Rogue class

I haven't had the opportunity to play test AOC. So... my knowledge is from outside sources. I am hoping for the rogue class in AOC is more than just a stealth/assassin class option and that AOC also introduces DDO style rogue actions like trap disarming/trap setting/unlocking chests/pick pocketing and "searching or finding" abilities only available to rogues or rogue like classes(limited skills) and that these actions in themselves are required throughout the game in areas that naturally would contain such requirements (dungeons, crypts, caves, towns, cities) etc.

A rogue classes abilities are much more than the sum of its parts. Like subterfuge, deception, concealment, shadow walking, climbing, vaulting, acrobatics, grappling, entanglement, unlocking, deft and diversion, and finding secrets or THE hidden.

These are the rogues I would like to see fully realized and playable in an mmorpg and I am hoping it comes to fruition in AOC.


  • Yeah, very excited to see the Rogue skill set.
    This link may help you:

  • So far we know that the Rogue archetype will be able to find and unlock secret doors in dungeons and the like.

    All classes are capable adventurers, but rogues excel at delving the deepest dungeons and finding the most hidden of treasures
    • Rogues will have utility skills that enable them to discover hidden doors, traps and additional treasures.
    • These will be randomly spawned throughout different times of the day to ensure that encounters are not the same each time.

    If you're in a party and you have a Rogue that's available, they'll be able to use that utility skill to discover these random doors that might exist in a dungeon. Now the way we make it so that it's not essentially the same door every time and it's just a first time thing and every time thereafter you know where that door's at, is these locations are randomly spawned throughout different times of the day so they'll change essentially as you go into a dungeon at different times. So it'll be important and relevant for parties to make sure that they have a diversity of archetypes available to them. And in particular for the rogues case because they can find those hidden type doors and then have access to different types of loot tables based off of that. – Steven Sharif
  • Truth be told, I'm hoping every archetype has something like this to some degree. I'm planning on playing a summoner (a necromancer specifically) and I'm of the opinion that should let me interact with extraplanar or spirit entities in ways other classes shouldn't, maybe even opening little rifts that do different things depending on where you are. Mages should be able to interact with ancient magical objects that we can find in ruins or buried underground, and possibly have little utility spells. Rangers feel like they should be capable of interacting with things that are out of reach thanks to their archery. Stuff like that.

    These sorts of things should be available to every archetype. Rogues in particular are the poster child for it, but it'd strongly encourage diverse parties to do this sort of thing for every archetype.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    All the primary archetypes are supposed to have this kind of utility skill. Look for Ashes of Creation pax PvE experience on YouTube they come u
    Is older from 2017 but it shows a base idea and intent.
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