
Any news on a timeline for more more classes and abilities to be uploaded to the wiki page? Just a new fan being curious is all.


  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Not yet.
    Welcome to the community.

    Alpha 2 is coming sometime time nearish future. No time frame yet for that. We will be seeing new archetypes leading into alpha2.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • Thanks.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

    You find the wiki yet?
    Lots of good information there. It is run by the community.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • SinderSinder Member
    Any news on a timeline for more more classes and abilities to be uploaded to the wiki page? Just a new fan being curious is all.

    No information on classes. But you might get more information on how abilities will work in the next live stream.

    Source: the man himself


    Twilight is nigh the inferno shall rise. Fall in line, your soul is mine.
  • HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    that's awesome, man I hope the community gives good feedback and not complain to much. Combat is like politics, 50% like it and it's not good enough for the other 50%. I just want them to stick to their guns they've a lot of smart people there so far and haven't let us down yet.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Steven 😇: If I approve the combat update for this months stream, there is a 100% chance of dual daggers being shown

  • ShileeShilee Member
    Hailee wrote: »
    Any news on a timeline for more more classes and abilities to be uploaded to the wiki page? Just a new fan being curious is all.

    No information on classes. But you might get more information on how abilities will work in the next live stream.

    Source: the man himself


    I wish I could like this twice
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    that's awesome, man I hope the community gives good feedback and not complain to much. Combat is like politics, 50% like it and it's not good enough for the other 50%. I just want them to stick to their guns they've a lot of smart people there so far and haven't let us down yet.

    I'd personally like to know what their 'guns' are at this point, though I also really want them to stick to said guns.

    Combat systems are always going to be hit or miss, quite literally, in an industry this large. It's pretty accurate to say that on average, half of the people seem to like one thing and half like the other, across most options.

    But Intrepid's done a good job of telling us their intentions before, and as anyone who's hung around these forums knows, the community will tell them in detail what the intention is. Combat, though, was moreso the 'we'll try different things' style of stuff.

    The actual implementation, I'm not as interested in, because I am of the camp that believes the desired outcome decides the implementation, but so far all we know about their desired outcome is 'synergistic, lower mobility, buffs and debuffs decide a lot'.

    Hopefully the stream is a lot of talking about what they want it to feel like and if they plan to change any of the above. I know how to help with/give feedback based on that, at least.

    Otherwise I'll just give lots of feedback on Dual Dagger Wielding Empyrean Cleric for now.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    Welcome to the fray, @DrunkinHillBilly
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