Connect all "realms"

I am not sure if this has been answered, and I am not sure how "realms" / "servers" will work, however, I do feel like there needs to be some kind of interlinking between realms, not sure what or why, but I feel like realms segregate too much, a true MMO should be able to avoid the "feeling" - I am not saying make one server, one world, but certainly dynamics between servers could have a huge impact. I am a big believer in "data is king" the more you have the more you can do with it, so here is an "off the cuff" example of what I mean.

Trading post/Auction house cross realm items (I know this could potentially lead to over supply on items) but is that a bad thing? Surely that would simply affect the pricing, maybe it could be turned into a positive. So the most common of items don't get made redundant because they are needed in the masses for "city projects" for example. Where real supply and demand could come in to play. For example, one server needs the very basic "wood" usually there are hundreds of thousands on the market place, but today a big clan purchased most of it, the price would (as normal) inflate. Anyway, end of tangent haha.

Dev vlog question: Will there be x-realm trading?


  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    There will probably be no cross realm trading, few server transfers, and not even global markets/auction houses.

    The known base intention of the game's economy is based on this, and the emergent behaviours that come from geographical restrictions on economic activity even within servers on their own map, so it's unlikely we'd ever see any movement of resources or items from one server to another for many other reasons related to the Node System and the point of it.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I hope that each server is totally independent, politically, economically, socially and militarily. Separate worlds, totally unconnected.
  • I think you missed a huge part of what Ashes of Creation is about. It's about servers evolving differently. If a server is lacking something, then that could be an oppertunity for some to do trade caravans and making money. If a city is lacking a resource to progress, it would be in their interest to try and get it. It should also be a reason to start a war
  • There are big name MMOs that are doing fine economy-wise without an auction house.
  • TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack
    That really can't work with how Ashes is designed. At most they could do cross-server Arena, nothing else can be cross-server.
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    A true MMORPG should absolutely NOT have cross realm interaction.

    Each Realm is a world with its own story. There is no reason to link them.
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • Cross realm trading makes the value or unique nodes of resources much lower since you will have access to a multi server trading panel, plus not all servers will be created equal, so better to stay away from that.
  • Currently the only cross-server thing expected for Ashes are cross-server arenas.
    Aren't we all sinners?
  • Jahlon wrote: »
    A true MMORPG should absolutely NOT have cross realm interaction.

    Each Realm is a world with its own story. There is no reason to link them.


    While SS is against GroupFinder - and rightfully so - for PvE content, there's always 1 game element in which that yours truly has always found welcome: instanced PvP matches.

    Every MMO means well, and usually seems to think they've done a great job in developing their systems for things akin to AoC's Arenas. In practice? It's historically been a system that requires adjustments/changes, sooner than any other system in an MMO. The pool of PvP'ers on a single server wholly determines a single-server-only match-maker; In allowing *just* the PvP match-making to be cross-server, developers really are doing a BIG favor to people whom are otherwise left to wait in queues for god knows how long. It's always prime-time for an MMO *somewhere* in the world - even if it's the dead-of-night, in other parts.

    /Support cross-server PvP match-making; /Oppose ALL other match-making for group content.

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    One of the major appeals of Ashes is having separate servers/worlds, each with its own story progression.

    If the game were static, rather than dynamic - where Illwind is a city when everyone first logs in and remains the same city for the next 15 years, regardless of the players do - sure, interlinking servers could be OK.

    But, no, there will be no cross-server trading because stories and economies will evolve differently on each server.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Part of what makes Ashes of Creation so neat is the fascinating and impactful stories than will unfold on any given server. This is because the servers will be unique to themselves, and no single server will be the same as another.

    While there may be some cross-server functionality (arenas, for example) I don't believe that the current design intention is to have a cross-server auction house or economies. If that were to change, we'd let you know! ;)
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Otr wrote: »
    And why would I care how another server evolved if I do not play on it?
    You're not supposed to care.

    What you are supposed to do though, is work to try and get your server to evolve in a way that you like. Work to make your node the strongest, your religion the strongest, your social organization the strongest. Work to open up the content you want to run.

