No Gnomes?

There are Orcs, Elves and Dwarves. Gnomes would round out the traditional fantasy races. Any chance they might be included as maybe a race that has been successful throughout all the biomes by adapting using their tinkering abilities?


  • Depending on what fantasy world you think of there are all sorts of races you could add in. But don't forget that there can be more in expansions. I'm pretty sure the Tulnar are the last race they are putting in for now.
  • WarthWarth Member
    edited August 2022
    So why should gnomes be more important than trolls, goblins, dryards and giants?
  • PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Warth wrote: »
    So why should gnomes be more important than trolls, goblins, dryards and giants?

    Because they are lucky
  • Pretty sure this is just a dwarf, right?

    This link may help you:

  • PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Pretty sure this is just a dwarf, right.

    I think so? All the shorties blend together.
  • MaiWaifuMaiWaifu Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    I'm not sure it's easy to make significant distinction between dwarves and gnomes...

    Like what would their racial benefits be? In my mind, they're essentially just druid dwarves.

    Never the less, I'm all for more choice and dynamic interactions as long as they're as fleshed out as the currently planned races.
  • IronhopeIronhope Member
    edited August 2022
    Honestly I'm glad there are no gnomes in AOC.

    They're by far the most cringe race in fantasy and I'm not saying they can't be done well, I'm saying I'm never seen them done well.

    They almsot didn't make it into WoW and truth is, they shouldn't have.

    This being said, Intrepid said expansions will exist and will be a pretty common thing (depending on how the game does) so if the game does well we will probably see many new races over the years.

    I do hope gnomes won't be one of them, but if you are rooting for gnomes, then you should know there's a chance to see them sooner or later.
  • Well we have Nikua don't we? Their character model is very gnomish, and we have traditional dwarves as well.
  • Unfortunately Gnomes went extinct when the first Great War of Verra occurred. Orcs were going through a hunger period during the War, and sadly Gnomes became the only available meat source.

    RIP Gnomes 😥
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • SathragoSathrago Member
    edited August 2022
    Well, from current designs it seems like they are trying to cover multiple races without actually covering multiple races... in an odd way, the Vek orcs are more akin to world of warcraft's trolls than to your standard orc. Same can be said about the Antler elves being a type of wood elf and nikua being something quite similar to a gnome. The fantasy of gnomes have almost always been these little smart master craftsmen that run around building clockwork or magically enhanced contraptions.
    Seems like if you want to play one, play a mountain dwarf or nikua, adjust the body type with their excellent character creator, and pick up some engineering type professions. If the "fantasy" is your issue, they have the tools for you to live that out through roleplay and customization.
    Commissioned at
  • I mean, yeah, the character creator will almost certainly allow you to make a thin, smaller dwarf you will easily be able to call a gnome and objectivelly be seen as such.
  • BaSkA13 wrote: »
    Unfortunately Gnomes went extinct when the first Great War of Verra occurred. Orcs were going through a hunger period during the War, and sadly Gnomes became the only available meat source.

    RIP Gnomes 😥

    Yeah, eat a Gnome healer and it acts as a potion, healing from the inside.
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
  • I never cared for the whole "ankle-biters with Gatling-crossbows" concept, anyways.

    Gnomes also couldn't mesh with other races, anyways; Too much Gnome-goo to clean up from city sidewalks, from all the taller races stepping in them.

  • mobtekmobtek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Why do we need Gnomes when we have the Niküa to punt? ^_^

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Niküa are Halflings !!!
  • mobtekmobtek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    I'm gunna need a bigger boot! :D
    Dygz wrote: »
    Niküa are Halflings !!!

  • Dygz wrote: »
    Niküa are Halflings !!!

    That's a significant difference imo. WoW Gnomes remind me that I still have work to do in letting go of my fantasy prejudices...

    Must.... not... punt... :s

  • Sabrina LancasterSabrina Lancaster Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I've never personally had an issue with gnomes, or gnome-like races in games. That being said, having them opens a lot of fighting because people get excessively petty over anything short and immediately start throwing pretty charged language at anyone who would play one. A lot of people in MMOs pick a race they like, sure, but they also try to pick something they find aesthetically pleasing which is a pretty big crux of the problem. Not many people want to play something ugly. Except when you have gnomes that could be even remotely considered adorable, it treads into "****" territory for most people who really do not understand what that word means at all. So the solution is just make them hideous, right? Well no, because not many people like playing ugly races either as I said. There is a reason why the most played race in WoW is Blood Elf, or why all of the top races in terms of player count are something adjacent to that (void elf) or physically attractive, and why one of the most underplayed races are Kul'tiran humans which basically are just fat humans. There's a reason I had a kul'tiran druid named Maimyschumer, let's just say it like that, because that's how they appeared and most people despite it probably being the closest representation in the game of their real life self, are not going to play something they find unappealing.

    More so now than ever as people have started to treat their virtual characters as extensions or idealized versions of themselves to portray to the world, so that kind of toxicity would be viewed by some to be a personal attack on them and would get defensive and respond either in kind, or with more hostility. It's just better to bite the bullet and prevent a plethora of flame wars in the
  • IzilIzil Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2022
    Just make niküa gnomes at this point tbh, they are the least popular race by far looking at the polls. No point keeping them bulky and as tall as Dünir.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    If gnomes were introduced into the world of Verra, what do you think their lore, cultural influences, and architecture would be like?
  • Gnomes are Livestock for Orcs so i think Barns and Coops would be appropriate.
  • Vaknar wrote: »
    If gnomes were introduced into the world of Verra, what do you think their lore, cultural influences, and architecture would be like?

    I'd just save time by copyright-infringing the Smurfs. Shroom-houses,blue skin, and the cheapest white hats ever made for everyone!

  • AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    well gnomes could be a failed mutation experiment of a mad dwarf sientist that may on events spawn. and instead like dwarfs digging and hideing their gold. they loose it wile they walk around

    apearance or houses like a infectouse desease that spread throu a mountain forest and lets grow giant mushrooms on trees and on the ground.

  • UnderdelveUnderdelve Member
    edited August 2022
    Vaknar wrote: »
    If gnomes were introduced into the world of Verra, what do you think their lore, cultural influences, and architecture would be like?

    Given that there has been mention of a potential for an underrealm lineage of elves, I would like AoC Gnomes to also originate/exist in the underrealm.

    As far as a particular cultural influence, for AoC Gnomes, it should be something completely alien. Where the Tulnar are a result of many many years of - I think - interbreeding between the various remaining species, instead, AoC Gnomes would have various types of mutations that would include geological as well as underrealm flora influences. Portions of their bodies would be covered in ore, gems, or rock. While other AoC Gnomes may include underrealm fungi/flora integrated into their bodies.

    Perhaps they are spawned from the core of Verra!

    The Gnomish node would have a central opening into the underrealm, surrounded by large geological protrusions, on the surface, which would house the node's various structures and player housing. As the node levels, more rings of large geological protrusions would be created, expanding out from the entrance to the underrealm (essentially, an expanding circle of rings of large sections of geological formations protruding up from the ground).

    For defense, instead of walls, the node would have a large external chasm, surrounding the node, which would expand and always be outside the outermost ring of geological structure/housing protrusions. Access into the node would be by bridges across the defensive chasm.
  • I'd like Gnomes to have basically the vibe that Lalafels have in FFXIV. They may look cutesy and sweet, but are generally purely chaotic and often have mischievous or evils streaks to them.

    The part I like most about their lore, is the origin of their Black Magic, which has root in their funerary rites.
  • I’d rather have Kender than Gnomes.
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