Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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2021 Glorious Gourd Contest & Sweepstakes!

LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited October 2021 in Announcements
UPDATED 10/29/2021 - A huge THANK YOU to everyone who carved, crafted, and clicked to enter our 2021 Glorious Gourd Contest & Sweepstakes! You can check out all of the Contest and Sweepstakes winners here, as well as watch the winner announcement on our October live stream here!
The Ashes of Creation Glorious Gourd Contest has returned for 2021, and now includes a Sweepstakes and even MORE treats to win! Grab your pumpkins and pencils or get ready to push those buttons - glorious prizes including CORSAIR goodies and Alpha Two access await!

For more details on how to join in this spooky spectacular, check out these helpful links below:

Full Entry Instructions
Enter the Glorious Gourd Contest
Glorious Gourd Contest Physical Entry - Name Placard
Glorious Gourd Contest Digital Entry - Template (PDF version)
Glorious Gourd Contest Digital Entry - Template (PNG version with transparent background)
Full Contest Rules
Enter the Glorious Gourd Sweepstakes
Full Sweepstakes Rules


  • sYnFurysYnFury Member, Alpha Two
    This is great... :) I'll get on this asap!!
  • LittleLightzLittleLightz Member, Alpha Two
    This is the official entry thread for the 2021 Ashes of Creation Glorious Gourd Contest - share your submitted creations here! Please be sure to review the full entry instructions here first, and check out the additional helpful links below:

    Full Contest Rules
    Physical Entry - Name Placard
    Digital Entry - Glorious Gourd Template

    To embed an image in your forum reply for submission, first upload it to an external image hosting site, and copy the direct image link (ex. Typically you can get the direct image link by right clicking on the image and selecting “copy image address”. Then, click the photo icon in the forum formatting bar and paste your link - it will automatically insert the image for you. Alternatively, you can embed your image directly using BBCode, like so:

    Be sure your submission complies with our full Contest rules! For physical submissions, you must only include one image for your submission to be valid - if you’d like to show off multiple angles of your creation, please submit them combined into one image. You may use multiple pumpkins in your submission, as long as they are part of one cohesive theme, and all contained in one submission image.


    For digital submissions, you must use the digital template provided in its original, unaltered format in order for your digital submission to be valid. You may color inside and/or outside the lines however you wish, but do not alter the lines or color on them in any way.


    If you’d like to participate in our Glorious Gourd Sweepstakes in addition to or instead of our Glorious Gourd Contest, you can read more on that here!

    Happy carving and crafting, glorious creators!

    What do you mean no changing the lines
  • ShadonSolShadonSol Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    What do you mean no changing the lines

    This refers to the outlines of the pumpkin (digital entry). You can color inside the pumpkin and/or outside of it, but you may not color/change the outlines.
  • XenelliaXenellia Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    What do you mean no changing the lines

    To be 100% clear: For digital entries, ALL of the template must be visible, and not be modified in ANY way. You can't hide the lines, you can't color the lines, you can't change where the lines are, you can't change the layout/size of the template. Just draw under/around the lines.

  • LittleLightzLittleLightz Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Xenellia wrote: »

    To be 100% clear: For digital entries, ALL of the template must be visible, and not be modified in ANY way. You can't hide the lines, you can't color the lines, you can't change where the lines are, you can't change the layout/size of the template. Just draw under/around the lines.

    Thanks you, very helpful
  • LittleLightzLittleLightz Member, Alpha Two
    Perforce wrote: »

    So then is this okay? I'm not sure if I can see the lines
  • J3FFJ3FF Member, Alpha Two

    So then is this okay? I'm not sure if I can see the lines

    I highly doubt that image is ok, the creases on the pumpkin are not visible, neither is the stem.
  • ShadonSolShadonSol Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Comments that aren't submissions have been moved from the submission thread to this one.
  • LittleLightzLittleLightz Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    This is the official entry thread for the 2021 Ashes of Creation Glorious Gourd Contest - share your submitted creations here! NOTE: Any posts in this thread that do not include submissions will be removed - for questions or comments, please reply to the Glorious Gourd forum discussion here!

    Please be sure to review the full entry instructions here first, and check out the additional helpful links below:

    Full Contest Rules
    Physical Entry - Name Placard
    Digital Entry - Glorious Gourd Template

    To embed an image in your forum reply for submission, first upload it to an external image hosting site, and copy the direct image link (ex. Typically you can get the direct image link by right clicking on the image and selecting “copy image address”. Then, click the photo icon in the forum formatting bar and paste your link - it will automatically insert the image for you. Alternatively, you can embed your image directly using BBCode, like so:

    Be sure your submission complies with our full Contest rules! For physical submissions, you must only include one image for your submission to be valid - if you’d like to show off multiple angles of your creation, please submit them combined into one image. You may use multiple pumpkins in your submission, as long as they are part of one cohesive theme, and all contained in one submission image.