    If all servers evolved the same, then you couldn't do any of that.
  • RamirezRamirez Member
    edited April 2022
    Otr wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    What you are supposed to do though, is work to try ...
    I am supposed to have fun.
    Developers fail to consider into the game design what happens when 50%-80% of players will give up and leave.
    We have seen empty servers in New World, a game which also wanted to offer teritory ownership to players, hence discarding cross-server as a feature.

    Big problem with new world was the small cap , server cap was and still is less then 2k, other thing was alot of players got the idea that new world would be heavly Pvx game like Albion, Eve or lineage when they Saw the PvP was less then 1%, the economy was Trash without any item sink and terretory was completely pointless, hardcore guild left, mine was that case, the same for PvE players that pick the game thinking that was an themepark , and left after they reach endgame and had ONLY 2 dungeons
  • fabulafabula Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited April 2022
    Otr wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    What you are supposed to do though, is work to try ...
    I am supposed to have fun.
    Developers fail to consider into the game design what happens when 50%-80% of players will give up and leave.
    We have seen empty servers in New World, a game which also wanted to offer teritory ownership to players, hence discarding cross-server as a feature.

    What cross-server feature are we talking about though? for arena PvP I'm sure we'll have that because it doesn't matter or affect the world in any way.

    PvE in the form of cross-server parties that does not work in AoC because that would make reputation become irrerelant for everyone since regardless of your actions you would always be able to find groups for any instanced content.

    A cross-server auction house would screw the whole game because instead of competing with those in your server for limited resources and managin all of that, all that matters is who makes the most money to buy the most materials.

    The New World comparison is just ridiculous. I can also claim that New World failed because it lacked sexy female skins and it would be more valid than your claim that it failed because it lacked cross-server features.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Otr wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    What you are supposed to do though, is work to try ...
    I am supposed to have fun.
    If you don't find the idea of being able to influence the game world that you are playing in, then - since that is the major feature of this game - perhaps this game isn't for you.

    In terms of the game needing enough players, all the mechanics that require player input are able to be adjusted on a per-server basis by Intrepid, so if a server is low population, they can just set everything to need less player input than it needs on a higher population server.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    Otr wrote: »
    You are doing a good job pushing potential customers away who might give a negative review to this game. It is indeed important to get right audience.

    Keeping separate ‘realms’ allows the nodes in each of those realms the autonomy to evolve with that set of players. It’s not just an intended feature, it’s a pillar of the game.

    People who complain you can’t put gas into a Tesla aren’t catered to, they are ignored.

  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member
    edited April 2022
    The developer's opinion is already in the Wiki and reflected in the Mod's post above, @Otr.

    Are you saying that Steven and all of the Intrepid Team members should post their opinion ... until you get an answer you like?

  • Otr wrote: »
    The developer's opinion is already in the Wiki and reflected in the Mod's post above, @Otr.

    Are you saying that Steven and all of the Intrepid Team members should post their opinion in the thread ... until you get an answer you like?
    Opinion about what?
    All I see here is a defensive attitude against cross-realm connection.
    That is not what I keep asking.

    My question is how will low population be countered.

    Quote me what wiki say about this and post the link too, please.

    You refusing to look up info in the Wiki isn't anyone else's problem ... especially not Intrepid's.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    Otr wrote: »
    Finding out weaknesses early is better than denying their existence, because you get time to find solutions.

    I agree. What exactly is the ‘weakness’ here?

  • Cross realms get rid of the community and camaraderie that is built up through shared experiences with others. It also gets rid of the actions have consequence premise.

    If you're a PKer on a server and you want someone to help mend your legendary axe or something but you happen to kill a bunch of members of the town that controls a resource for it and they refuse to give you any then it's on you for having that rep. losing the social diplomacy gameplay would be awful.
    Twilight is nigh the inferno shall rise. Fall in line, your soul is mine.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Otr wrote: »
    My question is how will low population be countered.

    What exactly isn't in relation to low population you are concerned about?

