Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

While Waiting...

TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Anyone planning on playing Archeage Unchained's new Fresh Start on the 15th? ... now now I know what you're going to say, and yes they have screwed that game up at every corner. That being said Since Kakoa took it back, even though their last Fresh start was a failure they've been diligent in banning botters and RMT and trying to clean up their image.

This is simply a passing the time game which heavily inspired Ashes of creation, along with Lineage 2. So if you wanna get your fishing on and have something to do for a few months while we wait for Alpha 2 check it out.

Again this is not a LONG term solution, just passing time, AoC is my true love, but she keeps shutting the door on me! So I will bother the nieghbor for a bit :)


  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    Yep, the accelerated progression along with the improvements they have made since i last played(original unchained) have me excited. Hopefully is a fun 2-3 months.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Caveat emptor.

  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    It would give a good idea what risk vs reward means on the open sea as well, as fishing and tradpacks along with treasure hunting is much better gold, but also very dangerous.

    And I would fully expect a system very simliar to this.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Why was the last Fresh Start a failure?
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Azherae wrote: »
    Why was the last Fresh Start a failure?

    They mistaking allowed trial accounts, and didn't properly restrict actions on events they had. they had people making 1000 of accounts to get a advantage and basically ruining the economy. also they were not prepared for the sheer amount of botters and RMT people they really had in their game. The previous people running it Gamigo and Trion worlds were absolute trash and did nothing but hurt the game. Kakoa now is trying to regain faith in it's players and actually adding content, and making things better.

    They will be in charge of Archeage 2 whenever that comes out.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three or ten times and well, that's the people playing and promoting archeage fresh start servers in 2022 :D
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.
    Commissioned at
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Please clarify what is appealing here/separates it from BDO, as this specific post makes it sound more or less the same (game basically giving you quest gear, potential to fast-track to the start of endgame in leveling and preparation for 'popular content').
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    Azherae wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Please clarify what is appealing here/separates it from BDO, as this specific post makes it sound more or less the same (game basically giving you quest gear, potential to fast-track to the start of endgame in leveling and preparation for 'popular content').

    The seasonal server is the same idea as BDOs seasonal servers. It's to help players boost a character to endgame. I think a major difference is this is a new server where everyone will be starting with a fresh character/banks instead of it just being extra channels like BDO.
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    I never played the game. I just looked up some recent gameplay footage on YouTube. And it's going to be hard no for me. Absolutely horrible sound design and visual effects. I also cannot stand eastern game design. But that's just me.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I never played the game. I just looked up some recent gameplay footage on YouTube. And it's going to be hard no for me. Absolutely horrible sound design and visual effects. I also cannot stand eastern game design. But that's just me.

    it's a 10 year old game made on a 20 year old engine, what did you expect
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • Savic ProsperitySavic Prosperity Member, Alpha Two
    my memory of archeage that stuck with why i quit was the only difference between me and a different person was literally just the weapon equipped and i had what was the best weapon possible before that one the person had and they were something like x2 stronger with everything and so i felt like there was no point in person skill it was just a gear game there was no way your own skill could make up the difference
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Well my concern was actually with getting a fishing boat. In OG archeage I was one of the first people to get one of those beautiful boats and really enjoyed my time out fishing on it. The real reason I got the boat so fast though was that a guild member got lucky with the thunderstruck tree, and said I could pay them back over time. I did so by taking large groups of guildies out on my boat, fishing up a full boat + packs on our backs, and dropping them off at my island house. Then after we were tired of fishing we would ferry all the packs from my island back to be sold for an evenly split profit.
    Commissioned at
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Well my concern was actually with getting a fishing boat. In OG archeage I was one of the first people to get one of those beautiful boats and really enjoyed my time out fishing on it. The real reason I got the boat so fast though was that a guild member got lucky with the thunderstruck tree, and said I could pay them back over time. I did so by taking large groups of guildies out on my boat, fishing up a full boat + packs on our backs, and dropping them off at my island house. Then after we were tired of fishing we would ferry all the packs from my island back to be sold for an evenly split profit.

    Oh, you can use the engine you get from the cart quest on a fishing boat so you wont need logs.
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Many quality of life changes have been made, consolidated weekly quests you can get done in half the time, no more worrying about cactus and thistle for the quest line, they took thunderstruck out of the farm cart recipie and is no longer needed, and really not very useful anymore tbh. The next fresh start they will be making big changes to trade pack runs and fishing as well, so at least they're trying to improve their game.

    Land rush will be a week after and is always a lot of fun, the housing is 1 of the best any game has ever had and is clearly a inspiration for Steven.

