Night time darkness levels and lighting

I really want to hear if anyone has any great reasons why night time shouldn't be so dark sometimes that lighting is important.

It's not incredibly relevant to gameplay, though it would add some very interesting dynamics. I just think it's one of the coolest things you can do in a game, a very immersive feature. It works out fantastically in minecraft and terraria, though they are very different games I could imagine it working just fine in AoC.



  • WarthWarth Member
    edited September 2022
    I want a dark night that requires light and greatly reduces the viewing distance.
  • PherPhurPherPhur Member
    edited September 2022
    Warth wrote: »
    I want a dark night that requires light and greatly reduces the viewing distance.

    Well, it certainly is nice to see I'm not alone.

    Sure, you're probably going to want to black out your game room windows and turn off the lights when it's night time, and it'll be a little bit of a pain in the butt trying to see when it's difficult to, but like I said it works out in Terraria and Minecraft. The benefit really does seem to heavily outweigh the cost. At least from my perspective.
  • no thank you, please provide enough ambient lighting to prevent pitch-black screens...
  • Every 31 days I wouldn't mind a single night without any ambient lighting, although i have not read how many moons Verra will have.
  • PlasticLemonsPlasticLemons Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Voxtrium wrote: »
    Every 31 days I wouldn't mind a single night without any ambient lighting, although i have not read how many moons Verra will have.

    THIS is a fun idea.

    I think having *every* night be so dark it's hard to see would be enjoyable but it's a pretty niche enjoyment that we have lol. BUT having the moon cycle allowing for one "dark" night an in-game month would be so freaking fun.

    Hopefully Vek have special dark seeing capabilities :)
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2022
    I really want to hear if anyone has any great reasons why night time shouldn't be so dark sometimes that lighting is important.

    It's not incredibly relevant to gameplay, though it would add some very interesting dynamics. I just think it's one of the coolest things you can do in a game, a very immersive feature. It works out fantastically in minecraft and terraria, though they are very different games I could imagine it working just fine in AoC.

    It is extremely relevant to gameplay, and is absolutely a core balance/design consideration.

    As a Bard, if I see you from 20 seconds away, I start the fight buffed and we have a fair fight when you attack me. If I see you from 5 seconds away, I just die.

    I'm all for a real, good cosmetic day/night cycle, with lighting effects, but I need night to not nerf my class specifically. Sure it'll hurt everyone a bit, but Bard by nature has to spend time buffing in advance in order to match the other classes power. Stopping me from doing that is a major nerf.
  • Imagine a raid with 40 ppl holding torches in hand.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • GalvyrGalvyr Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Strevi wrote: »
    Imagine a raid with 40 ppl holding torches in hand.

    Would look like an angry mob from a Frankenstein movie.
  • I dont think every night being pitch black would be practical.
    But lets say there is storm and dark clouds, it would be cool to see significant change in visibility. And when lighting strikes it would illuminate whole sky and ground.
    If there is already weather and season tech, it would be cool to have moon phases and those with clouds would influence how dark nights are and it would cast big shadows that would move on the ground, slightly changing visibility.
    I guess I am not fan of pitch black outside areas. But dark enough to have some torch or light magic gameplay would be cool.
    Having pitch black parts of dungeons, even elite or raid fights, I am fan of.
  • From CROW3's post, back in 2017 there was a great video that displayed what Intrepid's original thoughts on light abilities might be.

    I think this is a great idea and I hope they continued to refine and expand on it.
  • I like the idea of how dark it actually gets at night time (you city folks might not know) as it makes it feel very immersive. In settlements there will be lighting from torches but out in the middle of nowhere you better hope for clear night skies to grant you moonlight otherwise it will be hard to see. I don't think it should be impossible enough that players feel the need to adjust their gamma every cloudy night time though.
  • Darkness caused by magic for longer time... could destroy crops, drive animals away...
    The devs could create special events which players may cause of try to prevent, once in a while.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • Honestly I'm fine with dark but this isn't a survival game i want the feeling of nighttime but i want to see what the hell I'm doing. Maybe with the exception of night and a crazy storm with downpour rain making it a bit harder to see.

    Are they even going to have night and day cycles in the game? If night is too dark everyone normally just turns up their brightness settings.
  • ObamanizerObamanizer Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ultimate reason why we won't get pitch black or even close is because you can adjust the gamma setting on your pc and massively game the system for huge advantage. While I think we should still have pretty dark nights and not some joke of a night where you still see like you got sun glasses ln, I hope we get cycles of 75% reduced light nights to 90% reduced light nights.
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member
    edited September 2022
    The occasional "new moon" (moon-less night) might be an okay feature; I'd hate for the night to be so dark that you couldn't see the details of the world around you, EVERY night.

  • Played this survival multiplayer Faction PVP game called REND awhile back. It was basically Valheim with faction wars. But there were small caves you could explore for resources and while during the day there was low light (the caves werent crazy deep), during night time it was absolutely pitch black inside and you needed a torch to see anything, including the monsters and resources that spawned in those caves. It was actually an awesome dynamic, and it also made it dangerous since seeing a bright torch light in the dark from a distance was basically a beacon for others to see.
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Caravan night runs with a well lit caravan and dimly lit road could be interesting
  • I think for me it would depend on the time and place. If the moon waxes and wanes with the days and seasons, then some days should be much darker than others. However, with a clear sky, starlight and moonlight offer incredible visibility. Especially with no light pollution to hinder it.

