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Utilizing the vertical air space

I understand that currently flying is not a "main focus" at this point in time. I do support the idea of having air-based content if it were possible to add in the future at some point though.

I understand that it would have to be balanced around all the existing systems and fit into the core gameplay design, but if it were possible then i think it would add a lot of value to the game.

It would be cool to have access to magic powered or just engineered airships and for flying mounts to be more common. I think utilizing some of that vertical space could add even more depth to the strategy with how it would tie in to the ground based combat, and it would give another type of combat experience through air battles, for an added element of fun.

I know scope creep could be an issue for this as well, but it may be something that can be considered for the future at some point, once higher priority content has been completed.


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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Nope. Moving on.
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    I say keep flying exclusive and minimal. Makes the world too small very quickly if everyone is flying
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 2022
    It's not scope creep. Commonly accessible air movement, as well as multiple landing areas for NPC controlled airships makes the whole game ez and the core design of conflict of interests and adventure non existent.
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    Like i said, as long as it can be balanced around the existing systems and game design then there shouldn't be a problem. It doesn't even have to be a permanently accesible feature that could ruin the exploration/pacing aspects. Maybe it is more situational such as only in sieges, or in other situations where you gain the benefits without having the drawbacks.
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    That's not how life works mate.
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    No flying, thanks.
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    FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Ace1234 wrote: »
    Like i said, as long as it can be balanced around the existing systems and game design then there shouldn't be a problem. It doesn't even have to be a permanently accesible feature that could ruin the exploration/pacing aspects. Maybe it is more situational such as only in sieges, or in other situations where you gain the benefits without having the drawbacks.

    If flying is important enough to you, you can choose to apply yourself and earn permanent flying by becoming a mayor or lord of a castle and working to keep that position.

    Also, in sieges there will be an additional flying mounts used by guild officers.
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    I do think there are ways to utilise vertical space without it just coming down to "flying". Having lots of flying "mobs" is important. Birds, Dragons, Insects, etc. One thing that stood out to me in the Desert Biome reveal video, was the lack of anything in the skies. Flocks of birds and POI's such as floating platforms and giant towers (which we have seen a bit of) are a good way to use vertical space.

    Weather and seasonal effects are also a big part of verticality.
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I agree that there's huge potential for vertical content.

    But for me it's major scope creep, and I'd rather the team leave it as an expansion option down the track when (I bet you) flying mounts start becoming less rare.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    Vertical airspace is currently being utilized by the elevation features of the map design.

    For example: The rock (

    cliff edges: and

    there was also a photo posted on a the socials somewhere (I can't find it at this moment) of low 'floating islands' just above the ground.

    As many have said above making flying mounts would likely not be the best utilization of air space for this game.
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    No flying, I really don't want the flying mounts that the game already has, but as long as that stays extremely exclusive and hard to get (I think it was said somewhere that only 20 or so people on a server will have a flying mount at any given time) than it shouldn't be too bad. Flying mounts ruin games, period.

    I have also seen "Gliding" mounts on the Wiki, and I am not sure I even like that idea, but at least they cant be used by players to escape pvp, so its not as bad as pure flying mounts. With gliding mounts, you still have to land fairly quickly so...
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    Read the headline, yes!, read content, nope!

    Baited 😂

    Much love ❤️
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    As cool as airships would be or giant ones and like a magic kind of air city, i feel that isn't what AoC is going for. I also wouldn't want flying mounts everywhere, im fine with it being a very rare drop. I think 20 is kind of a low number I feel that there will be many more based on the nodes and drops with it being rng.

    So ya asking for flying mounts to be more common i dont see that happening. Though for future content maybe there might be a floating castle / land but it wouldn't really require a flying mount to get there.
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