    To be honest what else do we have to do lol, unless you like WoW there is nothing.
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Well my concern was actually with getting a fishing boat. In OG archeage I was one of the first people to get one of those beautiful boats and really enjoyed my time out fishing on it. The real reason I got the boat so fast though was that a guild member got lucky with the thunderstruck tree, and said I could pay them back over time. I did so by taking large groups of guildies out on my boat, fishing up a full boat + packs on our backs, and dropping them off at my island house. Then after we were tired of fishing we would ferry all the packs from my island back to be sold for an evenly split profit.

    Oh, you can use the engine you get from the cart quest on a fishing boat so you wont need logs.

    oh thank you for the info. its interesting that as apart of a quest you can do either one? if what you have said means what i think it means.
    Santanico wrote: »
    Many quality of life changes have been made, consolidated weekly quests you can get done in half the time, no more worrying about cactus and thistle for the quest line, they took thunderstruck out of the farm cart recipie and is no longer needed, and really not very useful anymore tbh. The next fresh start they will be making big changes to trade pack runs and fishing as well, so at least they're trying to improve their game.

    Land rush will be a week after and is always a lot of fun, the housing is 1 of the best any game has ever had and is clearly a inspiration for Steven.

    To be honest what else do we have to do lol, unless you like WoW there is nothing.
    Do you know how their labor system works, if at all? Can you gain labor points for doing in-game content such as dungeons, raids, quests, etc?
    Commissioned at
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Well my concern was actually with getting a fishing boat. In OG archeage I was one of the first people to get one of those beautiful boats and really enjoyed my time out fishing on it. The real reason I got the boat so fast though was that a guild member got lucky with the thunderstruck tree, and said I could pay them back over time. I did so by taking large groups of guildies out on my boat, fishing up a full boat + packs on our backs, and dropping them off at my island house. Then after we were tired of fishing we would ferry all the packs from my island back to be sold for an evenly split profit.

    Oh, you can use the engine you get from the cart quest on a fishing boat so you wont need logs.

    oh thank you for the info. its interesting that as apart of a quest you can do either one? if what you have said means what i think it means.
    Santanico wrote: »
    Many quality of life changes have been made, consolidated weekly quests you can get done in half the time, no more worrying about cactus and thistle for the quest line, they took thunderstruck out of the farm cart recipie and is no longer needed, and really not very useful anymore tbh. The next fresh start they will be making big changes to trade pack runs and fishing as well, so at least they're trying to improve their game.

    Land rush will be a week after and is always a lot of fun, the housing is 1 of the best any game has ever had and is clearly a inspiration for Steven.

    To be honest what else do we have to do lol, unless you like WoW there is nothing.
    Do you know how their labor system works, if at all? Can you gain labor points for doing in-game content such as dungeons, raids, quests, etc?

    yes gain labor every 5 minutes, whether online or offline, they have items you can get thru events and archepass all free stuff you can obtain to boost labor, also a archeblessing that increassing how much you can hold up to 15k.
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    Santanico wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Well my concern was actually with getting a fishing boat. In OG archeage I was one of the first people to get one of those beautiful boats and really enjoyed my time out fishing on it. The real reason I got the boat so fast though was that a guild member got lucky with the thunderstruck tree, and said I could pay them back over time. I did so by taking large groups of guildies out on my boat, fishing up a full boat + packs on our backs, and dropping them off at my island house. Then after we were tired of fishing we would ferry all the packs from my island back to be sold for an evenly split profit.

    Oh, you can use the engine you get from the cart quest on a fishing boat so you wont need logs.

    oh thank you for the info. its interesting that as apart of a quest you can do either one? if what you have said means what i think it means.
    Santanico wrote: »
    Many quality of life changes have been made, consolidated weekly quests you can get done in half the time, no more worrying about cactus and thistle for the quest line, they took thunderstruck out of the farm cart recipie and is no longer needed, and really not very useful anymore tbh. The next fresh start they will be making big changes to trade pack runs and fishing as well, so at least they're trying to improve their game.

    Land rush will be a week after and is always a lot of fun, the housing is 1 of the best any game has ever had and is clearly a inspiration for Steven.