    As I have said previously, things like node construction and maintenance - which is all that Intrepid have really identified as being population dependent - are able to be adjusted.

    What else is there that is concerning you?
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 2022
    Otr wrote: »
    My question is how will low population be countered.

    Quote me what wiki say about this and post the link too, please.

    The intent is to delay the issue by using high population servers (up to 50,000 registered accounts per server with 8-10k actively playing) and a limited amount of servers compared to the number of players. We will have to see if they succeed in throttling the number of new servers to an amount that works.

    "Population limits will be enforced on each server.[12]

    Around 8-10k concurrent users per server is projected.[13][14][15][16]
    Initially there will be a limited number of registered accounts (approximately 15,000) per server to help mitigate login queues.[17]
    This limit will increase over time to around 50,000 registered accounts per server.[17][18][19]
    The developers intend to carefully manage server populations via the use of character creation throttles to avoid the need to merge servers.[18][20] There may be queues to get into high population servers, but the aim is to avoid excessively long queues.[19]
    Part of the equation of essentially watching to make sure that we don't over populate the server selection, but at the same time making sure that there's not a queue system in place that's so long it's detrimental to the concurrency of the player's will to play so to speak. It's a tough balancing act.[19] – Steven Sharif

    BTW, all I had to do was go to the wiki and search "population". It was the first link and skimming halfway through yielded the answer in a few seconds. Its very quick compared to writing this thread and requesting links.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Otr wrote: »
    My question is how will low population be countered.
    You could try asking that question for a Dev Livestream Update and see if Steven is willing to provide more details.
    Mostly likely he will say pretty much the same thing he has already, without adding much.
    Just as he almost always provides the same example of of adding a Teleport augment onto the Rush Active Skill whenever he explains how augments will work. But, there's a chance he will tease a little bit more, like when he finally mentioned augment Schools.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Otr wrote: »
    I think players who want to transfer to a new server should do that by traveling. It should be a 5 to 30 day long journey to the gates of the new realm. Longer and dangerous if the server is full, shorter if is low populated.
    One could change it's mind during the journey, choose a new destination...
    Still a hard no.

    First of all, that does not sound at all like enjoyable gameplay. Even if it is something the player in question wants, any gameplay offered up by a game developer should be something that players are going to enjoy.

    If the developers then went out of their way to make this journey enjoyable, they are now spending time (and thus money) on giving players an enjoyable way to do a thing that the developers specifically don't want players to be able to do - which is move between servers.

    If a player really wants to play on a different server - so much that they would spend a month of time traveling to it - then they can just reroll on that new server.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Otr wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Still a hard no.
    You feel important?

    Is this what people say now when they have no debate left?
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Otr wrote: »
    Thanks for providing the answer, @FuryBladeborne :smile:
    Yw :smile:

  • AphisiaAphisia Member
    I like the idea of having separate servers, but purely for competitive bragging rights for like pvp battles and world firsts, if they do things like that. To prevent dead servers we should all be able to interact with each other by being able to change "channels" to find people to interact with and do events and such. I hate being server locked and having that server die out because people are either toxic or just not competitive enough. I think transferring servers should be free as well. I like Lost Ark's channel system and absolutely hate New World's population restrictions. They are killing their game by not letting people have alternate characters and cross realm interaction.
  • Aphisia wrote: »
    I like the idea of having separate servers, but purely for competitive bragging rights for like pvp battles and world firsts, if they do things like that. To prevent dead servers we should all be able to interact with each other by being able to change "channels" to find people to interact with and do events and such. I hate being server locked and having that server die out because people are either toxic or just not competitive enough. I think transferring servers should be free as well. I like Lost Ark's channel system and absolutely hate New World's population restrictions. They are killing their game by not letting people have alternate characters and cross realm interaction.
    And for some people, LA and other "channels games" are killing the feel of community in the game. When you can interact with, potentially, hundreds of thousands of people - every single interaction doesn't matter. But when you have a few thousand people on one server with maybe a few hundred at the very top of character progress, you know their names, you know their story and you're interested in interacting with all of them or ideally becoming one of the "known people".
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