Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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[NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node

renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
edited August 2024 in NA Guild Recruitment

Pandemonium is recruiting! We’re looking to make a PVE focused RP guild for our Tulnar brethren. We’re looking towards a divine node with big hopes! Bask in the bio-luminescence of our environment where we’ve resided while others fled Vera during the apocalypse. We’ve evolved within the underrealm to survive, and now that the other races are returning to Vera, we too are rising back to the surface to take back the now devoid world.

-Play as a Tulnar
-Have a mature attitude and be willing to communicate
-Discord communication

-Establish a Divine Node and rank it up to metropolis
-Foster an alliance with other races to provide benefits all around
-Create an immersive story that we can all build together
-Create moments of glory through raiding, dungeoning, exploring and protecting our capital
-Full raid and dungeon groups!

What we offer:
-Main tank & Raid Leader with over 18 years experience
-Raiding progression/PVE progression
-Special RP events! [All races welcome!]
-People who want to be part of a family, once you're in we want to foster that relationship and really know each other.
-Support people to help foster a better roleplaying environment.

We currently have some roles open for grabs:
- Gossipers/Reporters/Journalists
- PvP specialists
- Artisans
- RP event coordinators
- Cartographers

Upcoming Plans:
-A want to create a network for our artisans.
-Creating a welcoming general roleplaying setting so that all members can feel inclusive.
-More to come!

We are forgotten, but we are not broken. Step into the world of the Underrealm, where those that were once lost are now something more. We clung to our world, believed in our gods, and they answered. The underrealm housed us away from the apocalypse. While our brothers and sisters fled our home, we made a new one. Within the bio-luminescent caverns, the civilization of the Tulnar stands strong. Unlike the civilizations of old, we believe in the pantheon of gods, as they have all helped us in our survival. Now something has changed in our world, the caverns leading from the underrealm to the over-world have opened, and the descendants of our old families are now returning to Vera.

Over the many years, the Tulnar have created a caste system to ensure there is a type of government, which is based on the amount of bestial or monster you have become. A new group is rising from that tradition, offering an alternative. A system where those can climb to taller heights based on their attributes, strengths and ideals, not simply your birth. Rise up Tulnar, grasp your future with Pandemonium, where our pantheon will continue to watch over us as they always have, and we will create our better tomorrow.

Message me in discord at Kalikanna#0504

[NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
Come check us out!


  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited August 2022

    Updated original post to show new direction of guild {race, guild name, emblem change}
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • NeorineNeorine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Really digging the changes!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Neorine wrote: »
    Really digging the changes!

    Thanks a bunch!
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • Sounded promising until I saw you only allow one race :( My main will be a Cleric/Cleric, but tradition forces me to select the Dünir as my race. If I am misunderstanding you or you make changes to accept other races let me know. Otherwise I will keep looking and wish you the best.
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    TheMarten wrote: »
    Sounded promising until I saw you only allow one race :( My main will be a Cleric/Cleric, but tradition forces me to select the Dünir as my race. If I am misunderstanding you or you make changes to accept other races let me know. Otherwise I will keep looking and wish you the best.

    Hello! Thank you for showing interest! My only reason why I put a specific race is because of how the Tulnar religion is currently worded on the wiki.
    The Tulnar religion is a combination of religious beliefs of the major
     races as well as pagan beliefs of the minor races that evolved over 
     time as they coexisted together in the Underrealm.