    To be honest what else do we have to do lol, unless you like WoW there is nothing.
    Do you know how their labor system works, if at all? Can you gain labor points for doing in-game content such as dungeons, raids, quests, etc?

    yes gain labor every 5 minutes, whether online or offline, they have items you can get thru events and archepass all free stuff you can obtain to boost labor, also a archeblessing that increassing how much you can hold up to 15k.

    was reaaaally hoping you were gonna say that labor was removed entirely but i guess this is alright... Is this with a sub or purchase?
    Commissioned at
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Santanico wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    I would be interested to jump in on a freshstart but I have literally no information on the game at this point in time. I liked the first month of the first release of archeage. That content and non--p2w window was the best mmo experience ive ever had. I don't know if archeage unchained has new classes, new content, changed mechanics or a plethora of other things that could have happened.
    I found out a while back that they made trade packs completely garbage to run. open world pvp hardly happened after that. im not sure how true this was, but ultimately I am very conflicted as I would love to play just for the fishing experience.Yet I know thunderstruck trees are near impossible to get early on without a guild. And all my friends would rather eat a shoe than play the game again.

    If you haven't played since OG archeage then there has been 4 schools added and the original schools have had some swapping around. There is new gearing system with hiram gear which is quest gear, with customizable stats, that can be upgraded to a late game set. If you are worried about getting a farm cart then know that you get one from a quest now and are given mats to upgrade it once so wont need a thunderstruck right away. It also looks like you can buy one for 50 gilda.

    This is going to be a season progression server that has accelerated progression (2-3x) and gives you a bunch of free stuff. You should be hitting 55 in less than a day. I haven't experienced it but looking at what we are getting, it seems like you will have some fun toys to play with, even if you are solo.

    Well my concern was actually with getting a fishing boat. In OG archeage I was one of the first people to get one of those beautiful boats and really enjoyed my time out fishing on it. The real reason I got the boat so fast though was that a guild member got lucky with the thunderstruck tree, and said I could pay them back over time. I did so by taking large groups of guildies out on my boat, fishing up a full boat + packs on our backs, and dropping them off at my island house. Then after we were tired of fishing we would ferry all the packs from my island back to be sold for an evenly split profit.

    Oh, you can use the engine you get from the cart quest on a fishing boat so you wont need logs.

    oh thank you for the info. its interesting that as apart of a quest you can do either one? if what you have said means what i think it means.
    Santanico wrote: »
    Many quality of life changes have been made, consolidated weekly quests you can get done in half the time, no more worrying about cactus and thistle for the quest line, they took thunderstruck out of the farm cart recipie and is no longer needed, and really not very useful anymore tbh. The next fresh start they will be making big changes to trade pack runs and fishing as well, so at least they're trying to improve their game.

    Land rush will be a week after and is always a lot of fun, the housing is 1 of the best any game has ever had and is clearly a inspiration for Steven.

    To be honest what else do we have to do lol, unless you like WoW there is nothing.
    Do you know how their labor system works, if at all? Can you gain labor points for doing in-game content such as dungeons, raids, quests, etc?

    yes gain labor every 5 minutes, whether online or offline, they have items you can get thru events and archepass all free stuff you can obtain to boost labor, also a archeblessing that increassing how much you can hold up to 15k.

    was reaaaally hoping you were gonna say that labor was removed entirely but i guess this is alright... Is this with a sub or purchase?

    It wwould be to difficult to remove it, to many things revolve around it, but it's not that bad as long as you know how to manage it and you plan how you want yo use it. yes like AoC , just a Sub now 9.99
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Savic wrote: »
    my memory of archeage that stuck with why i quit was the only difference between me and a different person was literally just the weapon equipped and i had what was the best weapon possible before that one the person had and they were something like x2 stronger with everything and so i felt like there was no point in person skill it was just a gear game there was no way your own skill could make up the difference

    that's a big reason they're doing the accelerated fresh start servers, because people would get behind then left in the dust. now with fresh start every 3 months and all of them transfering to hopefully 1 good server keeping it fresh, the gear disparity shouldn't be nearly as great as it is now.

    This is something I hope Steven doesn't take from this game, not of fan of the gear system
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »
    I never played the game. I just looked up some recent gameplay footage on YouTube. And it's going to be hard no for me. Absolutely horrible sound design and visual effects. I also cannot stand eastern game design. But that's just me.

    it's a 10 year old game made on a 20 year old engine, what did you expect

    GW2 does a good job on both visual and sound for an older game ;) And that's even older.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »
    I never played the game. I just looked up some recent gameplay footage on YouTube. And it's going to be hard no for me. Absolutely horrible sound design and visual effects. I also cannot stand eastern game design. But that's just me.

    it's a 10 year old game made on a 20 year old engine, what did you expect

    GW2 does a good job on both visual and sound for an older game ;) And that's even older.