    For digital submissions, you must use the digital template provided in its original, unaltered format in order for your digital submission to be valid. You may color inside and/or outside the lines however you wish, but do not alter the lines or color on them in any way.


    If you’d like to participate in our Glorious Gourd Sweepstakes in addition to or instead of our Glorious Gourd Contest, you can read more on that here!

    Happy carving and crafting, glorious creators!

    With the okay pumpkins under the validation pumpkins for the digital template. There are two of them that look like the shadow is altered in a way to make the pumpkin look more real. I'm confused on that part.
  • LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    With the okay pumpkins under the validation pumpkins for the digital template. There are two of them that look like the shadow is altered in a way to make the pumpkin look more real. I'm confused on that part.

    For both of the valid pumpkins, all of the lines in the template are completely intact and unchanged from their original version. In both cases, the shadow was created by adding extra color around the base of the pumpkin, without changing the lines in any way at all (the shadow was not part of the original template - it was added by each artist as part of their creation). As you'll notice on both, the lines have not been colored on or altered in any way directly. Hope that helps clarify things a bit further! <3
  • LittleLightzLittleLightz Member, Alpha Two

    For both of the valid pumpkins, all of the lines in the template are completely intact and unchanged from their original version. In both cases, the shadow was created by adding extra color around the base of the pumpkin, without changing the lines in any way at all (the shadow was not part of the original template - it was added by each artist as part of their creation). As you'll notice on both, the lines have not been colored on or altered in any way directly. Hope that helps clarify things a bit further! <3

    Thank-you, I'd does clarify, thank-you!
  • 5DollarFootJohn5DollarFootJohn Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I Read the submission rules and it said we had till October 25th at 11pm PDT. I went to submit my carved pumpkin tonight at 10:31pm EST on Monday October 25, but it said the submissions were closed. Did they stop the submissions early?
  • 5DollarFootJohn5DollarFootJohn Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Opp lol read that wrong I guess. Just saw that it says 11am. Well, rest in peace! I know it won't count towards the contest, but I figured I'd let you guys see another fan of the game's carving having to do with your game! Happy Halloween Month!!

  • KroniicTooKraftyKroniicTooKrafty Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Oh all of the pumpkins are gone, when will you guys announce the winners? And when will the winners know?
  • WuqingYeWuqingYe Member, Alpha Two
    Oh all of the pumpkins are gone, when will you guys announce the winners? And when will the winners know?

    Toast shared this in the submission thread after closing entries — :)

    “ Thank you thank you to everyone who dropped by and shared your submissions for our Glorious Gourd Contest <3 the entry period has now ended! Now comes the hard part - choosing which of all these amazing entries claim the prizes!

    Keep an eye on your forum inbox - if you're selected as a winner, we'll be notifying you by this Thursday, October 28! Then, we'll be showing off all the glorious winners on our upcoming live stream on Friday, October 29!”


    MY ART --> Instagram | Twitter
  • Anyone got the message yet?
  • KroniicTooKraftyKroniicTooKrafty Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nah I was wondering the same thing
  • LethanelLethanel Member
    edited October 2021
    Nah I was wondering the same thing

    That's actually relieving. Unless someone say "yes".
  • KroniicTooKraftyKroniicTooKrafty Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Lethanel wrote: »

    That's actually relieving.

    That's the thing tho, it's pretty late in the day. Have the winners already been selected? 🤣 and we're holding on to false hope lmfao
  • OddjobOddjob Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • Oddjob wrote: »

    Wait a second. You made that pumpkin golem(nice work by the way). And that recent post..... Oh s..t.
  • OddjobOddjob Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Lethanel wrote: »

    Wait a second. You made that pumpkin golem(nice work by the way). And that recent post..... Oh s..t.

    Thank you. ❤️
    Haha I was just laughing at the previous post. I was thinking the same. It's about to be 5pm here.
  • KroniicTooKraftyKroniicTooKrafty Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Oddjob wrote: »

    Thank you. ❤️
    Haha I was just laughing at the previous post. I was thinking the same. It's about to be 5pm here.

    Your Eastern then, yeah man I'm getting nervous lmfao. I at least would like to know others won so I stop refreshing the page🤣
  • Ok guys, time's up. Who's the lucky one? (Not me)
  • Lethanel wrote: »
    Ok guys, time's up. Who's the lucky one? (Not me)

    Not me either :'(

  • So i've participated in Glorious Gourd Contest (The treats specifically) but i dont see where is the list of winners? It was said before or on 28th of October.
  • ShadonSolShadonSol Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    avuic wrote: »
    So i've participated in Glorious Gourd Contest (The treats specifically) but i dont see where is the list of winners? It was said before or on 28th of October.

    The winners have been notified yesterday and will be publicly announced today in the live stream :)
  • LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Thank you again to everyone who joined in on this year's Glorious Gourd Contest & Sweepstakes! The original thread has been updated to highlight the winners <3
  • Argentum401Argentum401 Member, Alpha Two
    Is there any chance we could see the exact voting results for our / all entries?
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