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Rogue stealth and spotting system

I keep thinking about something Steven said in a recent q&a on the dev stream. The question was something about turning down ground clutter, and Steven said (I'm paraphrasing here because im too lazy to go look it up) "Players will not be able to turn down ground clutter because it is necessary for other game systems".

I remember a year or whatever ago, there was a clip of a rogue where, when in "stealth", the player model looked like the predator. I hated that, and I was convinced that was not going to be the final iteration of sneaking around.

So, maybe the system Steven is referring to is the rogue stealth system, like the rogue is "invisible" like in WoW, but a sharp observer can see them because of the moving grass, and /or the sound of their footsteps? The thought gets me so fucking hyped!! I am really hoping for rogue stealth mechanic that is based in the class fantasy of actually being sneaky! I hope that successfully being sneaky is aptly rewarded.

On that note though, I would like to point out that I did not see water ripple from player movement in the ranger reveal, so I hope they add that if this is their development path.

On a side note, a lot of games have the player leave a footstep trail. It would be awesome if players left footprints that faded after a time, as a rogue stealth mechanic (not on all surfaces, maybe different durations for different surfaces), and hunters could have a spell that highlighted them or something....just day dreamin, lol! So hyped!


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    I'm used to complete invisibility for rogues, so anything more visible would be fine with me. I personally prefer the "predator" look to the environmental hints, mainly because during huge fights ya won't see the ground so rogues would be completely invisible and iirc Intrepid don't want that. "Predator" mode would still be visible if you know what to look out for.
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    I want what heroes of the storm used to have, the Predator approach. The left side of this gif.

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    @Sathrago I feel like that is pretty noticeable, but i have no experience with that style either though, so perhaps its harder to notice when you don't know its there. I would prefer a system where being sneaky is more than just hitting the sneak button and walking around.
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    Based on what we know today, I hope you like Kevin Peter Hall.
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    Nuub wrote: »
    @Sathrago I feel like that is pretty noticeable, but i have no experience with that style either though, so perhaps its harder to notice when you don't know its there. I would prefer a system where being sneaky is more than just hitting the sneak button and walking around.

    from a distance its impossible to spot, once you are closer, i am assuming it will be easier to see if they are moving around, but if they hold still with something behind them like a bush or something similar, it could be very hard to notice even up close assuming you are unaware the rogue is nearby.
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    SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited October 2022
    Some people dismissively suggested SCUM to me on this forum before now, and after rechecking the steam page today they have some good features that could go in Ashes.

    1. If the character can't see it in first person, then third person shows a blurry version of the environment and no 'entities'.
    This can work to have a blurry environment behind a person and behind objects. I'd prefer the visual difference between "not visible to character" and "visible to character" to be higher than in SCUM, so more-and-quicker blur and a slight 'fog of war' or 'shadow' effect would be good.

    2. Entities stealthed in bushes or tall grass, even when the grass or bush is not impressively obfuscative to others with lower graphics settings, will not send their information to the other person's client. They will not 'spawn in' as an entity on the low graphic setting person's client. Basically, true stealth.

    3. This is also based on the character's 'Awareness' level (skill) and whether they are 'Focused' or not and whether the stealthed enemy is in the center of the screen or periphery. Focus zooms a person in a bit and consumes a little stamina over time.
    'Awareness' highlights useful objects within a certain distance based on skill level and whether they're Focused. The skill is based on Intelligence which is OK.

    These are pretty good stealth/ awareness mechanics so I hope they feature in Ashes of Creation. No clue why people would be against a legit Class Fantasy lmao. . .
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