    I personally prefer Archeages visuals and sounds over GW2 - but that may well be because I have spent more time (and had a significantly greater amount of fun) in Archeage than I ever had in GW2.
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »
    Liniker wrote: »
    I never played the game. I just looked up some recent gameplay footage on YouTube. And it's going to be hard no for me. Absolutely horrible sound design and visual effects. I also cannot stand eastern game design. But that's just me.

    it's a 10 year old game made on a 20 year old engine, what did you expect

    GW2 does a good job on both visual and sound for an older game ;) And that's even older.

    I personally prefer Archeages visuals and sounds over GW2 - but that may well be because I have spent more time (and had a significantly greater amount of fun) in Archeage than I ever had in GW2.

    Ya I totally agree, I actually got into Archeage way later than most, back when it just started the Unchained version, I'm not going to lie, I never saw it before and I thought it was a new game. The you tube videos do it no justice as far as graphics at all.
  • XenotorXenotor Member, Alpha Two
    No more Arch age for me.
    They completly screwed both normal arch age and unchained.
    Breaking promises left and right.

    In stat i can highly recommend Foxhole.

    Foxhole 1.0 will come out on 28.09 with a massive update.

    Trailer from 2017

    Inferno update :

    Review by Stealthfox

    Rounds can go from a couple days for over a month.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Xenotor wrote: »
    Foxhole 1.0 will come out on 28.09 with a massive update.
    Oh shit! Might have to come back to it. Played a bit of it a year ago and loved it but fell off due to "reasons". Imo foxhole is one of the best "players do everything in the game" games out there. Intrepid should definitely look at it for any potential potholes of this kind of design direction.
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Xenotor wrote: »
    No more Arch age for me.
    They completly screwed both normal arch age and unchained.
    Breaking promises left and right.

    In stat i can highly recommend Foxhole.

    Foxhole 1.0 will come out on 28.09 with a massive update.

    Trailer from 2017

    Inferno update :

    Review by Stealthfox

    Rounds can go from a couple days for over a month.
    Xenotor wrote: »
    No more Arch age for me.
    They completly screwed both normal arch age and unchained.
    Breaking promises left and right.

    In stat i can highly recommend Foxhole.

    Foxhole 1.0 will come out on 28.09 with a massive update.

    Trailer from 2017

    Inferno update :

    Review by Stealthfox

    Rounds can go from a couple days for over a month.

    While Foxhole looks like a cool game, it has no relevance to Ashes of Creation's development. That's the only reason I posted Archeage simply because it's mostly inspired from it, so people who haven't played AoC, or lineage 2 or Archeage might get some undertanding of some of the mechanics they might be seeing or where some of his vision came from. but I appreciate the post nonetheless.
  • Xenotor wrote: »
    No more Arch age for me.
    They completly screwed both normal arch age and unchained.
    Breaking promises left and right.

    Pretty much that. I tried unchained and it was just as much of a shitshow as Archage was. P2W, bot infestation and incompetence inside and outside of the game by the publisher/ developer. Being excited about that is beyond me.
    Have some respect for yourself and use your time better, like staring at a blank wall.
    I can be a life fulfilling dream. - Zekece
    I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    grisu wrote: »
    Xenotor wrote: »
    No more Arch age for me.
    They completly screwed both normal arch age and unchained.
    Breaking promises left and right.

    Pretty much that. I tried unchained and it was just as much of a shitshow as Archage was. P2W, bot infestation and incompetence inside and outside of the game by the publisher/ developer. Being excited about that is beyond me.
    Have some respect for yourself and use your time better, like staring at a blank wall.

    I can appreciate you tried the game, and it wasn't for you. That being said coming in here and telling me to "have some respect for myself" because of something you haven't kept up with, don't like is just rude.

    I could careless if you play, I get nothing out of this other than giving people a option for something to play, like the foxhole game above coming soon, or the new warcraft expansion.

    So have some respect for yourself next time and try not to be a douche, as hard as that might be.
  • There is a big difference between "not for you" and getting lied to your face. Downplaying it to "you didn't keep up with it now" is just telling. They had all the opportunity to change from the experience they had with Archage and still delivered Unchained the way they did as well as all the "unforseeable mistakes" they happily made with it, but an "informed" person like you knows all about the history of Archeage and the several restart>s< since then.
    Yet, despite that history you advocate for it. I'm sure the 10th time is the charm with a new publisher paint on it, because kakao games has such a good track record.
    Archeworld is also right there for you to enjoy. kekw

    I'm okay being labeled a douche by someone like that. You enjoy your game and keep being part of the problem.
    I can be a life fulfilling dream. - Zekece
    I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
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