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August Stream: Empyrean Model needs a little more work

FreedomBladFreedomBlad Member
edited October 2022 in General Discussion
I really like the concept art for the Empyrean but I don't think the art translated to the model. I thought the eyebrow structure and eyes were too sharp and looked off as well as the skin not looking as pristine as the art did, it kind of almost looked like a anime character. I haven't been dissapointed with the people at intrepid to accurately depict the art in the model thats why I noticed this, everything else seemed fine with the hair and ears. Whether this is just something that can be solved in the character creator i'm not sure but I thought it be brought up.

Loved the concept art for the Nikua and Vaelune though, awesome job.

28 Oct Edit:

Wanna say it's dope to see people's opinions regardless.

When i talk about the female model looking like anime character, it's more the eye's. Best way I could explain it is if jagged edges that the Yugioh anime art style has was put into a game model, compared to the natural curve to the outer edge of the eye in the concept art.

Some points I'm going to steal from people in comments that I agree with are that she does look annoyed and angry and that they should look more ethereal and stern.

Also I know models won't be the exact same as the art but I feel they have done a much better job translating other races to models. Also I realize it has to be some what realistic but the concept art is a form of realism art so it should just carry on to the model like the other race models.

I'm not even an Elf guy lol, I just really liked the concept art.


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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Disagree, to the point where if the Character Creator was not available in a spot test I'd be completely happy with the current version and not even miss it.

    I found the skin visuals to be realistically in line with what has been shown in the Character Creator stream for the other races shown, and I'm explicitly a fan of those sharp eyes and eyebrows completely.

    I hope you get what you want out of the character creator, but to me, this is a much better 'default', looking at the concept art side by side with the model/first pass, I prefer the model immensely.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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    I'll disagree and agree. I see what you are saying about the anime character, but I don't necessarily think it's an issue. I feel like you could make the same assessment about the Ren'kai models. I'm fine with the overall aesthetic, clothes and weapons look fantastic.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think that people are focusing too much on the one model.

    I think it looks perfect for your a base level stock standard elf preset.

    Remember there's a whole character creator that you can change the aspects of hair, eye colour, facial structure and so on.
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    Ya people are wanting copy paste stuff when its a concept painting and not a model. There is no reason for it to be perfectly identical to every stroke, or matching lighting exactly so it is pixel perfect to the concept.

    Some of the nit picking is insane.

    It is the same type of character, it matches the style of the concept for the race. There is a character creator in the game, no one is going to be copying exact concept styles when you make your character. You will take liberties to make it how you want.
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    I don't see how this looks like a anime character it looks more on the realistic side proportions and all. What about the model makes it seem anime ish?
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    Only issue I see is the skin texture. It looks very rough and gritty -- which would be good if this were a dwarf, but your average Empyrean should feel much more regal.
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    Must also confess that I am a little disappointed. Skin texture and the rough hair looks not that elfish. Also the jawline feels very very human atm.

    However, I agree with the previous comments - it's just a model and the c creator will certainly do the rest.
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    I really dislike the eyebrows being of a different colour than the hair itself, they should be blonde as well.

    This being said I actually really like the newest empyrean model they showed.

    I still think they should try to make it a bit more.... ethereal tho.

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    Aeskill wrote: »
    Must also confess that I am a little disappointed. Skin texture and the rough hair looks not that elfish. Also the jawline feels very very human atm.

    However, I agree with the previous comments - it's just a model and the c creator will certainly do the rest.

    they empyrium is rather warlike tbh in the lore your tend not to look to clean when you in battle :pensive: like during and after the helm deep war elfs were not looking too pretty then :P

    guess people rather use to there "clean" looking elfs
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    MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member
    edited August 2022
    Being a big elf fanatic and after giving a lot of feedback on the elves I think the current path on the Empyreans is very correct.
    A great improvement can be seen , the face looks more like a proud elf than before and his eyes evoke a little more of a sense of magic.
    personal preference, I would like more sparkling or magic eyes but I think that could be fixed with the CC.

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    XiraelAcaronXiraelAcaron Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I also like it overall..I am not sure, is the hair placeholder? If not, it needs some work. Thats the only thing that I noticed in a negative way.
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Looks great, no need for change.. move on to the next development task.
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    Sorry I am going to pile in just to say I don't feel this way and was more than impressed with the carry over. A 3d model will never look like for like the concept - and yet it's really damn similar.

    I think the skin tone is probably the only thing that makes it look a little different - we have to try and look at the direction more than the actual image itself.

    That said, I like the model AND the direction - both going the right way to me.

    I look forward to seeing variations but just want to say my opinion to Intrepid is you are doing the right thing so far.

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    akabear wrote: »
    Looks great, no need for change.. move on to the next development task.

    Agreed, its good they will polish what they need and they can move on. They have a ton of hair and other features they need to create and such as well for the creator creator.
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    akabear wrote: »
    Looks great, no need for change.. move on to the next development task.

    I don’t agree, Empyrean Elfs should look amazing, not just great. She looks annoyed, angry and ugly.

    The concept art looks way better than the 3D model. I have always been impressed with the 3D character models, that Intrepid have produced, like the Dwarfs and the Veks and I’m afraid for the Empyrean Elfs, the « Waouh! » factor is not there.
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