Pre-Release Character Creation

I would like to propose the possibility of Intrepid allowing players to create one character before launch, maybe in the week leading up to launch? You start the launcher, log-in, and instead of getting to play, you choose your Area, and then get the option to create your character.

I say this because Character appearance is very important for some, but it can be quite damaging to miss out on 2-5 hours of the start of official release due to character creation. Intrepid has such a wonderful and robust character creator, I know myself and many people are likely incredibly excited about getting to fine-tune their appearance to their desires, but it would be a shame if this came at the price of missing out on the actual launch time.

I think opening up the character creation for the week before launch would give everyone time to free up some space in their daily lives to throw themselves into their character creation, and this would have 0 negative impact on those who just don't care. It would simply alleviate the qualms of those who do.


  • SilverPact wrote: »
    it can be quite damaging to miss out on 2-5 hours of the start of official release due to character creation.

    As an example, the Intrepid Character Creation of Ashes of Creation is far more robust than Skyrim. And I don't think any gamer in this world with a decent amount of friends has no one they know that spent at least a couple hours making at least one of their Skyrim characters. And i've heard of some people taking multitudes longer. A significant amount of time can slip away while you're in such a creative, imaginative mental space.

  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2022
    They've said that we'll get the character creator prior to alpha 2.
    The world is beautiful whenever you're here. And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • Natasha wrote: »
    They've said that we'll get the character creator prior to alpha 2.

    I have read that whole page, but I don't see where it says it would be available pre-launch. I may just be blind, but I did read each section. Not that i'm doubting you, I hope this is the case, as it's something I genuinely intend to spend a good amount of time in if given the chance.
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2022
    SilverPact wrote: »
    Natasha wrote: »
    They've said that we'll get the character creator prior to alpha 2.

    I have read that whole page, but I don't see where it says it would be available pre-launch. I may just be blind, but I did read each section. Not that i'm doubting you, I hope this is the case, as it's something I genuinely intend to spend a good amount of time in if given the chance.

    Waaaaaay down the bottom under the "timeline" heading

    The world is beautiful whenever you're here. And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • We will have access to the character creator in A2 yes, but everything will be wiped before launch so we won't get to keep it. In fact there will likely be multiple wipes in A2. So I agree that even if its only the day before launch I'd love to have my character ready to go as I also spend hours in character gen with so many options like we have here.
  • Scarbeus wrote: »
    We will have access to the character creator in A2 yes, but everything will be wiped before launch so we won't get to keep it. In fact there will likely be multiple wipes in A2. So I agree that even if its only the day before launch I'd love to have my character ready to go as I also spend hours in character gen with so many options like we have here.

    This is exactly what I was about to say after reading it. Thank you for the input.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    They have said they plan to have it released ahead of time so players can play with it and save their creations before launch.
    There was mention of possibly even doing contests , but that was awhile ago.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • I would definitely be down for this! Where do I sign up? Lets start a poll lol
  • So what if everything gets wiped? Just start up again, load the appearance that you created in the creator, and away you go!

    The ability to save and potentially to share characters with other players.[1][12]

    The beauty of it is that you can save your character- and we already have some of those features available- and load them; and in the future we want people to be able to share those characters amongst each other.[1] – Margaret Krohn
  • itwashearitwashear Member
    edited August 2022
    I Just wanted to throw in an extra voice on the important of this if I cant do it ahead of time I will spend 60 sec say its good enough then be unhappy with it for years this has happened in more then a few games over the years but trying to get in as fast as I can and especially if I'm trying to get a more common name I will rush it. ideally once servers go live I click load click a save and go.
  • itwashear wrote: »
    I Just wanted to throw in an extra voice on the important of this if I cant do it ahead of time I will spend 60 sec say its good enough then be unhappy with it for years this has happened in more then a few games over the years but trying to get in as fast as I can and especially if I'm trying to get a more common name I will rush it. ideally once servers go live I click load click a save and go.

    Totally agree. My first character was almost always a random name with a generic appearance. I just want to get into the game!! A day or 2 later and will make another who looks way better.
  • itwashear wrote: »
    I Just wanted to throw in an extra voice on the important of this if I cant do it ahead of time I will spend 60 sec say its good enough then be unhappy with it for years this has happened in more then a few games over the years but trying to get in as fast as I can and especially if I'm trying to get a more common name I will rush it. ideally once servers go live I click load click a save and go.

    If you buy the $375 pack, you can get your Name Reservation... ;)
    This link may help you:

  • itwashear wrote: »
    I Just wanted to throw in an extra voice on the important of this if I cant do it ahead of time I will spend 60 sec say its good enough then be unhappy with it for years this has happened in more then a few games over the years but trying to get in as fast as I can and especially if I'm trying to get a more common name I will rush it. ideally once servers go live I click load click a save and go.

    And, being unhappy for years hasn't taught you the value of "More Haste, Less Speed"?
    This link may help you:

  • One solution would be to have character customization codes. That once your character is done it will have a unique code that's based on your choices. You can copy the code and write it down anywhere you want. Then when the game goes live you can copy past the code into the character creator to get your character back.

    Mass Effect has a system like this if I remember correctly, many other games as well. This way you can share your creations as well or if you wanted to you could create a guild where everyone looks identical.

    Ingame barber shop would also be nice where you could redo your characters looks, yes barbers did use to perform surgery and other operations back in the middle ages so it would fit if you could redo your characters face etc as well.
  • One solution would be to have character customization codes. That once your character is done it will have a unique code that's based on your choices. You can copy the code and write it down anywhere you want. Then when the game goes live you can copy past the code into the character creator to get your character back.

    Mass Effect has a system like this if I remember correctly, many other games as well. This way you can share your creations as well or if you wanted to you could create a guild where everyone looks identical.

    Ingame barber shop would also be nice where you could redo your characters looks, yes barbers did use to perform surgery and other operations back in the middle ages so it would fit if you could redo your characters face etc as well.

    @MadCowCrazy Steven has already said, that people should be able to create templates and share them with others. Should be save to assume that a template system like you are suggesting is already planned. The "code"-suggestions seems kinda 2001 though.

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