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Just been thinking of the depth we can go with Guilds and the Artisan system

LordXpLordXp Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
I have a lot of time at work to just think about things and when I listen to AoC Podcasts I get pretty in depth with my thoughts. This past week I've been thinking about how far Guilds and the Artisan System can go.

I see tons of Guild Recruitment posts all over about PvX style and wanting to be competitive for castles and the such. But something I haven't seen is making specific guilds just for a specific artisan trees. Imagine a guild that is formed with the specific intention to open a tavern somewhere. You and your guildmates split up the duties evenly so one part isn't too heavily worked on or depended on if lacking in another area. Can apply this to ship builders or blacksmiths. You can start any specific business model you want depending on the artisan class you want to focus on. This of course applies to guilds who want to make money for their personal adventures and aren't chasing a castle or anything.

I even thought of some fun idea if you're just a solo player and happen to be a fisherman. You could log on and advertise charter fishing trips for people. You know where a good fishing spawn spot is so you take them out on your boat for a small fee and maybe even lend them some bait if they run out. Of course this doesn't require a guild, but something to keep in mind.

I very much like the idea of moving your tavern guild to a metropolis and setting up shop after saving up tons of gold in a previous level 3 zone and hiring more employees to help keep the tavern going all throughout the various hours of the day.

What are you thoughts or input. How would you want to form a guild like this and have it run?


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    I wouldnt want to farm a guild like this or have it run at all.
    You merely are kneecapping yourself by doing this. You want others to have a different profession, so you can profit of the abilities of the others while mitigating what they cant do through your own.
    You dont need 20 Blacksmiths, you need 1 (maybe 2 or 3 if the game is designed that way). With 20 you merely steal each others resources and business, inhibiting your own profit potential.
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    LordXpLordXp Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Warth wrote: »
    I wouldnt want to farm a guild like this or have it run at all.
    You merely are kneecapping yourself by doing this. You want others to have a different profession, so you can profit of the abilities of the others while mitigating what they cant do through your own.
    You dont need 20 Blacksmiths, you need 1 (maybe 2 or 3 if the game is designed that way). With 20 you merely steal each others resources and business, inhibiting your own profit potential.

    Sorry I thought I made it clear. I mean that your guild has all three branches of an artisan tree. The gathering, the processing, and the crafting. Your guild will do the whole thing from start to finish. Then you guys sell it at a stall and split gold evenly either daily or weekly. Of course if people become inactive, kick them from the guild and replace them to ensure the people doing the work are actually getting rewarded.
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    Well then you should go onto the discord once more because crafting focused guilds arent uncommon at all.
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