Idea for item deconstruction mechanics

According to recent livestreams and the wiki, "Specific and necessary crafting materials for higher tier items can only be obtained through the deconstruction of lower-tier items. This is designed to keep lower tier crafted gear relevant through progression and across expansions." An interesting idea for this mechanic might be to add an additional, growable statistic to each lower tier crafter weapon. For example: suppose a high tier sword that has a life-steal effect requires blood drenched weapon fragments to craft. These fragments might come from a lower tiered sword that you can deconstruct. However, we can add the stipulation that the weapon must have killed at least 500 enemies to guarantee this crafting component drop. Rather than making this a requirement in obtaining this material, this can be an optional way to guarantee that this component drops. This would also cause lower-tier weapons that new players use to have higher value, which gives new players a way to contribute meaningfully to the economy, despite having fewer resources than more experienced and active players.


  • The blood/kill idea is cool.

    I think a lot of stuff will be sorta like chemistry though. Disintegrated and alchemized into something useful. Scientific in some way.
  • Only time will tell before we see what the 'components' we receive upon deconstruction will be. Hard to balance it before then

    Founder and Guild Leader of -Providence-
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