What do you think the best PvP class will be?

EVeryone defines best as something else. What do you define it as, and wich class does that the best?

Plz use this format:
Best Class
Type of Pvp that you like to do
Reason why its the best

My pick for best class:
Best Class Bard
Type of Pvp that you like to do Small group pvp 10-30 people where individual skill and build still matter
Reason why its the best Bards will be force multipliers, you'll be tankier, faster, more deadly and can heal more. the'll have adequate crowd control, and what they lack in damage or healing, they make up with their flexibility. The'll have buffs to augment your groups strong points, and counter your weak points. And thats what makes them in my opinion the best pvp class


  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Best Class - Ranger
    Type of Pvp that you like to do - murder someone and take their stuff
    Reason why its the best - I now have more stuff

    For real though

    Best Class - Ranger
    Type of Pvp that you like to do - Organized world pvp roaming using theory crafted group compositions and tight communication in Discord. Intelligent positioning and effective critical thinking from all players on the team.
    Reason why its the best - I may not even play a ranger but having a ranged character that doesn't wear cloth and is able to engage and escape at a moments notice is just brutal AF.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited October 2021

    Reason: pew pew pew
  • Haven't seen all of the archetypes and their skills yet, so would be a little early to say. But is definitely something I will be looking at as we get closer to launch.
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • daveywavey wrote: »
    Haven't seen all of the archetypes and their skills yet, so would be a little early to say. But is definitely something I will be looking at as we get closer to launch.

    The idea is to gage your expectation of a class in pvp, before all the skills etc are known. This way if Intrepid reads it, they may be able to meet some peoples expectations in pvp of that class.

  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Necromancers because you can kill one or two of my minions but not all of them


    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • I'm hoping fighter/ tank can play an important pvp role. The name of the class is "dreadnought", so I imagine a big guy with plate armour and a big 2H weapon (sword/ axe/ Halberd). Jump into a group of 'em, start swinging a big sword around and have some decent survivability.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited October 2021
    Best Class - Dreadnought

    My PvP preference - irrelevant

    Why - rng to hit, reduced importance of skillshots, one button rng hard cc with no break out mechanics or neccesary coordination beyond cd timer, and splitbody combat.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • The x/x ones realistically.

  • Well, since we know almost nothing about what the mechanics of the classes will be… clearly the answer is the Ranger and it’s classes.
  • I do agree that Ranger/Mage sounds like a really difficult oponent, Teleportation augments on all of its movement stuff and frost (slow?) augments on all of its damage stuff sounds way to freaking nasty

    then again mage as secondary if thats indeed how its going to work might make every archtype insanely strong in pvp, and be "The" secondary archtype to chose for pvp. so you'll probably see a counter to it eventually
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