechanisms. Also, that there will likely only be 3 servers that have any head start at all. I assume the engineers figure that there is enough population on the Kickstarter levels to stress the system sufficiently.

    Head start grants no player defined benefits that I've been able to determine. Nodes will be turned off until launch. The only thing I can fathom is the pre-launch players will be able to fight mobs, harvest, and move to distant nodes. I don't know if this means they will be able to gain experience leveling themselves but not a node. The starting areas will only have limited services so there will be no means for transporting harvested materials or drops. All nodes at 0 means no housing, no governments, no amenities.

    Along these lines what I would like to see would be a partial entrance into the world for anyone taking advantage of the current levels of support for the game. That would be to open the character creator a day or two before launch. On launch day I can imagine a lot of people picking race and archtype and accepting the default character attributes just so they can get in world - in a word “boring”. I don't know how this would affect the network, but it might be a way to balance the load over 2 or three days.

    This leads to a question: Will there be a way in-game to change your appearance?

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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited December 2020
    These were promised as an exclusive for kickstarters. It's a bad sign if they won't uphold promises for exlusivity.

    I missed out on kickstarter packages, but I think these things should remain exclusive to early backers.

    @Warth corrected me below
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    maouw wrote: »
    These were promised as an exclusive for kickstarters. It's a bad sign if they won't uphold promises for exlusivity.

    I missed out on kickstarter packages, but I think these things should remain exclusive to early backers.

    incorrect. Headstarts were never promoted as exclusive. Everything that was KS exclusive was declared as such, including cosmetics, lifetime sub, the racial skins, the guild cloak, guild mount barding and so forth.

    With that being said, I don't personally care whether they open it up for purchase once more or not. There are pros and cons for both sides, which has been discussed extensively on the discord.
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    unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    They (Intrepid) will do whatever they feel is best for the game's release. So far we have statements from Steven that headstart will not be coming back for purchase, but as with many other things, sometimes intentions from 3 years ago when the studio first envisioned how development would go versus reality, changes need to happen. I personally think they will avoid it because of all the p2w connotations that were thrown around the first time, no matter how much they try to spin or change it to lessen it's impact, that is going to be something they will have to weather through.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    They (Intrepid) will do whatever they feel is best for the game's release. So far we have statements from Steven that headstart will not be coming back for purchase, but as with many other things, sometimes intentions from 3 years ago when the studio first envisioned how development would go versus reality, changes need to happen. I personally think they will avoid it because of all the p2w connotations that were thrown around the first time, no matter how much they try to spin or change it to lessen it's impact, that is going to be something they will have to weather through.

    This is basically my thoughts on it as well.

    It's odd, of all the things Intrepid have done that warrant players taking issue, the head start servers are not one of them. The way they are set up, they are hardly even worth logging in to (no node progression, which means no mobs above about level 10 or so). Add this to the fact that there are a limited number of headstart servers, giving players the choice to just not have people that started early on their server, and there really isn't any scope for valid complaints imo.

    That said, since they did recieve a LOT of complaints about it in the past, I wouldn't expect to see it offered up again.
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    BlightEmpireBlightEmpire Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    This is a .... subject that's gonna be very much debatable on both sides.

    I think you should get what was promised. I have bought into not just alpha games before but also early access sadly i was not around years back to get a chance. In that sense i would like the opportunity to get a pack. Either to join up in the Alpha NDA level or at least get a headstart. And unlike the OP i am being childish its just what id like don't strike me down for saying it lol. So id like to see some different packs with better benefits myself. But as the above posters have said. The company is free to pursue any options it would like always.

    I would like the headstart to be only 1 day though. If its going to be only on select server's though i see no issue with them having headstarts because the ones who do get a headstart will mostly be there with others who got in from that time. Oh for sure some people will go to them. And even if node progression isn't a thing at headstart and wait until others can join if people go a little crazy they could be overleveled even if its not a huge benefit it is still a advantage it also allows them time to group up with guild members and all move to their desired locations. Thus when the node's go live they will have a big advantage because they can rush the experience in their preferred node and have development jump up quickly.

    In another sense i agree with a mentioned sentiment. Game company's always ALWAYS underestimate their popularity nearly 90% of the time or better. Every game launch ive been in has either had massive issue with server log in or has had every game server be 100% full with a queue to get into the game. And in that sense a early start might not be a terrible thing... it would allow the game dev's and owners see how much space they need. If they reopened the packs to buy into headstart again it could give them a baseline for how many wanna come. Though it would still only give a fraction of who will actually play it more then likely all those last minute buyer's it would help though if they listed i dunno 7 server's let you all pick what server the headstart get fist pick, then the others can pick a day or two later and close the server's off the list as they near or hit what they deem as capacity. They should also prepare extra server's ahead of time. If they need them they have them ready to spool up and go. If they don't need them then they can just sell them or reuse em later etc. Just seems like a safer method. Sorry i went off topic a bit.

    In short complaints or not i think headstart can play a helpful role. And i would really like to see a poll put out on it and get a consensus from the community a bit more like what we did with multibox poll. Give some likes to the post if you wanna see a poll ijs.
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