    Based on this and how some of the religions in general have been worded, it has made me think that some religions like the Tulnar may not be accessible by other races. Obviously, if this is not the case, I'm more than happy to allow all races.
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    Updated name and new icon!
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • YukineYukine Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Ooooh! I have not seen a Tulnar guild that is going a divine node yet! =3 I am definitely interested in this cause their religion is quite interesting from what I have read, plus having an experienced tank sounds amazing! Color me interested C:

    Want to be a Tulnar? Come join us: Pandemonium
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Yukine wrote: »
    Ooooh! I have not seen a Tulnar guild that is going a divine node yet! =3 I am definitely interested in this cause their religion is quite interesting from what I have read, plus having an experienced tank sounds amazing! Color me interested C:

    Hello Yukine! I'm glad to hear we've grabbed your interest! Feel free to message me on discord at Kali#0504 and we can chat to see if you'd like to join us!
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Updated to show we're playing WoW WOTLK
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Updated to show we are now in Dragonflight. Feel free to message me! :)
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • LithionLithion Member, Alpha Two
    Do you have any plans to do much in the way of artisanship or trade? I'm a gatherer type player so I'm always curious what guilds will have artisan sections or how much focus that will get.
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Lithion wrote: »
    Do you have any plans to do much in the way of artisanship or trade? I'm a gatherer type player so I'm always curious what guilds will have artisan sections or how much focus that will get.

    Hello Lithion!

    At the moment it hasn't been talked about too much, but we do definitely want to welcome all types of people into the guild. I myself do love crafting and gathering so I do get the love for it! The idea at the moment would depend on how many of those people we get. I intend to make a role and section of the guild for them that way you all are able to be represented well. Crafters/Gathers would also be able to participate in any other guild activities, requirements depending. I know that some crafting materials will come from dungeons and raids, so we would want to be able to get some of them into that content, but I'm always open to ideas!

    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Updated main post with more information, roleplay blurb and picture
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Always accepting all types of tulnar! :)<3
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • Thoghli RamheartThoghli Ramheart Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Am elated that another single race themed guild is attempting its hand at recruiting. I look forward to your successful endeavor!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Am elated that another single race themed guild is attempting its hand at recruiting. I look forward to your successful endeavor!

    Thanks Thongli! You're elation is accepted with warm arms!
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • DanroakDanroak Member, Alpha Two
    I've been looking for Tulnar rp guild. Would love to learn more and possibly join. Sent you friend invite on discord.
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited May 2023
    Danroak wrote: »
    I've been looking for Tulnar rp guild. Would love to learn more and possibly join. Sent you friend invite on discord.

    Hey there! I'd love to chat. Discord just changed their username settings so it's now kalikanna#0504. Sorry about that!
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • ObviouslyGrimmObviouslyGrimm Member, Alpha One, Adventurer, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    A small BUT Inviting community. if you plan on going Tulnar and want to be in an RP community i would recommend checking us out
  • DanroakDanroak Member, Alpha Two
    Danroak wrote: »
    I've been looking for Tulnar rp guild. Would love to learn more and possibly join. Sent you friend invite on discord.

    Hey there! I'd love to chat. Discord just changed their username settings so it's now kalikanna#0504. Sorry about that!

    Oh, sorry it took so long. I've been out of town for couple of days there and have been busy. I sent you new friend request on discord for that handle :)
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Thanks for all the support everyone! In the coming months I'm sure we'll see more tulnar interest! :)

    As per normal, if you have any questions, message me here or on discord at #Kalikanna
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    come help us build our community! :)
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited October 2023
    We are all currently playing wow together in Wotlk, feel free to come join us!
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • DanroakDanroak Member, Alpha Two
    We may or may not have cupcakes, regardless come say hi! :)

    No, seriously though we're nice people, I promise.
  • CoilEraldoCoilEraldo Member, Alpha Two
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited October 2023
    CoilEraldo wrote: »
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    We currently have some roles open for grabs:
    - Gossipers/Reporters/Journalists
    - PvP specialists
    - Artisans
    - RP event coordinators
    - Cartographers

    We are looking for all tulnar and fun people to join us :)
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Still active and open to accept any tulnar <3
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Accepting people interested in the guild and also people looking to just chill with others waiting on Tulnar!
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
  • renadedanterenadedante Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    We have some players ready for A2, come join us! :)
    [NA] Pandemonium| PVE focused | RP PVX | Tulnar | Divine Node
    Come check us out!
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