    Now, if you're in a forest, short of having a lamp attached to your backpack (like in the game Outward) it should be quite dark.

    Different mobs and gatherables should appear based on time of day IMO. Would also incentivise exploration for sight-seeing. In FFXIV you have sightseeing logs you can achieve by being at certain locations at certain times of day and with certain whether conditions. When you do, you get the Log for it, providing extra bits of lore about the world.

    This could be a very cool way to promote travelling across the world at least once, before or after settling down in a specific node.
  • Ambiance, Atmosphere, Environment and Immersion are all super important. All are superseded by gameplay. Not being able to see what you are doing is not fun.
  • I want a dark night.

    It makes the adventure game feel like an actual adventure.

    More dangerous.

    It also makes for a better atmosphere and cool-looking night fights.
  • I'd love having darkness as a mechanic in dungeons but I think it's probably important to leave it mostly clear of the main world.
    A casual player jumping on for their only time in a week and finding that they can barely make out anything and struggle to play the game doesn't sound like a fun time. As others have said, it also messes with the balance of some things.

    I do expect some darker times though. Nighttime with a thunderstorm would be absolutely amazing (though would need seizure safe settings).

    It depends on how long the night cycle is really.
    I remember with Ark Survival, some nights with rain it was almost pitch black and I'd just camp out and wait until day because it wasn't too long a time. The longer the night the more impactful it will be.
  • WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    Ambiance, Atmosphere, Environment and Immersion are all super important. All are superseded by gameplay. Not being able to see what you are doing is not fun.

    I think you can add gameplay options that blend with dark darkness and still be fun. This is where Ashes can leverage the lightning engine / tools in UE5. Introduce basic to advanced lighting for PCs - from handheld torches to floating magical orbs. Add squibs and flash bangs for night time raids. Provide some racial augments for low-light vision. Increase the damage and stealthiness of mobs at night (such as wolves and undead). Provide weapon augments that have a day/night buffs or debuffs (similar to Skyrim). All of this adds options for gameplay while increasing the overall risk / tension in the world. Hell, even settled metros can become dangerous with nighttime incursions of guild rogues to wreak havoc.

    I don’t think it’s a huge stretch to add some interesting gameplay here.

  • BullvinneBullvinne Member
    edited September 2022
    I say no to pitch-black or super dark nights. Mainly, since people can pump the crud out of their gamma and still see fine, those who want the "immersion" will be at a disadvantage in any potential PVP situations at night if the other opponent is optimizing to win.

    Even if others can't use the monitor or game's gamma setting to get a leg-up on the competition, the world they are building is beautiful and immersive, it would suck if when the game went into night, you couldn't see that beautiful world.
  • Bullvinne wrote: »
    the world they are building is beautiful and immersive, it would suck if when the game went into night, you couldn't see that beautiful world.

    Night wouldn’t hide that beauty. Maybe it could expose a whole other type of beauty.

    I mean, have you ever seen the amber blend of torchlight and the moon reflected in the 8 eyes of an Umberhulk?

    It’s utterly enchanting.

  • LethalityLethality Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited September 2022
    Caww wrote: »
    no thank you, please provide enough ambient lighting to prevent pitch-black screens...

    Why, though? I think darkness is one of the key elements that can enhance gameplay in a game like this.
    World Class Indoorsman
  • True dark would be fun. With UE5 maybe they can do it too. At least in caves or dungeons. In the open world it might cause some performance issues with all the shadows. It'd have to be that type of darkness that doesn't change with your brightness/gamma settings. This could lead to some horror genre quests.
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member
    edited September 2022
    I really want to hear if anyone has any great reasons why night time shouldn't be so dark sometimes that lighting is important.

    It's not incredibly relevant to gameplay, though it would add some very interesting dynamics. I just think it's one of the coolest things you can do in a game, a very immersive feature. It works out fantastically in minecraft and terraria, though they are very different games I could imagine it working just fine in AoC.

    Cos it's fricking boring not being able to see anything. And, if you happen to only be able to log in during those hours, you'll be playing in constant darkness. Turns out that in order to play a game, you actually need to be able to see the game!
    This link may help you:

  • WHIT3ROS3 wrote: »
    Ambiance, Atmosphere, Environment and Immersion are all super important. All are superseded by gameplay. Not being able to see what you are doing is not fun.

    This link may help you:

  • SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    I think dark nights, caves, and buildings are good.
    Some nights can be bright with full moons; otherwise light sources should be required for full vision.

    Adjusting to lower light levels should be a thing though; use a bright torch and dark adjustment starts to fade or doesn't develop nearly as much. 8 minutes in the dark and night vision should improve quite a bit.
    Thus light sources are particularly necessary when moving between light and dark areas or when an enemy can "cut the lights".

    I'd like a stat benefiting night vision, class and racial modifier affecting night vision as well.
    Certain potions and foods can increase night vision.

    I don't like higher performance requirements though. Simplified lighting would need to exist while not conferring additional advantage or disadvantage.
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Cos it's fricking boring not being able to see anything. And, if you happen to only be able to log in during those hours, you'll be playing in constant darkness. Turns out that in order to play a game, you actually need to be able to see the game!

    Just use light sources and roll a race with better night vision.
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